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The Catholic Republic of Livgardet is a nation led by Prime Minister Thaelin Caternsko on the continent of Europe. The Catholic Republic of Livgardet's government is a Socialist Theocracy with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Catholic Republic of Livgardet favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Catholic Republic of Livgardet is the Krove (Silver Stand). At 23 days old, The Catholic Republic of Livgardet is a young nation. The Catholic Republic of Livgardet has a population of 298,472 and a land area of 1,600.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 186.54. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Republic's primary ideology is Catholic Social Democracy. 

National Legislature:


Iron Front LNIF: 8 seats

Nationalist Union: 3 seats

National Republic Party: 5 seats

Christian Unity Livgardet: 9 seats

Conservative Party: 22 seats

Harte Project: 2 seats

Prosperity National: 7 seats

Catholic Unity: 8 seats

Catholic Worker Unity: 12 seats

Union Party: 25 seats

Federalist Party: 22 seats

Liber National: 5 seats

National Labor Union: 18 seats

Socialist Party Livgardet: 2 seats

Bolshevik Party 1900: 2 seats


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Livgardet
Leader Name: Thaelin Caternsko
Currency: Currency Image
Krove (Silver Stand)
National Animal: National Animal Image
Golden eagle
History: Recent Legislation:

Pollution and Radiation Act. - 3 million Kroves are to be used to reduce pollution and radiation in metropolitan and rural areas. An additional 500 thousand Kroves are to be used on Sept 30, 2024 to continue cleanup. Additional funding may be added through PRC Acts.

924 War Powers Act - In the event of an invasion or extreme civil unrest, the federal government may spend beyond budget to increase the size of the military. Habeus Corpus may be suspended within 15 miles from a combat zone. Habeus Corpus may be suspended within 2 miles of a military instillation. Habeus Corpus may be suspended within 1 mile of a military factory.

Beecher Act - Establishment of a naval force to defend the shipping lanes and territorial waters of Livgardet
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 2,574.94 sq. km
Highest Peak: Mont St.Bredgit, 0 meters
Lowest Valley: Helsmaw Cave, -700 meters
People & Society
Population: 298,472 people
Demonym: Livgardetic
Demonym Plural: Livgardetics
Ethnic Groups: Livgartics - 68.0%
Nyechic - 23.0%
Keichar - 9.0%
Languages: Livgartic - 72.0%
Solvarij - 15.0%
Nyechic - 13.0%
Religions: Catholicism - 88.0%
Protestant - 8.0%
Keichic Uislu - 4.0%
Life Expectancy: 80 years
Obesity: 9%
Alcohol Users: 22%
Tobacco Users: 9%
Cannabis Users: 3%
Hard Drug Users: 4%
Average Yearly Income: $51.72
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $308,146,917.00
GDP per Capita: $1,032.41
Gross National Income (GNI): $189,416,385.00
History: Army:
8,000 Men
Galil ARs
150 Tanks- 140 M60s, 10 M50s
1st Infantry Battalion "Old Guard"

Air Force:
9 F-14s
Soldiers: 8,000
Tanks: 50
Aircraft: 6
Ships: 1
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/26/2024 02:05 pm