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Kingdom of Theouaetios

Kingdom of Theouaetios is a nation led by King Philip WangMu Leonis on the continent of Asia. Kingdom of Theouaetios's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Kingdom of Theouaetios favors left wing policies. The official currency of Kingdom of Theouaetios is the Mark. At 315 days old, Kingdom of Theouaetios is an old nation. Kingdom of Theouaetios has a population of 1,965,054 and a land area of 28,700.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 68.47. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Kingdom of Theouaetios
Leader Name: Philip WangMu Leonis
Nation ID: 620534
Founded: 05/20/2024 (315 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 19 hours ago
Discord Username:theouromi
Unique ID: 9f1e64e955a38a0092e559c9b
International Relations
Alliance: Samurai Alliance Flag
🥷 Samurai
Alliance Seniority:273 days
Color Trade Bloc: Liberty Red
Commendations: 19
Denouncements: 0
Nation Page Visits: 2,456
Population: 1,965,054
Infrastructure: 19,222.22
Land Area: 28,700 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 68.47 people/sq. mi
GDP: $1,910,152,111.00
GDP per Capita: $972.06
GNI: $-273,277,690.00
Economic Policies: Left
Currency: Currency Image Mark
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Urbanization Urbanization Icon
Social Policies: Conservative
State Religion: Chiratianity Chiratianity
National Animal: National Animal ImageTiger
Approval Rating: 0% (-311.47)
Pollution Index: 2,006 points
Radiation Index: 254.32 R (Global: 247.69 R)
OBL Team: Royal Aetos
Nation Rank: #3,001 of 11,548 Nations (25.99%)
Nation Score: More Information 2,837.56
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 21,668.91
Infrastructure Lost: 18,724.00
Money Looted: $103,750,855.79
Wars Won: 57
Wars Lost: 11

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

12 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
03/23 11:30 am - Kingdom of Theouaetios founded a new city, Daeho Seong.
03/16 04:33 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on The State of Indore for the reason of "Your system is rigged against the people. We cannot stand by.".
02/27 02:30 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on Great Duchy of Lithuania for the reason of "Trying an interplanetary expansion experiment, nbd".
02/22 01:30 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on Ozark for the reason of "We like taking candy from babies".
02/22 01:29 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on naania for the reason of "Your citizens are too happy. Time to bring some chaos.".
02/21 04:39 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios has publicly commended the nation of Shireland led by Shire.
02/21 04:35 pm - Shire of Shireland has publicly commended the nation of Kingdom of Theouaetios.
02/11 04:30 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on The Australian Empire for the reason of "Gib me all ur moneyz".
02/11 06:39 am - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on Atlants for the reason of "Nobody's ever seen a war like this. We're going to win big. Believe me.".
02/11 06:38 am - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on New Mayan Empire for the reason of "All your base are belong to us".
02/10 04:07 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on Empire of The Black Sun for the reason of "Economic inequality thrives under your rule. We declare war for the oppressed.".
01/20 03:36 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to Red.
01/18 03:46 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios has publicly commended the nation of Al-mafastan led by Uthman Ibn Al-mafasa.
01/18 03:42 pm - Uthman Ibn Al-mafasa of Al-mafastan has publicly commended the nation of Kingdom of Theouaetios.
01/10 07:36 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios had war declared by Cincinnatus for the reason of "We Are Hunting for u".
01/10 07:34 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios had war declared by Goosetopia for the reason of "🇦🇶🇦🇶🇦🇶🇦🇶🇦🇶".
01/07 08:48 am - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on Naregistan for the reason of "*Pirate noises intensifies*".
01/07 08:47 am - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on Illinois for the reason of "Your flag colors clash with our aesthetic. This means war!".
01/05 03:00 am - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on Toothbrushlandia for the reason of "Your existence is inefficient. War protocol activated.".
01/05 02:58 am - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on The Wetlands for the reason of "Welcome to Orbis.".
01/05 02:53 am - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on The Australian Empire for the reason of "We march to war to restore our glory.".
12/31 04:46 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on Lincolnia for the reason of "Your control of media undermines democracy. This is a fight for free discourse.".
12/31 04:45 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on Great Duchy of Lithuania for the reason of "Welcome to Orbis.".
12/31 04:42 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on INDIANFORCE for the reason of "The will of the Senate is clear. War must come to those who oppose us.".
12/31 04:40 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios declared war on scarsXsouvenirs for the reason of "Hasta la vista, baby!".
12/31 03:07 pm - Kingdom of Theouaetios has publicly commended the nation of Free Peoples Federation led by Mingan Streitwolf.
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
5 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Arable Land Agency
Arable Land Agency is a national project that reduces the cost of land by 5%.
Center for Civil Engineering
Center for Civil Engineering is a national project that increases knowledge about infrastructure. Infrastructure costs drop 5% in all cities.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.