Den Frie Republikken Eldsvikandria is a nation led by Statsminister Magnus Haaland on the continent of Europe. Den Frie Republikken Eldsvikandria's government is a Constitutional Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, Den Frie Republikken Eldsvikandria favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Den Frie Republikken Eldsvikandria is the Krona. At 41 days old, Den Frie Republikken Eldsvikandria is an established nation. Den Frie Republikken Eldsvikandria has a population of 1,535,208 and a land area of 14,410.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 106.54. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 61.3336%.
Den Frie Republikken Eldsvikandria er ein sjølvstendig konstitusjonell republikk i sørvestlege Noreg, med område i Rogaland, Hordaland (no ein del av Vestland) og Agder. Bygd på prinsippa om demokrati, rettferd og berekraft, forpliktar Eldsvikandria seg til sosial likskap, miljøvern og økonomisk rettferd.
Styresmaktene er delte mellom den nasjonale forsamlinga, som vedtar lover, regjeringa, leia av statsministeren og kabinettet, og ein uavhengig rettsinstans, som vernar grunnlova. Staten garanterer gratis utdanning, helsevesen og offentlege tenester, noko som sikrar eit rettferdig og inkluderande samfunn.
Eldsvikandria sitt økonomiske system kombinerer fornybar energi, teknologisk innovasjon og berekraftig ressursforvaltning, og balanserer velstand med økologisk ansvar. Industrien er strengt regulert for å verne naturen, medan Krona støttar ein økonomi der arbeidsrettar, rettferdige løner og sosial tryggleik er prioriterte.
Forsvaret er bygd på territoriell tryggleik og strategisk avskrekking. Verneplikt styrkjer både det sivile og militære forsvaret. Land-, sjø- og luftstyrkar vernar handelsruter og nasjonal suverenitet, medan cybersikkerheit og digital motstandskraft står sentralt. Eldsvikandria er aktiv medlem i Global Alliance & Treaty Organization (GATO), noko som styrkjer diplomatiske og militære band med allierte nasjonar.
Kulturelt heidrar Eldsvikandria sin norrøne og samiske arv, samtidig som landet forsvarar moderne sosiale verdiar. Lova garanterer menneskerettar, likekjønna ekteskap og sosial tryggleik, noko som sikrar fridom og verdigheit for alle innbyggjarar. Eit omfattande velferdssystem sikrar tilgang til helsetenester, utdanning og grunnleggande inntekt, og fremjar stabilitet og moglegheiter for alle.
Som ein framtidsretta nasjon, står Eldsvikandria som eit førebilete på berekraft, rettferd og motstandskraft, dedikert til å verne både folket og miljøet, samtidig som landet styrkjer internasjonale alliansar og samarbeid.
Frijjda Respublik Eldsvikandria lea sihke aktanassjalas ja álgij republikkav, mij stáhtáj vuonan Noråjgas, ja gisoduv Ruoŧŧa, Hårrudallna (dál Vestland) ja Ágder. Jagen l guossáj demokrátja, várrudallam ja vuosttasvásstáduss, Eldsvikandria vuolde sievnjalas sájvva, birásvuohta ja ekonomálas vuosttasvásstáduss.
Stáhtav lågojassjalas sijdav, gus Násjunál Låggemkonsse vidjá lágoj, ålmmukstahtav stáhtam Statsminister ja kabinettav rájes, ja álggimussan dárruhus, mij guorahallá grunnlågoj. Stáhtav buktá friddja skoallav, buorre válldovájttsa ja oassejålggodum, mij dåssjuvá vuosttasvásstádussá ja sihke suohkan.
Eldsvikandria ekonomálas vuogádav biejvij oassálas energiija, teknologálas åvdås ja guorrinvuosttas birásstáhtádum, mij dåssjuvá olátsállvassá ja birásvuohtav. Industrijav sáddev buorebut birásdåj, ja Krona buktá vuogádav gudi gåktu bargoj rájádussij, buorre várásassij ja sievnjalas sihke.
