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Sylvian is a nation led by Archdruid Athtar Presgolor on the continent of South America. Sylvian's government is a Theocracy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Sylvian favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Sylvian is the Dollar. At 36 days old, Sylvian is an established nation. Sylvian has a population of 926,267 and a land area of 11,650.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 79.51. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is seriously lacking with an approval rating of 18.3554%.

Nation composed of wood elven tribes settled down in the Amazon Rain forest. Gathered around druidic circles which aim to preserve the natural order.


After having joined the Prethoryn Scourge they became more agresive in their ways. Twarting the expansion of civilization thru war and raiding, using whatever they scavange to grow their wooden realms even further. Yet, their story is just begining...


War History:

The Library: War fought over Library's agresion on one of the Scourge's protectoriats.

Ensing in general Scourge's Victory. The young nation of Sylvian having been unable to asist much due to relatively low city amount. Yet, together with Kingdome of Katon having manadged to take down the nation of Stormwind.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Sylvian
Leader Name: Athtar Presgolor
Nation ID: 669261
Founded: 01/24/2025 (36 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 57 minutes ago
Discord Username:jaslawonon
Unique ID: 8b84e07bee321f8e0bcda7415
International Relations
Alliance: The Fremen Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:11 days
Color Trade Bloc: BlackStar
Commendations: 10
Denouncements: 4
Nation Page Visits: 1,147
Population: 926,267
Infrastructure: 7,839.38
Land Area: 11,650 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 79.51 people/sq. mi
GDP: $510,913,864.00
GDP per Capita: $551.58
GNI: $-193,915,375.00
Economic Policies: Extreme Left
Currency: Currency Image Dollar
Government Type: Theocracy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Moderate
State Religion: Druidism Druidism
National Animal: National Animal ImageOryx
Approval Rating: 18% (18.36)
Pollution Index: 6 points
Radiation Index: 192.78 R (Global: 264.47 R)
Nation Rank: #3,598 of 11,247 Nations (31.99%)
Nation Score: More Information 1,478.29
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 24,799.66
Infrastructure Lost: 4,778.00
Money Looted: $410,680,478.32
Wars Won: 52
Wars Lost: 0

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

8 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
02/28 08:30 am - Sylvian had war declared by Union Federation for the reason of "Your flag colors clash with our aesthetic. This means war!".
02/28 06:57 am - Sylvian declared war on Sault Tribe for the reason of "Man or Machine?".
02/28 06:54 am - Sylvian declared war on Huanjing for the reason of "Man or Machine?".
02/28 12:19 am - Sylvian declared war on Landia and Quebec for the reason of "Man or Machine?".
02/28 12:17 am - Sylvian declared war on Warschaw Pact for the reason of "Man or Machine?".
02/27 04:35 pm - Athtar Presgolor built a new project: Intelligence Agency
02/26 10:21 am - Sylvian has publicly commended the nation of Grenio led by Noir De Markus.
02/26 10:19 am - Noir De Markus of Grenio has publicly commended the nation of Sylvian.
02/26 09:36 am - Sylvian declared war on Tsardom of Klenovia for the reason of "You thought diz zhit funni huh? Nuw u gittin jumpt [Counter for attacking Theocan] Early ''Man or Machine for you...''".
02/25 12:29 am - Sylvian declared war on Islam for the reason of "Man or Machine?".
02/25 12:26 am - Sylvian declared war on Psions of Science for the reason of "Man or Machine?".
02/24 11:54 pm - Sylvian declared war on Untied Nations for the reason of "Man or Machine?".
02/21 10:26 pm - The embargo on Sylvian placed by Sanctimonia has ended.
02/21 04:31 pm - Sylvian was embargoed by Sanctimonia.
02/21 04:30 pm - Dan Stern of Sanctimonia has publicly denounced the nation of Sylvian.
02/21 03:32 am - Sylvian had war declared by Golden kingdom for the reason of "counter".
02/18 08:03 pm - Sylvian declared war on Sanctimonia for the reason of "Your citizens are too happy. Time to bring some chaos.".
02/18 01:16 pm - Sylvian declared war on Vallyrian Empire for the reason of "Your memes are outdated. Prepare for battle.".
02/18 01:15 pm - Sylvian declared war on Moroc Kingdom for the reason of "You threw shade, and now I'm throwing tanks. Hope you're ready, sis.".
02/18 01:14 pm - Sylvian declared war on Freder for the reason of "Hasta la vista, baby!".
02/18 12:46 pm - Sylvian declared war on Zarraka for the reason of "Economic inequality thrives under your rule. We declare war for the oppressed.".
02/18 12:33 pm - fime approved Sylvian's alliance application and set their alliance permissions to the default member position.
02/18 12:32 pm - Sylvian applied to join the alliance The Fremen.
02/18 12:30 pm - Sylvian left the alliance The Prethoryn Scourge.
02/18 12:11 pm - Sylvian has publicly commended the nation of Alskin Germania led by Wofermein Zaer.
02/17 07:06 am - Athtar Presgolor built a new project: Propaganda Bureau
02/16 06:48 am - King Doha IV of Imperial Astral Republic has publicly commended the nation of Sylvian.
02/15 09:48 pm - Sylvian declared war on Republic Of Georgia for the reason of "You brought this on yourself".
02/15 09:46 pm - Sylvian declared war on Alskin Germania for the reason of "This, is, SPARTA!".
02/15 09:43 pm - Sylvian declared war on The Colonial for the reason of "Dead men taste like chicken.".
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
4 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
Propaganda Bureau
Propaganda Bureau is a national project that increases your military unit recruitment rate.
Research and Development Center
Research and Development Center increases the nation's National Project slots by 2.