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People's Protectorate of Busan is a nation led by Supreme Leader Kim Lee Jong on the continent of Asia. People's Protectorate of Busan's government is a Communist Democracy with very conservative social policies. Economically, People's Protectorate of Busan favors left wing policies. The official currency of People's Protectorate of Busan is the Yen. At 56 days old, People's Protectorate of Busan is an established nation. People's Protectorate of Busan has a population of 892,999 and a land area of 4,650.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 192.04. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 56.4494%.

Anthem of the People's Protectorate of Busan

Verse 1:

From the mountains to the sea, Our homeland stands so free, In unity and might, We forge our future bright.


People’s Protectorate, Busan strong and free, With hearts and hands united, our destiny. Red flag flying high, guiding our way, For peace and for progress, every single day.

Verse 2:

In fields and factories, we strive, With spirit and with drive, Together we shall rise, Beneath our crimson skies.


People’s Protectorate, Busan strong and free, With hearts and hands united, our destiny. Red flag flying high, guiding our way, For peace and for progress, every single day.


From each according to ability, To each according to need, We build our land of equality, With steadfast courage and creed.

Verse 3:

Our leaders and our cause, Upholding justice’s laws, We stand in solidarity, For a world where all are free.


People’s Protectorate, Busan strong and free, With hearts and hands united, our destiny. Red flag flying high, guiding our way, For peace and for progress, every single day.


Forever we shall be, The guardians of liberty, In harmony we strive, The People's Protectorate alive!

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