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New York

Achievement Showcase


The Social Republic Of New York is a nation led by President Kitcat on the continent of North America. The Social Republic Of New York's government is a Anarchy with very anarchist social policies. Economically, The Social Republic Of New York favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Social Republic Of New York is the Currency?. At 202 days old, The Social Republic Of New York is an old nation. The Social Republic Of New York has a population of 1,234,572 and a land area of 8,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 145.24. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 32.1589%.


2079/12/6 The Federal Collapse

Uppon that day, after the white house was stormed by the Military, escencially starting a coup and putting Field Marshal Gerald Frederick in power.

 As the people were informed unrest spread all around the nation, everyone scared of a possible dictatorship and a stratocracy.

 Protests agaisnt the illegitimate power of Gerald soon erupted, those protest decenting to violence in the streets and riots, and from riots, into small rebellions which would mostly fail, for now.

2079/12/9 The Collapse of the Union

At 7:45 AM the governor of Massachussets was the first to declare independace from the union, within half an hour the national guard of the state mobilising to defend agaist the soon to arrive American army.

At 8:25 Further problems arose as the state of Florida and minutes later Texas declared independance, Mobilising to instead attack important American Bases and damage their supplies, the nigthmare was soon to start.

2079/12/15 The Day of No Return

The Military operations on Texas, Florida and Massachusets turned out as nothing more than total failures, the army, demoralised, undersupplied and underarmed couped Gerald, disbanding the government as now armies and people conjointed in factions as to who would lead the new US government. No one agreed with one another, and factions who believed in similar ideas started to conjoint in Coalitions. A civil war was brewing.

2079/12/27 The Chicago Uprising

(Rest of History being Worked on)


There is currently not enough information available to provide a factbook for this nation.