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Kora Republic

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Kora Republic is a nation led by Chancellor Bipedtrout on the continent of Europe. Kora Republic's government is a Democratic Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, Kora Republic favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Kora Republic is the Euro. At 29 days old, Kora Republic is a young nation. Kora Republic has a population of 897,807 and a land area of 7,600.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 118.13. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 72.1632%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Kora Republic
Leader Name: Bipedtrout
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Our nation was formed, when we wanted to be free from the oppressive shackles of the world, In 1976, we lead a revolution against the corrupted leader dragging our nation down, we fought as freedom fighters, fighting for our lands, fighting for a prosperous future, fighting for a will to live, we were victorious with our efforts, expelling the corruption out and reforming our country into a democracy, into what it is today, a nation which does not judge who lives there, but accepts them with open arms, letting them live their life and dreams out. We will not fall to any who oppose our search for freedom, peace and prosperity, and if we are to go down, we will die fighting for what we believe is right.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 12,230.98 sq. km
Terrain: In the lands of the Koran Republic, our terrain is very hilly, with forest surrounding most areas, our borders are covered by our korasian Mountain range, our highest mountain range with a peak height of 3000 metres. Our general population live at a height elevation of about 50 metres
Highest Peak: Mt.Peace, 3,000 meters
Lowest Valley: Ground Zero, -345 meters
Climate: Our nations climate is very mild, we have both good and bad weather, at around an even mixture, we have an average temperature of around 30 degrees Celsius, overall our climate is very varied, with an even amount of good and bad weather
People & Society
Population: 897,807 people
Demonym: Koran
Demonym Plural: Korans
Ethnic Groups: - 0.0%
Languages: English - 62.7%
French - 36.3%
Religions: Christianity - 65.4%
Muslim - 20.4%
Life Expectancy: 0 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: Here at the kora Republic, we have a socialist economy, offering equal opportunities to all, we hope our economy will continue to develop and flourish in this harsh world we live. We hope we can allow all our citizens to live equal opportunistic lifes
Average Yearly Income: $49.69
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,472,072,968.00
GDP per Capita: $1,639.63
Gross National Income (GNI): $1,025,407,640.00
Industries: At the kora Republic, our main industries are tourism, and production of various items to sell and boost our economy
History: The armed forces were established in 1976 when we incited a revolution, these are the forces that defied the corruption leaking into our culture, preserving who we are and preserving our history, May we honor those who fell and fought, as without them, we would not be here today, Their sacrifice was not in vain
Soldiers: 25,398
Tanks: 1,739
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 08/25/2024 05:17 pm