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Weimar Germany

Achievement Showcase


The 8th United Federation of Weimar Germany is a nation led by President Frederic Blakehardt on the continent of Europe. The 8th United Federation of Weimar Germany's government is a Federal Republic with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, The 8th United Federation of Weimar Germany favors extremely right wing policies. The official currency of The 8th United Federation of Weimar Germany is the Reichsmark. At 150 days old, The 8th United Federation of Weimar Germany is a mature nation. The 8th United Federation of Weimar Germany has a population of 2,351,774 and a land area of 12,150.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 193.56. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Official Information Page of the 8th Federation of Weimar Germany

RP Status : Not canon in the RP world. Plans are to not be canon until recognized by at least 5 countries in the canon of the RP world.


Name : The 8th United Federation of Weimar Germany

Nickname : Weimar Germany/The federation/8th Federation

Government : Federal Republic

Ideology : Democracy

President : Frederic Blakehardt, son of Blake Zakuro

Vice President : Christoph Taschner

Slogan : "Gott Mitt Uns!" | Translation : God with us!

State Religion : Protestant Christianity

Location of the Parliament : Weimar

Official State Map : [cry about it roleplayers]


NOTE : Too lazy to make my actual canon map, but here you go

Number of States : 5

Number of Political Parties : 4

Political parties :

U.D.F - United Democratic Font [Current Party]

N.R.L - New Republican League

N.P.P - National Progressive Party
N.W.L - National Workers League

Diplomacy :

None yet, WIP


Population : 2,273,696 

Land area : 12,150 sq. miles

GDP : $1,849,990,991.00

GDPPC : $813.65

GNI : $356,049,835.00

Currency : Reichsmark [5 RMK = 1 USD]

Pollution Index : 0


Number of cities  : 11



Soldiers : 165,000

Tanks : 13,500

Aircraft : 825

Ships : 0

Spies : ██

Missiles : 14

Nuclear Devices : 0

Published by : The Federal Ministry of Foreign Relations and Bulletins

In cooperation : The Federal Ministry of National Defence and Homeland Security and The Federal Ministry of National Census

Note : Did I miss something? Probably, will update once i get braincells

View Nation Factbook | View Nation

National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Weimar Germany
Leader Name: Frederic Blakehardt
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Bald eagle
History: From the early times to the 1st federation, the Weimar German people never thought a once infamous country, known for its inflation and military weakness, gave power to a strong dictator which took over Europe, would come back. But that dream has been re-established. The 2nd Federation was born somewhere in 2100. The 2nd Federation was successful, bringing equality and military strength to the federation, but was destroyed once our leader resigned. The 3rd and 4th Federations following them was short lived and died quickly. The 5th one was an infamous one, with a Furry civil war happening in the country. We did not over come the furry threat, hence the 6th Federation was born. The 6th was short lived too, being a simple escape in Qatar. Soon enough, the 7th came. It had a communist revolution which eventually led to the collapse of itself, due to stagnation of revenue. And after many, many months [or years], the people of Weimar Germany persevered and the 8th was born, leading itself to glory once more.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 19,553.48 sq. km
Terrain: Flat in the north, hilly in the south and mountainous in the south-east.
Highest Peak: Mt. Zugspitze, 2,965 meters
Lowest Valley: Neuendorf-Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, -3 meters
Climate: Temperate, rainy and sunny.
People & Society
Population: 2,351,774 people
Demonym: Weimar German
Demonym Plural: Weimar Germans
Ethnic Groups: German - 94.7%
Polish - 0.2%
Russian - 0.1%
Languages: German - 91.6%
English - 5.4%
Traditional German - 3.0%
Religions: Protestant Christian - 97.0%
Catholic Christian - 2.6%
Eastern Orthodoxy - 0.4%
Life Expectancy: 87 years
Obesity: 8.4%
Alcohol Users: 38.9%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: The Federation has a capitalist sided economy which allows for private companies to run.
Average Yearly Income: $912.50
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $2,830,462,748.00
GDP per Capita: $1,203.54
Gross National Income (GNI): $1,636,047,895.00
Industries: Major Industries :
Arms Manufacturing
Soldiers: 165,000
Tanks: 13,750
Aircraft: 825
Ships: 7
Missiles: 14
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 10/15/2024 11:23 am