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The Spawnpool of Frogonia is a nation led by Bullfrog Jeremiah on the continent of North America. The Spawnpool of Frogonia's government is a Constitutional Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Spawnpool of Frogonia favors far right wing policies. The official currency of The Spawnpool of Frogonia is the Dollar. At 11 days old, The Spawnpool of Frogonia is a new nation. The Spawnpool of Frogonia has a population of 684,944 and a land area of 6,350.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 107.87. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 94.1184%.

A country of frogs where joy is found in individual freedom.

Although we believe in "tit for tat", we are a new country that relies on inactivity raids to survive. If you have been raided by us for your inactivity, please DM us for peace.

Also, The Meat Men's policy is raiding. If you find us attacking your nation, it is for a cause and a liberating reason, nothing personal against your citizens. 

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Frogonia
Leader Name: Jeremiah
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Within an age of AGELESSNESS, the frogs came from a boiling soup of prosperity. They grew lanky limbs and began to stand like men do. They started growing grass on their chest after drinking coffee. It became a staple of their society to drink the bean until their hairy graves. They formed the Pad Clad Clan, and fought among other clans within their culture. The clan swelled in size and begot scientists and philosophers. After the absorption of their enemies, they decidedly designated a document of freedom, "The Free Ranoid", to create permanent rulings for a new nation they wished to establish. This document was created by the philosopher, Aristoadle, among his pupils and cohorts. They set up a system of rule where the cities had their own policies that could not be overruled by the nation. The Free Ranoid established power-boundaries for balanced life to allow the most liberty and happiness a frog could enjoy. This is the history of Frogonia. Amen.
Continent: North America
Land Area: 10,219.31 sq. km
Highest Peak: , 0 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
People & Society
Population: 684,944 people
Demonym: Froglish
Demonym Plural: Frogonians
Ethnic Groups: Rana-Men - 0.0%
Languages: - 0.0%
Religions: - 0.0%
Life Expectancy: 3 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 99%
Tobacco Users: 99.9%
Cannabis Users: 67%
Hard Drug Users: 1%
Description: This nation is strict to its established document which allows the freedom and safety of its people. High tarrifs and low tax on the Frogonians allows a closed economy that, for the most part, relies heavily on the cycle of money within the nation. That is to be the case in the future, anyway. Due to being a new nation, Frogonia relies on foreign exchange and raids until the country is large enough. Hopefully afterwards, Frogonia can treat other nations as it wants to be treated.
Average Yearly Income: $265.66
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $501,039,719.00
GDP per Capita: $731.50
Gross National Income (GNI): $-95,597,150.00
Soldiers: 89,615
Tanks: 6,231
Aircraft: 375
Ships: 68
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/13/2024 12:01 pm