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The Empire Nerahkia is a nation led by Empress Emmav Violeth on the continent of South America. The Empire Nerahkia's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Empire Nerahkia favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Empire Nerahkia is the Tronda Nerahk. At 3 days old, The Empire Nerahkia is a new nation. The Empire Nerahkia has a population of 339,224 and a land area of 1,262.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 268.80. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 64.2603%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Nerahkia
Leader Name: Emmav Violeth
Currency: Currency Image
Tronda Nerahk
National Animal: National Animal Image
Mariposa azul
History: Nerahkia emerged after an intense disturbance in plate tectonics, causing underwater volcanoes to erupt in treasures and a large amount of land to rise from the sea floor to the surface. After the discovery of this island, a Brazilian named Emmav Violeth gathered a huge group of people and colonized the place. Even after a major conflict with the Brazilian government over possession of the island, Emmav and her followers managed to take possession of the land and thus founded Nerahkia. Emmav turned the country into a monarchy and became empress of the land. Today Nerahkia is developing from a simple island in the Atlantic into a large nation.
Continent: South America
Land Area: 2,030.99 sq. km
Terrain: It has a coastline of 762 miles, and the sea has a great influence on its climate, which is predominantly humid tropical. In terms of vegetation cover, it has characteristics of the Atlantic Forest biome, in which Nerahkia is located.
Highest Peak: Mont Talássiun, 9,264 meters
Lowest Valley: Enkardáviah Valley, -236 meters
Climate: There is a diversity of climates depending on altitude and atmospheric pressure. The tropical Atlantic climate is recorded on the coast and, in the plateau regions, the tropical climate at altitude. The average temperature remains at 20ºC
People & Society
Population: 339,224 people
Demonym: Nerahkian
Demonym Plural: Nerahkians
Ethnic Groups: South and North Americans - 78.0%
European - 19.0%
Africans/Asians/etc. - 3.0%
Languages: Portuguese - 99.0%
English - 16.0%
Spanish - 8.0%
Religions: Christianity - 94.0%
Judaism - 4.0%
Atheism - 2.0%
Life Expectancy: 70 years
Obesity: 14%
Alcohol Users: 52%
Tobacco Users: 5%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: This nation has an economy based on rewards, that is, the more a citizen works, the more he receives, if they produces less, they receives less, but they will never be limited below the salary limit, which is 50 Nerahkian Trondas ($55 U.S Dollars). Nerahkia's children also receive payment, but it is based on study, discipline, class attendance and school grades. If a student studies, they will receive payment. This benefit only lasts until the end of college, because once they graduates from a profession, they no longer receives student benefits. If the inhabitant has any physical or mental complications, they will receive assistance throughout their life in accordance with Nerahkian law.
Average Yearly Income: $59.16
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $562,736,008.00
GDP per Capita: $1,658.88
Gross National Income (GNI): $422,669,270.00
Industries: Nerahkia's economy is divided into three sectors: Right, Central and Left: Right Sector: Covers agriculture, livestock and extractivism Central Sector: Corresponds to industry Left Sector: Covers services, formal or informal, and commercial activities The Left sector is the most stronghold of Nerahkia, being responsible for 70% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and generating 85% of jobs. Some of Nerahkia's main industrial sectors are: Automotive, Agricultural, Chemical, Steel, Metallurgical, Mining, Wind Energy, Petrochemical and Nuclear Industry.
History: The Nerahkian armed forces are still very small, but we are increasing our military strength in case of future conflicts, currently, we have around 6,000 active soldiers in 4 different headquarters, we have around 100 battle tanks in a military factory, 2 ships combat ships and 4 active spies. We are creating campaigns to enlist in the Nerahkian army so that we can be better prepared for any future conflict.
Soldiers: 14,552
Tanks: 552
Aircraft: 36
Ships: 3
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/17/2024 04:06 am