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Kingdom of Vanga is a nation led by Queen Sushri Sikha Dey on the continent of Asia. Kingdom of Vanga's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Kingdom of Vanga favors right wing policies. The official currency of Kingdom of Vanga is the Gold Standard. At 125 days old, Kingdom of Vanga is a mature nation. Kingdom of Vanga has a population of 2,080,623 and a land area of 18,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 115.59. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 76.5702%.





International Affiliations of the Kingdom of Vanga:-

  1. Bannerman (May 26th 2024 - June 29th 2024) at the Valorian Order {merged into THT}
  2. Contractor (June 29th 2024 - incumbent) at The High Table.


The nation is led by Her Majesty Queen Sushri Sikha Dey. She is also the Head of the House Dey of Dhaka. She is responsible for the administration of the whole Kingdom as well as the Capital city of Kalikata. She is advised and aided by her Privy Council consisting members of the Great Houses.


Her Majesty The Queen's Privy Council:-

  1. Hand of the Queen- Marquess Lord Shriman Ajay, House Dey of Dhaka.
  2. Grand Maester- Shriman Shib Bhushan Das.
  3. Master of Coins- Marquess Lord Shriman Tapan Kumar, House Dey of Dhaka.
  4. Master of Wars- Earl Shriman Udayan, House Mitra of Mymensingh.
  5. Master of Laws- Ser Shriman Ranjan, House Dey of Dinajpur.
  6. Mistress of Whispers- Marchioness-Royal Dame Shrimati Moumita, House Das of Rangpur.
  7. Chief Priest- Pandit Gopal Chakrabarty.


Rulers of the Dukedoms, Realm of the Kingdom of Vanga:-




1. Principality of Dhaka- Crown Prince Shriman Debjit, House Dey of Dhaka.




2. Dukedom of Padma- Duke Shriman Kamal, House Das of Padma


Duchess-Consort Shrimati Uma, House Das of Padma.




3. Dukedom of Dhubri- Duke Shriman Sunil, House Dutta of Dhubri


Duchess-Consort Shrimati Ratna, House Dutta of Dhubri.




4. Dukedom of Jalpaiguri- Duke Shriman Ashok Kumar, House De of Jalpaiguri


Duchess-Consort Shrimati Suparna, House De of Jalpaiguri.




5. Dukedom of Mymensingh- Duke Shriman Chandan, House Mitra of Mymensingh


Duchess-Consort Dame Shrimati Sima, House Mitra of Mymensingh.




6. Dukedom of Rangpur- Duke Shriman Rajib Kumar, House Das of Rangpur


Duchess-Consort Shrimati Janoki Rani, House Das of Rangpur.



7. Dukedom of Bhulua- Viceroy Shriman Tanay, House Majumder of Bhulua


Viceroy-Consort Dame Shrimati Gopa, House Majumder of Bhulua.




8. Dukedom of Barishal- Duke Shriman Shyamal, House Chakraborty of Barishal


Duchess-Consort Dame Shrimati Kakali, House Chakraborty of Barishal.




9. Dukedom of Birbhum- Duke Shriman Anandamoy, House Chattapadhyay of Birbhum


Duchess-Consort Shrimati Aaheli, House Chattapadhyay of Birbhum.




10. Dukedom of Purulia- Duke Shriman Ranjan, House Bhoumick of Purulia


Duchess-Consort Shrimati Sumana, House Bhoumick of Purulia.





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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)09/23/2024 06:07 am Delicious Wine BankVangaMAGA$0.0015,
2)09/16/2024 05:24 pm Delicious Wine BankVangaMAGA$0.0025,
3)09/12/2024 04:21 am Blackwater BankVangaIgdris Rational$
4)09/12/2024 04:21 am Igdris RationalVangaIgdris Rational$54,050.00569.
5)09/12/2024 04:20 am Prusso Roman Imperial Union BankVangaA Deadly Wasteland$16,873.000.001.0021.000.0023.
6)09/12/2024 04:20 am A Deadly WastelandVangaA Deadly Wasteland$3,432,740.001,897.000.006.0055.0012.000.0014.00130.00127.0064.000.00
7)09/09/2024 01:53 pm Delicious Wine BankVangaMAGA$,000.005,000.005,000.005,000.00
8)09/03/2024 09:09 am Arrgh BankVangaInteritus$
9)09/03/2024 09:09 am InteritusVangaInteritus$2,055,040.001,331.0027.0062.0072.0059.0031.0041.0014.0052.002.00393.00
10)09/01/2024 04:08 pm Federation of KalmarVangaFederation of Kalmar$752,043.00327.0010.0020.0016.009.0018.0025.0076.00334.004.002.00
11)08/31/2024 04:48 pm BROTHERHOOD FAMILY BankVangaPiotruxonia$8,606.
12)08/31/2024 04:48 pm PiotruxoniaVangaPiotruxonia$100,380.
13)08/31/2024 07:43 am Knights Templar BankVangaNova Prusio$
14)08/31/2024 07:43 am Nova PrusioVangaNova Prusio$201,692.0076.
15)08/31/2024 07:43 am Knights Templar BankVangaWalmart$

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