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Loshiywana Xudrea

Loshiywana Xudrea is a nation led by Princess Reyna XX on the continent of Africa. Loshiywana Xudrea's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Loshiywana Xudrea favors moderate policies. The official currency of Loshiywana Xudrea is the Dollar. At 135 days old, Loshiywana Xudrea is a mature nation. Loshiywana Xudrea has a population of 1,213,974 and a land area of 21,650.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 56.07. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 56.3909%.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Loshiywana Xudrea
Leader Name: Reyna XX
Nation ID: 655807
Founded: 11/13/2024 (135 Days Old)
Last Activity: Last active on 03/13/2025
Discord Username:YourFriendlyCowboy
Unique ID: 98f4b9fdb7b085ac443820bae
International Relations
Alliance: None
Color Trade Bloc: The Beige Protection Bloc
Beige Turns Left: 22 (1.8 days)
Commendations: 4
Denouncements: 2
Nation Page Visits: 1,158
Population: 1,213,974
Infrastructure: 10,555.25
Land Area: 21,650 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 56.07 people/sq. mi
GDP: $706,399,061.00
GDP per Capita: $581.89
GNI: $390,834,335.00
Economic Policies: Moderate
Currency: Currency Image Dollar
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny Icon
Social Policies: Moderate
State Religion: Christianity Christianity
National Animal: National Animal ImageSheep
Approval Rating: 56% (56.39)
Pollution Index: 0 points
Radiation Index: 117.22 R (Global: 154.87 R)
OBL Team: Xudrea Warriors
Nation Rank: #3,786 of 11,510 Nations (32.89%)
Nation Score: More Information 1,265.88
War Policy: Help Arcane Arcane Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 15,833.11
Infrastructure Lost: 4,404.00
Money Looted: $248,464,592.24
Wars Won: 57
Wars Lost: 9

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

10 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
03/22 06:11 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea had war declared by Math for the reason of "Your flag is cute, but mine's better. Let's settle this in a totally extra way.".
03/22 06:00 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea had war declared by Hypocristan for the reason of "Your state exploits resources unsustainably. We intervene to protect the planet.".
03/22 06:00 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea had war declared by paciriot for the reason of "The will of the Senate is clear. War must come to those who oppose us.".
03/14 03:12 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea had war declared by asapnation for the reason of "The 1% in your nation controls too much wealth. We are going to war for the 99%.".
03/14 10:24 am - Loshiywana Xudrea had war declared by Carthage Nova for the reason of "Your citizens are too happy. Time to bring some chaos.".
03/14 08:23 am - Quintus Maximus of New Roman Republic has publicly denounced the nation of Loshiywana Xudrea.
03/13 06:42 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea had war declared by North Burma for the reason of "I don't like you".
03/13 05:25 pm - Tiberius Aurion removed Reyna XX from the alliance Empire of the Romans. They previously had the position: Roman Equites Class.
03/12 08:26 pm - Josev Antonio of Josevia has publicly commended the nation of Loshiywana Xudrea.
03/08 09:38 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on Hustriallon for the reason of "Luke... I am your father.".
02/17 06:04 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea founded a new city, Protector del mar.
02/06 06:04 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea founded a new city, Île du Coeur.
02/04 10:09 am - Hargaryean of Westeross has publicly commended the nation of Loshiywana Xudrea.
01/28 05:38 pm - Lucilla changed the alliance position of Loshiywana Xudrea from applicant to Roman Equites Class.
01/20 03:01 am - Loshiywana Xudrea changed their Color Trade Bloc from Lime to Purple.
01/19 01:43 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea had war declared by Asgar for the reason of "Veni, vidi, vici. Now, we shall conquer your lands as we did before.".
01/18 03:01 am - Quintus Maximus of New Roman Republic has publicly commended the nation of Loshiywana Xudrea.
01/16 10:31 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on Minnesotia for the reason of "You denounced me? War. Like, who even does that?!".
01/16 10:30 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on Altus for the reason of "Your country is a total mess. Sad! Time to go to war, and we'll win like never before.".
01/16 10:30 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on Wendheim for the reason of "Your nation has too many goats. We demand balance in the universe.".
01/16 10:30 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on The Kingdom of Porthmadog for the reason of "Your system is rigged against the people. We cannot stand by.".
01/16 10:30 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on Ukraine for the reason of "By the gods, your insolence cannot go unpunished.".
01/15 07:18 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea applied to join the alliance Empire of the Romans.
01/14 08:31 pm - Aria Lunara removed Loshiywana Xudrea from the alliance The Enterprise.
01/14 07:20 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on The Socialist Republic for the reason of "Trying an interplanetary expansion experiment, nbd".
01/14 07:19 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on The holy republic of Europe for the reason of "*Pirate noises intensifies*".
01/14 07:19 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on Astralis for the reason of "You brought this on yourself".
01/14 07:18 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on Aldaraan for the reason of "Trying an interplanetary expansion experiment, nbd".
01/14 07:17 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea declared war on Lancre for the reason of "The working class of your country deserves better. We fight for them".
01/14 07:08 pm - Loshiywana Xudrea founded a new city, L'Isola del Cuore.
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
2 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.