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The Kingdom of Brabant is a nation led by Hertog Jan IV on the continent of Europe. The Kingdom of Brabant's government is a Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Kingdom of Brabant favors left wing policies. The official currency of The Kingdom of Brabant is the Gulden. At 210 days old, The Kingdom of Brabant is an old nation. The Kingdom of Brabant has a population of 4,339,764 and a land area of 34,050.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 127.45. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 80.1602%.

The small nation of Brabant is a young monarchy. After the tyranny of Geert Wilders, Brabant entered a civil war for its independence. Through both good trading, diplomacy and fighting they have managed to claim their independence. The young nation is very developed but rather small, shall the kingdom of Brabant survive? Only future can tell.

The kingdom of Brabant is both founded and ruled by Jan IV, a direct descendant of Jan I of Brabant.

However Brabant currently is not much more then just the area of North Brabant; Flemish-, Wallonian- and a part of South-Brabant. The rest of South-Brabant, Gelre, Zeeland, Wallonia and French Flanders are likely to seperate and join the promising nation of Brabant.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Brabant
Leader Name: Jan IV
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Civil war

After an increased tax rate for the region of Brabant, exemption from governmental functions and after forced military conscription of everyone above the age of 16 in Brabant, the people of Brabant were done with the Netherlands, this wasn't the first time the Dutch discriminated North-Brabant with the rest of the Netherlands in terms of conscription and tax rate. The people of North-Brabant and parts of Limburg and Zeeland decided to start a rebellion backed by the Belgium government. By using guerrilla tactics and public opinion, the rebellion was effective. After numerous attempts to stomp the Brabandic rebellion, the Dutch goverment finally gave up and signed the treaty of Eindhoven. In this treaty, it was agreed on that there would be a 50 year Non-Aggression-Pact, that the Dutch government would not interfere with the independent South and that all of the territory under the Rijn and the Maas (rivers) became independent as city states.

Aftermath of the civil war

Many of the newly independent city states in the former southern area of the Netherlands didn't get along to well with each other and did not want to have anything to do with each other. However, the city of Eindhoven and Helmond decided to unite. Togheter they formed the confederation of South-East Brabant. Many local villages bordering this confederation decided to join it for protection against neightboring cities hungry for more power. This created a chain reaction as the villages close to the villages who joined the confederation felt threatened and also joined the confederation for that reasion, this way the confederation quickly grew. In a short time, the confederation of South-East Brabant transformed into the confederation of East Brabant.

Creation of the Kingdom of Brabant

Elections were held in the confederation of East Brabant by making the electorate of the local elections of each area have a vote in the confederation's elections for the prime minister. Jan IV, a direct descendent of Jan the first of Brabant, was elected in Eindhoven. After the voting for the confederation's prime minister, it became clear that Jan IV had the most votes and became the first prime minister of Brabant. One of the first things he changed was the name of the young state and the government. The Confederation of East Brabant now became the federation of Brabant, this resulted in the decreasing power of each area in the federation as now the area's had way less saying in what would happen in Brabant. To reassure he's power, Jan IV promised the people of Brabant that he would recreate the Hertogdom Brabant. ( Hertogdom Brabant was an old state that was very welfaring and consisted of the south of the Netherlands, most of Belgium and parts of France. This state lasted from 1365 to 1489.) Following this promise Jan IV reformed the elections into not voting for the prime minister of Brabant but instead voting for the second ruling position in Brabant Under Jan instead of it replacing Jan. The kingdom of Brabant was Born.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 54,798.03 sq. km
Terrain: The terrain in Brabant is unique. Brabant contains marshes, hills, forests and has very rich ground. The biodiversity is one of the highest in Europe in this terrain. However the terrain is mostly flat, the terrain is not the most suitable one for cities.
Highest Peak: Gulberg, 60 meters
Lowest Valley: Lage Zwaluwe, -2 meters
Climate: The climate in Brabant is special. However it is so closely located to the sea, it still has a land climate. Warm summers and cold winters create the seasons in Brabant.
People & Society
Population: 4,339,764 people
Demonym: Brabander
Demonym Plural: Brabanders
Ethnic Groups: Brabants - 64.0%
Flemish - 28.0%
Zeelandic - 8.0%
Languages: Brabants - 97.0%
Dutch - 100.0%
Flemish - 30.0%
Religions: Protestants - 73.0%
Atheism - 25.0%
Katholiek - 1.0%
Life Expectancy: 86 years
Obesity: 12%
Alcohol Users: 47%
Tobacco Users: 21%
Cannabis Users: 12%
Hard Drug Users: 4%
Description: The economy of Brabant is consisted of trade capitalism. The economy of Brabant consists of investing money from trading in improving the trade. Unlike many countries who use industrial capitalism, Jan IV decided to return to the former policy that made Hertogdom Brabant rich in the past.

The economy of Brabant is mainly aimed on the export of electronic ships, medical equipment and diverse high tech equipment. Because of the high demand for these products, the economy of Brabant is doing really well and the GDP is currently having a increase of 3,8% a day.
Average Yearly Income: $187.01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $6,383,082,881.00
GDP per Capita: $1,470.84
Gross National Income (GNI): $3,456,016,735.00
Industries: Important industries in the Netherlands are the ASML chip industry. This high tech company is creates chips that have a very high demand in all places of the world. Medical equipment of Philips and diverse others tech instruments are also one of the main industries in Brabant.
All these products have a very high demand so these industries are increasing in its capibilities.
History: De Brabandic Guard was first established in 1382 by Jan the first. They were disbanded in 1489 and now they have been reastablished by Jan IV.

However the Brabandic Guard is rather small, the forces are highly elite and trained to fight specificly in dense urban and forest terrain.
Soldiers: 180,000
Tanks: 13,907
Aircraft: 802
Ships: 150
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 08/06/2024 11:44 am