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The High Kingdom of Aeslingard is a nation led by Fylkir Cody Stirling on the continent of Europe. The High Kingdom of Aeslingard's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, The High Kingdom of Aeslingard favors left wing policies. The official currency of The High Kingdom of Aeslingard is the Krona. At 70 days old, The High Kingdom of Aeslingard is an established nation. The High Kingdom of Aeslingard has a population of 482,274 and a land area of 5,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 96.45. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 48.9272%.




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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Aeslingard
Leader Name: Cody Stirling
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: After centuries of conflict and shifting alliances, the kingdom of Aeslingard, deeply rooted in ancient Viking traditions and known for its fierce independence, emerged as a significant regional power in Scandinavia. Initially confined to the rugged northern territories, Aeslingard faced persistent disputes with its neighbor, Sweden, over the strategically and agriculturally rich lands of Skåne. These disputes, marked by frequent military skirmishes and complex diplomatic maneuvers, were a defining feature of Aeslingard's history from the 10th to the 16th centuries. The 17th and 18th centuries saw Aeslingard undergo significant internal reforms, leading to a more unified and strategically adept state. By leveraging alliances, technological advancements, and periods of Swedish internal conflict, Aeslingard began to assert its claims more effectively. This culminated in the Treaty of Lund in 1867, a landmark agreement that ceded a substantial portion of Skåne to Aeslingard. The treaty was a result of strategic negotiation, economic pressure, and rising nationalist sentiments within Aeslingard. The acquisition of Skåne marked a turning point, allowing Aeslingard to integrate the new territory, boost its economic and infrastructural development, and establish itself as a prominent and influential power in Scandinavia.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 8,046.70 sq. km
Terrain: Aeslingard's terrain is a diverse tapestry of landscapes, featuring dense, ancient forests in the northern highlands, which provide natural defense and abundant resources. The southern regions transition into fertile lowlands ideal for agriculture, supporting rich fields of grain and vegetables. Rolling hills offer picturesque views and strategic advantages, while the western and southern coasts are marked by rugged fjords and steep cliffs, providing natural harbors and scenic beauty. Intersected by major rivers and dotted with lakes, the region supports vital trade and fishing activities. In the northern highlands, rocky outcrops and glacial remnants create a dramatic and formidable environment, with varying climates from temperate coastal areas to colder, snow-covered highlands.
Highest Peak: Söderåsen, 211 meters
Lowest Valley: Kävlingeån Valley, -7 meters
Aeslingard experiences a varied climate that reflects its diverse terrain. The coastal and lowland regions have a temperate maritime climate with relatively mild winters and warm summers. This area benefits from moderate precipitation throughout the year, making it ideal for agriculture and supporting lush, fertile landscapes. In contrast, the northern highlands experience a colder continental climate with harsh, snowy winters and cooler summers. The highlands see significant snowfall, especially in winter, contributing to the rugged, glacial features of the landscape. The transitional areas between the lowlands and highlands experience a mix of these climatic influences, resulting in variable temperatures and precipitation patterns.
People & Society
Population: 482,274 people
Demonym: Aeslingards
Demonym Plural: Aeslingards
Ethnic Groups: Aeslingards - 81.0%
Swedes - 12.0%
Danes - 4.0%
Languages: Swedish - 86.0%
Danish - 4.0%
English - 3.0%
Religions: Atheism - 64.0%
Neo-Paganism - 23.0%
Christianity - 18.0%
Life Expectancy: 82 years
Obesity: 16%
Alcohol Users: 78%
Tobacco Users: 22%
Cannabis Users: 8%
Hard Drug Users: 2%
Description: Aeslingard’s economy is diverse and robust, driven by a blend of traditional industries and modern innovations. The fertile lowlands support extensive agriculture, with key crops including grains, vegetables, and fruits, which are vital to both domestic consumption and export. The lush forests of the northern highlands provide valuable timber and support a thriving forestry sector. Coastal areas are pivotal for the maritime economy, encompassing fishing, shipping, and trade, thanks to natural harbors and a strategic location. The kingdom also boasts a growing technology sector, driven by innovation and investment in research and development. Tourism capitalizes on Aeslingard’s rich Viking heritage and picturesque landscapes, attracting visitors interested in historical and natural attractions. The government supports a balanced approach to economic development, ensuring sustainable practices and investing in infrastructure to enhance trade and connectivity.
Average Yearly Income: $62.34
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $368,483,953.00
GDP per Capita: $764.05
Gross National Income (GNI): $191,412,570.00
Industries: Aeslingard’s economy is underpinned by a diverse array of industries that leverage its natural resources and cultural heritage. Agriculture thrives in the fertile lowlands, producing key crops such as grains, vegetables, and fruits for both domestic use and export. The forestry sector benefits from the extensive northern highlands, providing timber and forest products while promoting sustainable practices. The coastal regions are vital for the fishing and maritime industries, supporting commercial fishing, aquaculture, and shipbuilding. In addition, Aeslingard is making strides in technology and innovation, with a growing sector focused on software development, electronics, and green technologies. Tourism capitalizes on the kingdom’s rich Viking heritage and scenic landscapes, drawing visitors to historical sites and cultural events. The manufacturing industry contributes by producing goods ranging from machinery to textiles, while the renewable energy sector is emerging as a key player in harnessing wind, hydro, and solar power. Together, these industries create a dynamic and resilient economy, blending traditional strengths with modern advancements to ensure sustainable growth and stability.
History: Aeslingard’s military is a well-organized and strategically focused force, designed to reflect the kingdom's historical Viking heritage and modern needs. The military is structured into three main branches: the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. The Army is equipped with advanced infantry, artillery, and specialized units for both conventional and irregular warfare, ensuring robust defence and rapid response capabilities. The Navy, with a fleet of modern ships and submarines, secures Aeslingard’s extensive coastlines and maritime interests, supporting both defence and trade operations. The Air Force, equipped with a range of aircraft, including fighters and transport planes, provides air superiority and strategic support. Emphasizing both traditional and modern tactics, the military incorporates elements of Viking-inspired strategies with contemporary technology. Training emphasizes versatility and adaptability, reflecting the kingdom's commitment to maintaining a capable and resilient defence force. Additionally, Aeslingard invests in cybersecurity and intelligence to address contemporary threats and protect national interests. The military plays a crucial role in safeguarding Aeslingard’s sovereignty, ensuring regional stability, and supporting international partnerships.
Soldiers: 72,000
Tanks: 529
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 20
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 09/07/2024 07:47 pm