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Veridonia is a nation led by King Philippe V on the continent of Europe. Veridonia's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, Veridonia favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Veridonia is the Franc. At 68 days old, Veridonia is an established nation. Veridonia has a population of 2,101,757 and a land area of 17,058.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 123.21. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 59.4205%.

Veridonia, officially, the kingdom of Veridonia, is a small island nation in the mediterranian sea. It is a constitutional monarchy currently under the Auroris Dynasty with its capital being Auroris.
The current governemnt of the nation is lead by a center-left coalition lead by PM Laurent Celieu, leader of the  Partì Social Democratique.

Celieu government




Prime Minister

Laurent Celieu



Jacques Holland


Finance and Economy

François Delacour


Foreign Affairs

Marie Parionne



Valentin Dubois


Education and research

Emilié Zola



Oskar Savauge



Charlotte Beniwoll



Alistair Tenpenny



Paul de Marchand
(26th Marquis de Marchand)


Ecological transition

Amilcar Barqua


Speaker of the House of Deputies

Paul Sancerre


Speaker of the House of Peers

Juan Toras

(29th count of Solari)


The Royal Family possesses many national museums, which make the bulk of their income from which they pay taxes like the rest of the taxpayers as per a provision issued by Queen Elise "The Great" in 1860 called "The concessions 1860", issued by royal decree. The crown thus pays income and Landowner's tax on their estates which includes the Royal palace of Auroris, Castle Auroris and the Lucerys Estate, three of the most visited Royal Estates in the country.

Auroris Palace (Royal Palace)


The Royal Palace, or The Auroris Palace, is the official residence of the royal family and where most official ceremonies involving mostly the King and the rest of the family are held, but it can also host ceremonies involving the government. Despite its central location in the Capital city the Palace can boast huge Gardens and the Chapel of St. Nicholas which to this day houses the Sarcophagi of Queen Elise and her husband Ferdinand, directly connected to the famous Elise & Ferdinand Museum, which houses most of the Royal Collections not displayed inside the royal palace. Most of the palace is open to the public with the exeption of the private quarters meant for the royal family and the palace staff.

Castle Auroris


Castle Auroris is located near the fluvial docks of the city, in the old town, on a hill overlooking the city. It served as the headquarters of Veridonia when it was still a duchy between 1200 and 1615, when Veridonia became a Kingdom it serve as the Royal Palace until a newer one was constructed in the outskirts of what is now the old town nearing the end of the XVII century. Now it serves as a museum and it hosts the Crown Jewels when they aren't needed for official state affairs.

Lefebvre Palace (House of Deputies)


Palace Fortesque (House of Peers)