Stáhtadárbbáj vuole gudágassá ja dåjmusav. Ålbmådtjiej giesij vuosttasvásstáduss dåssjuvá bargotjiej, sjaddátja ja lufta guovláj ja várálgij kiptjalusj guovloj ja stáhtav suodjalusj, ja cyber-suohtastallam ja digitalas guorredárbbáj lav gudi vállje. Eldsvikandria lea Global Alliance & Treaty Organization (GATO) lidnoj, mij dåssjuvá diplomátjá ja suodjalusj sadájt.
Kulturálas, Eldsvikandria siebman vuona ja sáme árbbáj, ja stáhtav ráhkadá álggimussan ájgge vuosttasvásstádussij. Lágoj buktá álbmuk rettjij, ájggájoarkkaj ja ållesgájálav, ja buorrev álbmogis. Sievnjalas sihke-vuosttasvásstáduss dahká sievnjalas buorre válldovájttsa, skoallav ja olátsállvassá, ja dåssjuvá sievnjalas álbmogij.
Aksjonav gudi ájn vuosttas, Eldsvikandria ståbma siepmestallam, vuosttasvásstádussaj ja dåjmusav, ja mij tjadá suodjalit sievnjalas álbmogij ja birás, ja dåssjuvá buorre alliansaj ja lidnuj.
The Free Republic of Eldsvikandria is a sovereign constitutional republic in southwestern Norway, encompassing parts of Rogaland, Hordaland (now part of Vestland), and Agder. Founded on the principles of democracy, justice, and sustainability, Eldsvikandria is committed to social equality, environmental protection, and economic fairness.
The government is structured with a National Assembly that legislates, an executive branch led by the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and an independent judiciary that upholds the constitution. The state guarantees free education, healthcare, and public services, ensuring a fair and inclusive society.
Eldsvikandria’s economic model blends renewable energy, technological innovation, and sustainable resource management, balancing prosperity with ecological responsibility. Industry is strictly regulated to protect natural landscapes, while the Krona supports an economy that prioritizes workers’ rights, fair wages, and social security.
National defense is rooted in territorial security and strategic deterrence. Mandatory service strengthens both civil and military defense. Land, naval, and air forces protect trade routes and national sovereignty, while cybersecurity and digital resilience remain key priorities. Eldsvikandria is an active member of the Global Alliance & Treaty Organization (GATO), strengthening diplomatic and military ties with allied nations.
Culturally, Eldsvikandria honors its Norse and Sami heritage while championing modern social values. The nation’s laws guarantee human rights, marriage equality, and social protections, ensuring freedom and dignity for all citizens. A comprehensive welfare system secures access to healthcare, education, and basic income, fostering stability and opportunity for all.
As a nation of the future, Eldsvikandria stands as a model of sustainability, fairness, and resilience, dedicated to protecting both its people and the environment while fostering strong international alliances and cooperation.
“Eg avlegg eid om truskap til Eldsvikandria,
nasjonen bygd på styrke og arv,
der fjella reiser seg som vaktar og havet
ber vår lagnad.
Med ære og pliktkjensle står eg saman
med vårt folk,
for å verne vår kultur, vår suverenitet og
våre verdiar.
I lojalitet, visdom og fellesskap vil eg alltid
handle til det beste for nasjonen,
og tene Eldsvikandria med urokkelig
“Mun avlláj bivttastusa Eldsvikandrijda,
sånna ålbmuk mij basadum ja árbbáj,
gå fjällgat dåbdåt guovloj ja jávrrat
basadit mijá vájmmo.
Av tjirrej ja vuosttasvásstádusj, mun stuojám
vuostta áj mijá álbmuk,
för guorret mijá kultuvrra, sijddo ja
våre värtte.
Av lojalitehtta, viessom ja gaskaboddus,
mun ájn dagáv
bargat mijá stáhtaj vuosttas,
ja baktu Eldsvikandrijda aj dagáv
damasguovlás vuosttasvásstádusav.”
