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Portuguese Republic

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The Exiled Union of the Portuguese Republic is a nation led by President Pedro Ferreira on the continent of Antarctica. The Exiled Union of the Portuguese Republic's government is a Social Democracy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The Exiled Union of the Portuguese Republic favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Exiled Union of the Portuguese Republic is the Euro. At 32 days old, The Exiled Union of the Portuguese Republic is an established nation. The Exiled Union of the Portuguese Republic has a population of 835,713 and a land area of 10,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 79.59. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Portuguese Republic
Leader Name: Pedro Ferreira
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: After the Third World War, Portugal became occupied by Spanish, Russian, Chinesse and Israeli forces making the Portuguese Migrate to Antartica, there they live in exile, whilst they were part of NATO, it disbanded after Trump won the elections in the United States leaving the world to suffer. Since then they've joined the Enterprise for defence. Even thought the cold weather persists, the Portuguese have managed to set up cities named after the ones lost. Pedro Ferreira led the people to Antartica to live in freedom and not suffer under tyranny unlike the rest of Europe, Asia and Africa. Portugal might be lost to our enemies, but we shall prevail and free our land and the rest of the Old World lost under Authoritarian regimes.
Continent: Antarctica
Land Area: 16,898.07 sq. km
Highest Peak: Mount Europa, 2,448 meters
Lowest Valley: Azores Basin, -113 meters
People & Society
Population: 835,713 people
Demonym: Portuguese
Demonym Plural: Portuguese
Ethnic Groups: Portuguese - 91.6%
Travellers - 6.6%
Refugees - 1.8%
Languages: Portuguese - 94.2%
English - 67.3%
Spanish - 53.2%
Religions: Christianity - 82.4%
Muslim - 14.2%
Atheism - 8.6%
Life Expectancy: 93 years
Obesity: 3.4%
Alcohol Users: 15.3%
Tobacco Users: 1.2%
Cannabis Users: 2.4%
Hard Drug Users: 1.1%
Average Yearly Income: $120.07
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,183,456,890.00
GDP per Capita: $1,416.10
Gross National Income (GNI): $745,469,430.00
History: The Armed Forces of Portugal one of the last people to escape after the fall of the Azores islands, many of them elite units. The New Portuguese Armed Forces have a will to defend all of they're people and the people of they're allies.
Soldiers: 105,000
Tanks: 8,750
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 06/14/2024 02:48 pm