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The National Union of Wregadania is a nation led by Supreme Leader Pema on the continent of Asia. The National Union of Wregadania's government is a Dictatorship with very fascist social policies. Economically, The National Union of Wregadania favors extremely right wing policies. The official currency of The National Union of Wregadania is the Cringy memories. At 95 days old, The National Union of Wregadania is a mature nation. The National Union of Wregadania has a population of 1,621,142 and a land area of 18,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 87.63. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

All ye need to know is in the factbook.


Date-17/02/2025 :pray:

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Wregadania
Leader Name: Pema
Currency: Currency Image
Cringy memories
National Animal: National Animal Image
Yo mom
History: Some 13 year old lifeless Bhutanese furfag signed up for P&W in December 1st in 2024 or smth like that.
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 29,772.79 sq. km
Terrain: Mountains, and hills, and valleys, and whatnot.
Highest Peak: Mt. Yourmoma, 5,833 meters
Lowest Valley: Geai Valley, 1,922 meters
Climate: Cold🥶🥶🥶
People & Society
Population: 1,621,142 people
Demonym: Wregadanian
Demonym Plural: Wregadanians
Ethnic Groups: Wregadanians - 69.0%
Bhutanese (all combined) - 30.0%
Indians - 1.0%
Languages: English - 89.0%
Dzongkha - 10.0%
Hindi - 1.0%
Religions: Pastafarianism - 69.5%
Buddhism - 25.1%
Bronies - 3.2%
Life Expectancy: 20 years
Obesity: 2%
Alcohol Users: 0.1%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: Raid, steal, and sell; Wregadania raids other nations and steal their resources and money. And sell them in the market, and buy the resources they needed from the money they looted.
Average Yearly Income: $441.04
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $757,417,211.00
GDP per Capita: $467.21
Gross National Income (GNI): $-157,309,890.00
Industries: Save for uranium farms, industry is non-existent as the nation relies completely on trade.
History: The Wregadanian National Armed Forces focuses mostly on the ground, although the Air Force and the Navy are still appreciated. Soldiers in the National Army are, more often then not, forced into suicide charges and human wave attacks as a last resort.
People are forced into military training through the United Wregadanian Youth, at the age of 9. After finishing their training AND academic studies at the age of 17, they would either permanently be a part of the Armed Forces or be a reserve and help with the domestic economy, health care, and whatnot.
The military act as the police in the state and are ruthless towards civilians.
Every soldier is forced to follow Pastafarianism.
Nothing happened in Gari Central Square, September 1st, 2107.
Soldiers: 240,000
Tanks: 16,058
Aircraft: 948
Ships: 82
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 01/28/2025 12:00 pm