View Nation Factbook | View Nation
National Factbook | |
Flag: |
![]() |
Nation Name: | Eldsvikandria |
Leader Name: | Magnus Haaland |
Currency: |
![]() Krona |
National Animal: |
![]() Golden eagle |
History: | Den Frie Republikken Eldsvikandria traces its roots to Norse settlers who established trading posts and agricultural communities. Influenced by Scandinavian culture, the nation values equality, sustainability, and social progress. We are defined by peaceful independence and its commitment to democratic governance and environmental stewardship. |
Geography | |
Continent: | Europe |
Land Area: | 23,190.59 sq. km |
Terrain: | Characterized by fjords, rugged coastlines, towering mountains, and lush valleys. Dense forests cover much of the inland, while fertile plains are used for farming. |
Highest Peak: | Fjellheimen, 2,540 meters |
Lowest Valley: | Lyngedal, 4 meters |
Climate: | A cool temperate climate, with mild summers and cold, snowy winters. Coastal regions experience frequent rainfall and strong winds, while inland areas have colder winters and drier conditions. |
People & Society | |
Population: | 1,535,208 people |
Demonym: | Eldsvikander |
Demonym Plural: | Eldsvikandere |
Ethnic Groups: | Norwegian - 74.6% Sami - 20.0% Other Nordic (Danish, Swedish, Finnish) - 5.4% |
Languages: | Norwegian - 90.0% Sami - 7.0% English - 3.0% |
Religions: | - 0.0% |
Health | |
Life Expectancy: | 82 years |
Obesity: | 15% |
Alcohol Users: | 70% |
Tobacco Users: | 15% |
Cannabis Users: | 60% |
Hard Drug Users: | 0% |
Economy | |
Description: | The economy is driven by sustainable industries such as renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, and high-tech innovation. Fishing, forestry, and tourism are also key contributors, alongside robust social welfare systems. |
Average Yearly Income: | $113.82 |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): | $1,840,632,272.00 |
GDP per Capita: | $1,198.95 |
Gross National Income (GNI): | $1,162,766,265.00 |
Industries: | Renewable Energies (Wind), Advanced Manufacturing (Green Technologies).Fishing and Aquaculture. Forestry and Paper Production. Tourism (Nature-based and Heritage). |
Military | |
History: | Den Frie Republikken Eldsvikandria, as a newly founded nation, is in the early stages of building its military forces. The government has prioritized the development of a capable and efficient defense system tailored to the nation’s needs and terrain. The army currently operates Leopard 2A5 main battle tanks and wheeled armored personnel carriers, emphasizing mobility and adaptability in arctic and mountainous conditions. Efforts are underway to expand artillery capabilities and establish a reliable logistics network to support future operations. The navy focuses on maritime security with Hobart-class frigates for air and missile defense. Although small, the fleet ensures the protection of coastal waters and trade routes. Plans are in place to enhance naval capabilities through future acquisitions of submarines and mine-warfare vessels. The air force, though limited, operates multirole fighters such as the F-35 Lightning II, ensuring air defense and reconnaissance capabilities. Investments in training and infrastructure aim to strengthen the air force’s readiness and operational capacity. Eldsvikandria is also establishing a specialized force trained for arctic, mountain, and rapid-response missions. These elite units will play a critical role in the nation’s defense strategy. Recognizing the importance of modern warfare, the nation is laying the groundwork for cyber defense capabilities to protect critical infrastructure and maintain national security in the digital age. The military’s doctrine focuses on defense, deterrence, and the protection of territorial integrity and national resources. Despite its nascent state, Eldsvikandria is committed to building a modern, sustainable, and self-reliant military to ensure the safety and prosperity of its citizens. Through strategic planning and partnerships, the nation strives to establish itself as a secure and resilient state. |
Soldiers: | 96,856 |
Tanks: | 2,250 |
Aircraft: | 279 |
Ships: | 47 |
Missiles: | 0 |
Nuclear Weapons: | 0 |
Last Updated: 02/18/2025 02:16 pm |