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Siam is a nation led by President John Charles on the continent of Asia. Siam's government is a Democracy with very liberal social policies. Economically, Siam favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Siam is the Dollar. At 10 days old, Siam is a new nation. Siam has a population of 1,596,731 and a land area of 15,350.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 104.02. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 78.4936%.

Siam is a parliamentary republic, with a single parliament of 130 elected Representatives.There is the president of parliament, which is the official leader of the nation.The president has a cabinet of ministers for each major government sector.Parliament must approve the presidential cabinet nominee.The people of Siam have an opportunity to call for a referendum once every year. In that referendum the citizens are allowed to propose a bill that has received enough support.


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Siam
Leader Name: John Charles
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Forming out of the remnants of the old Ayutthaya and Rattanakosin Kingdoms, the Democracy of Siam has an older history than most.

In history, Siam was referred to as Syam by Portuguese settlers. Although the land itself had been under various kingdoms and empires, the main population has remained with the same ideals and name.

Tai travelers from southern China arrived in 700 A.D. and began to establish themselves amongst the population. Though many wars broke out, the Siam/Tai population was able to thrive under Ayutthaya.

After more than 400 years of power, in 1767, the Kingdom of Ayutthaya was brought down by invading Burmese armies, its capital burned, and the territory split. Despite its complete defeat and occupation by Burma, Siam made a rapid recovery. The resistance to Burmese rule was led by a noble of Chinese descent, Taksin, a capable military leader. Initially based at Chanthaburi in the southeast, within a year he had defeated the Burmese occupation army and re-established a Siamese state with its capital at Thonburi on the west bank of the Chao Phraya, 20 km from the sea. In 1767 he was crowned as King Taksin (now officially known as "Taksin the Great").

Eventually, Taskin and his followers were exterminated by the Chakri monarch and Siam entered a long period of combating colonialism and dynasties taking turns amongst several wars.

It wasn’t until the late 1800s that order was established. The French and British allowed Bangkok (Thonburi) to be the home of the democratic leaders of the temporary autonomous region.

Under constant threat from the Khmer, Burmese, Vietnamese, and European forces, Thonburi (Bangkok) was established as a neutral capital where no army was allowed to enter. In the 1920s, multiple permanent peace agreements with neighboring countries and European powers allowed Siam to rebuild a permanent centralized government.

Bangkok was officially renamed Thonburi in 1932, and the people of Siam were officially a democratic nation by 1933.

In 1939, Siam signed a production contract with the British Defense Ministry to produce over 200,000 arms and munitions. By December that year, over 20,000 Siamese troops were stationed with Canadian and Indian forces in London. Siam officially joined the war January 1st, 1940.

The Siamese people were appalled by the decision to declare war without their knowledge. This introduced a new generation of anti-government activists, merely a decade into just having establish a permanent government.

Siam-English Defense Minister Jake Buka Charles realized that a weak leader, anti-government protesters, and a war raging on, something needed to be done.

In the 1942 Siam presidential elections, Defense Minister Jake Buka Charles ran against his own president who had appointed him to the position. President Ling Gazhi offered to make Charles his Vice Minister, allowing him more control and power, the offer was left ignored.

Jake Buka Charles was officially elected, he vowed to pull out of the war and prepare for the rebuilding and expansion of Siam. This was put on hold when the United States made an offer President Charles couldn’t refuse, there was no choice. Secretly join the war against Japan and assist China, in return Siam received a mutual defense grant from the Allies. President Charles ordered all troops stationed in London to be withdrawn, made to look and dress as the Chinese forces, and sent to fight against Japan.

Siam was awarded land by the French, British, and an island in the pacific for its efforts in Europe and Asia. The British had fulfilled its obligations to repay Siam for the weapons provided. Siam was on its way to become a democratic economic powerhouse in South Asia by 1950.

The 1960s were a test of friendship for Siam. Following the Vietnamese conflict very closely, Siam President Songku formally removed both Vietnamese government from the formal defense pact. American President Eisenhower had informed Siam officials to avoid any and all diplomatic relations with communist Vietnam, Siam agreed and began supplying Southern Vietnam Democratic Forces. This all came to an end in 1973, Siam had officially withdrawn any forces-in-training and honored the Paris Vietnamese Ceasefire.

Siam was now in full control of Thonburi (Bangkok) and Pattaya. Its economic advantages led to a strong military. It wasn’t long before Siam became a regional power.

Following the terror attacks of September 11th, Siam officially embargoed Saudi Arabia after officials learned that two Saudi Arabian members of a prominent terrorist group had attempted to attack the American embassy. These members had been found hiding in the Saudi Arabian embassy in Port Satta, Siam.

In 2017, President Charles withdrew from all agreements with America, citing irreconcilable differences between the two leaders at the time. Siam officials also warned the CIA about Chinese interference in Asian elections, including Siam and Vietnam. American officials did not respond until 2021.

Finally, Siam and America have restored their relations and have signed a Trade-Defense-Cooperation agreement.
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 24,703.37 sq. km
Terrain: Defined by picturesque beaches and large marshes, Siam has a very diverse terrain. Rainforests define the eastern part of Siam, swamps in the north.
Highest Peak: Mt. Inthanon, 2,585 meters
Lowest Valley: Gulf of Thailand, -98 meters
Climate: Tropical, warm climate.
People & Society
Population: 1,596,731 people
Demonym: Siam
Demonym Plural: Siamese
Ethnic Groups: Thai - 45.5%
Siam - 38.9%
Karen - 4.9%
Languages: Thai - 68.9%
English - 46.9%
Religions: Buddhism - 95.2%
Christianity - 3.2%
Life Expectancy: 86 years
Obesity: 7.1%
Alcohol Users: 64.9%
Tobacco Users: 32.3%
Cannabis Users: 37.6%
Hard Drug Users: 6.8%
Description: Siam has a balanced economy, though some refer to its progressive tax rate as a governmental overreach.

Siam offers many government subsidies for small to medium companies to thrive financially.
Siam offers small and limited tax breaks to major corporations that contribute to the government’s expansion.
Siam does not provide any subsidies for fossil fuel companies that are not based in Siam.
Average Yearly Income: $72.07
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,891,121,188.00
GDP per Capita: $1,184.37
Gross National Income (GNI): $939,092,075.00
Industries: The three major industries of Asian would include agriculture, oil, and steel.

Siam has a large agricultural sector that can feed its own population and the entire country of China. Provided enough seafood and grain to feed over 2 Billion people around the world.

Siam has also focused on oil production and sale to expand its borders. One of the few nations not apart of OPEC, Siam sells fuel to Taiwan and America at a discounted rate but this has proven to keep the Siam Petroleum Corporation (SPC) as the biggest exporter of fuel in Asia.

Steel and Iron provide the Siam economy a large stable income. Siam has been profiting off the affordable Iron and Steel industry since 1935, forming the National Siam Steel and Iron Company (NSSIC).
History: The armed forces of Siam was formed in 1932, when Siam as a whole came to be again.

Since 1932, the Siamese army has more than doubled. By 1945 the Siamese Naval Force was formed and shortly after came the Air Force.

In 2002, Siam signed a non-major NATO agreement. This agreement allowed the United States, Germany, and Japan to train Siamese troops in anti-terrorism training and other activities.

By 2010 the United States and Japan had over 3,000 troops in Thonburi. Later in 2012, President Obama signed an agreement to send two 1998 U.S. Navy submarines in exchange for military access throughout the entire Nation of Siam. Yes, two submarines was all it took…
Soldiers: 59,850
Tanks: 4,500
Aircraft: 210
Ships: 50
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 06/28/2024 02:39 pm