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Korean Socialist Republic
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The Korean Socialist Republic Korean Socialist Republic is a nation led by The chief Oleg Kvanov on the continent of Asia. The Korean Socialist Republic Korean Socialist Republic's government is a Socialist Dictatorship with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, The Korean Socialist Republic Korean Socialist Republic favors left wing policies. The official currency of The Korean Socialist Republic Korean Socialist Republic is the Won. At 73 days old, The Korean Socialist Republic Korean Socialist Republic is an established nation. The Korean Socialist Republic Korean Socialist Republic has a population of 2,759,014 and a land area of 28,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 96.81. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

In an alternate universe, in 2027, the Korean peninsula was reunited by the DPRK during a full-scale offensive operation. 


After a long crisis and sanctions, as well as the death of the great leader Kim Jong-in in 2051, a coup sponsored by China, the United States and the EU was carried out inside a single country. 



The Democratic Republic of Korea was established.




 In 2060, a military coup took place in the Democratic Republic of the Korea, which led to a civil war and in 2098 the war ended.



On November 26, 2102, during a nuclear strike, Wozd Kwan Og A. was killed. A general took the place of the chairman of the Socialist Party of Korea. Oleg Kvanov.


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Korean Socialist Republic
Leader Name: Oleg Kvanov
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: In an alternate universe, in 2027, the Korean peninsula was reunited by the DPRK during a full-scale offensive operation. After a long crisis and sanctions, as well as the death of the great leader Kim Jong-in in 2051, a coup sponsored by China, the United States and the EU was carried out inside a single country. The Democratic Republic of Korea was established. In 2060, a military coup took place in the Democratic Republic of the Korea, which led to a civil war and in 2098 the war ended.
On November 26, 2102, during a nuclear strike, Wozd Kwan Og A. was killed. A general took the place of the chairman of the Socialist Party of Korea. Oleg Kvanov.
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 45,866.19 sq. km
Terrain: There are mountains to the north, plains with hills and rare lakes to the south.
Highest Peak: Peak Northern Russia, 777 meters
Lowest Valley: Dragon valley , -666 meters
Climate: Moderate, marine. Summers are hot, winters are warm in the South, and cold in the north
People & Society
Population: 2,759,014 people
Demonym: korean, russian, Chine
Demonym Plural: koreans, russians, chinese
Ethnic Groups: korean - 83.7%
russian - 11.2%
chine - 5.1%
Languages: korean - 70.1%
russian - 21.9%
Chine - 8.0%
Religions: christianity - 65.0%
Buddhism - 10.0%
Zoroastrianism - 3.1%
Life Expectancy: 60 years
Obesity: 14.1%
Alcohol Users: 5.2%
Tobacco Users: 1.9%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: The economy is built on the principle of socialism. It is based on a planned economy. Regulates prices, and the currency is linked to gold and other precious metals. Also, the whole land is state-owned, and every student after graduation receives a referral to work in a particular field.
Average Yearly Income: $77.22
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,781,277,880.00
GDP per Capita: $645.62
Gross National Income (GNI): $321,244,895.00
Industries: The state has a complete monopoly on heavy and medium-sized industries. The Korean Socialist Republic focuses on domestic markets and on the sale of energy resources.
History: The Armed Forces were established on May 13, 2099. They were divided into the Air Force and the Ground Forces, headed by the Minister of Defense. In March 2100, the navy was re-established, and all military structures were reassigned to the new general staff, created in April 2100. Every guy from 18 to 25 years old must complete military service in the army for 2 years. On February 2, 2102, a new law on military service was passed. Now the Korean People's Army has become exceptionally free.
On March 10, 2102, a decree on mobilization was issued.
On November 1, 2102, the military-industrial complex of the Korean People's Army abandoned the production of surface ships.
Soldiers: 240,000
Tanks: 20,000
Aircraft: 1,200
Ships: 175
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 08/10/2024 05:15 pm