In one of the most central squares of Auroris, Fortesque Square, lies the beating hearts of the legislative powers of Veridonia: Lefebvre Palace and Fortesque Palace, placed facing each other the two palaces represent the lower and upper houses of parliament respectively. Constructed well before Veridonia's independence, when the country transitioned to Constitutional Monarchy the two palaces where chosen because of their central position, the monarchy relinquished owenership of the buildings to the government and they were readapted to better suit their new status: inside both Palaces was constructed a Hall for the seatings of the House of Deputies and the House of Peers. As Per constitutional provisions if the Monarch desires so he is permitted to preside over parliament, but only in the house of Peers as if the Monarch enters the House of Deputies, precendent dictates that the houses have been dissolved, as such joint sessions and the ceremonies that require them usually happen in Palace Fortesque.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Veridonia
Leader Name: Philippe V
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The Kingdom of Veridonia was founded in 1615 on 1st october, when king Philippe I (1615-1642) declared himself King of Veridonia after the wars of Idependence against the French crown. The Kingdom enjoyed relative prosperity and isolation from the rest of Europe up until the Early 1692, when Robert I (1692-1710) married his son and heir, the future Philippe III (1710-1740), to Princess Marie of France. The Veridonian Kingdom, altough small, sought grater cooperation with the broader european monarchies under Philippe and his successors, Armand II (1740-1762), Armand III (1762-1783) and Robert II (1783-1807). Veridonia married into many of the broader european royal families getting itself involved in the war of the third coalition. in 1805, at the battle of Verona, Prince Francis was killed in battle leaving the succession uncertain and forcing Veridonia to peace with Napoleon. The Humiliating peace brought about the Veridonian War of Succession (1805-1809). The conflict started with the August riots which lead to a military mutiny in the province of Ceros, which created the Ceros Republic, while the December Coup saw many Moderate royalists flee to the court of the King's second son, Leopold at the time Duke of Corallia. As the war raged King Louis (1807-1809) became King for the royalist forces and managed to hold back both the constitutionalists and the republicans for about two years until he was killed in the battle for Port Veridonia. Louis I, dubbed The Unfortunate, left no living offspring as he was 18 and thus Leopold, the head of the constitutionalist faction, became King of Veridonia as Leopold I. The war ended on the 27th October 1809 and on 25th December 1809 Veridonia officially became a constituional monarchy.
Veridonia has mostly been at peace, the only real conflict it engaged in after the war of succession was the First world war under Queen élise The Great (1860-1918), the first Queen Regnant of Veridonia.
Under its second Regnant Queen, Michelle (1962-2025), Veridonia saw a brief return to absolutism in 2011 during what is now called "The Month of Absolutism", after the crisis of 2008 had greatly effected the country and grew parliament's work to a standstill but thanks to the efforts of the Queen and her emergency cabinet along with the governents that have since succeeded the temporary absolute power of 2011 the Country was able to return to normalcy in the matters of economy and governance.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 27,452.12 sq. km
Highest Peak: Mt. Ignotus, 1,238 meters
Lowest Valley: Lushia Valley, -382 meters
People & Society
Population: 2,101,757 people
Demonym: Veridonian
Demonym Plural: Veridonians
Ethnic Groups: French - 72.7%
Spanish - 15.3%
Portuguese - 12.0%
Languages: French - 72.7%
Spanish - 15.3%
Portuguese - 12.0%
Religions: Catholicism - 87.9%
Protestantism - 10.5%
Islam - 1.6%
Life Expectancy: 84 years
Obesity: 13.9%
Alcohol Users: 60.9%
Tobacco Users: 49.5%
Cannabis Users: 14.7%
Hard Drug Users: 7%
Average Yearly Income: $75.74
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $2,838,841,876.00
GDP per Capita: $1,350.70
Gross National Income (GNI): $1,199,684,190.00
History: The Kingdom's armed forces were first established by King Philippe I during the wars of Independence (1610-1615) against France. With Aid from Spain, Portugal and England, but especially Spain, Veridonia managed to win and kept most of the aid given like milkitary equipment and naval ships along with some generals who decided to remain in Veridonia after the wars. The Kingdom's military never really engaged in any larger conflict in Europe until 1805, when the Kingdom was forced into the war of the Third Coalition. In October 1805 The Veridonian and Austrian forces were engaged in the Battle of Verona. Veridonian lost most of its men in the battle and its crown prince, Francis. King Robert II (1783-1805) was forced to sign a humiliatin peace treaty under the threat of invasion by Napoleon to retain his throne and independence.
The peace would trigger the third conflict the military would see: The war of Veridonian Succession (1805-1809).
The war triggeredwith two events: the November riots where most of the soldiers and popolace mutinied against the king on the island of Ceros, forming the Republic of Ceros; and the December Coup, intended to force the king to sign a constitution. While the November riots brought the military stationed in ceros under the cause of the republic, modt of it stayed with the King, until the december coup when another third of the military joined the Constitutionalists under his second son, Leopold, the duke of Corallia.
In the end the Cosntitutionalists won and enacted the constitution of 1809.
Lastly Veridonia participated, albeit in a recduced form, in World war I, sitting out of WWII granting asylum to refuugeed seeiking it.

The Veridonian Armed forces are composed of three main branches: The Royal Army, The Royal Navy and the Royal Airforce.
Both the Royal Army and Navy were created in 1610, when Veridonia was fighting its independence wars. Both small but relatively powerful the army's only loyalty is always the Monarch who is also their supreme commander and the only one who can grant military honours.
The airforce was established more recently in 1917, nearing the end of the Great War, an initiative by Prime Minister Felipe Lumos during his first administration with considerable help from the Royal Family, particularly the Queen (At the time the aging Elise The Great), who often visited construction for hangars and training of pilots.
Today the armed forces of Veridonia are relatively small, especially since the nation has been neutral in most conflicts since the first world war there was not much need for a huge military force and its leaders focused mostly on modernization.
Soldiers: 150,217
Tanks: 10,934
Aircraft: 825
Ships: 153
Missiles: 10
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 01/18/2025 01:01 am