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The United Imperium Of Internamadia is a nation led by Kaiser Svokzik on the continent of South America. The United Imperium Of Internamadia's government is a Theocratic Dictatorship with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, The United Imperium Of Internamadia favors left wing policies. The official currency of The United Imperium Of Internamadia is the Dollar. At 333 days old, The United Imperium Of Internamadia is an old nation. The United Imperium Of Internamadia has a population of 6,096,901 and a land area of 47,250.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 129.03. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

A Country Born from the fall of The People's Republic of Songyang.

The Internamadia People Hate Communism because Songyang is a Communist Dictatorship Country.

They don't hate neither like the Long forgotten Dictator.

Songyang was a wartorn country, every time a war was over. They got into another war, which result in a massive revolt that gave birth to Internamadia,

The People wanted to NOT be like Songyang... which make Internamadia Join an Alliance.

But, Some people decide to revive the Long Forgotten Country, they was called: Lares, their main idea was to revive Songyang and kill the Kaiser.

A Country with various unique tradition.

A Country with strict laws and Torture for people who violate 1 Specific type of Crime. 

A Country who uphold the traditional family types

Flag meaning:

-Red: resembling the blood that spilled during the Inter-Songyang Revolt

-yellow line: resembling the Golden Cathedral which unfortunetly destroyed during the riot by Songyani Forces for unknown reason

-white triangle: resembling Mt.Ebott

-Dragon: resembling wealth, power, strenght, fortune and dexterity

-dual headed eagle: resembling diversity, love, authority and religion

-Tongkonan(a Torajan[Indonesian Tribe] traditional house): resembling tradition and Willpower

-cross,shield,and another dual headed eagle: resembling the coat of arm of the entire Imperial Army

The 7 Black Dragons

The 7 Black Dragons is a group of 7 Major loyal Minister that consist of:

-Departement of Ground Defense

-Departement of Aerial Defense 

-Departement of Naval Defense

-Departement of Health Care

-Departement of Education and Propaganda

-Departement of Science and Enviromentalist

-Departement of Tortu- 

The relation between the people and the law enforcers is utterly great, you see some polices in active shooting or standoff is having troubles? The people help them or atleast try to suppress fire the shooter

Advise to tourist: do your best to not to violate a law that will result in severe punishment or public execution where people will dance at your death :]

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Internamadia
Leader Name: Svokzik
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Chinese dragon
History: [Leaked High Goverment Information]Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.
One day, war broke out between the two races.
After a long battle, the humans were victorious.
They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.(You know where this is going)
Continent: South America
Land Area: 76,041.32 sq. km
Terrain: Internamadia consist of vast multiple high cold rocky mountain, thick jungle, and sky scrapering building.
Highest Peak: Mt.Ebott, 7,580 meters
Lowest Valley: [Top Goverment Info]The Underground, -3,000 meters
Climate: Thick Taiga biomes nearly everywhere and Unforgiving Winter, at Outpost Summit you will experience hypothermia in 30 minutes if you are not equipped with thick winter clothes,
People & Society
Population: 6,096,901 people
Demonym: Tau Toraya/Namadian
Demonym Plural: Tau Torayas/Namadians
Ethnic Groups: Torajan and Indonesian - 75.0%
East Asians - 20.0%
Middle Eastern and N & S American - 5.0%
Languages: Torajan and Indonesian - 78.0%
English - 14.0%
East Asians and Arabic - 7.0%
Religions: Interish Orthodox - 90.0%
Catholic - 5.0%
Other kind of Christianity - 5.0%
Life Expectancy: 80 years
Obesity: 1.5%
Alcohol Users: 87%
Tobacco Users: 7.5%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: Internamadia use a combined system of capitalist and communist which result in a not so stabilized economy
Average Yearly Income: $199.38
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $7,414,698,600.00
GDP per Capita: $1,216.14
Gross National Income (GNI): $3,762,793,395.00
Industries: Internamadia consist of 3 major industries: tourism,export, and oil refineries. Internamadia have very much location of tourism which is: Mt. Ebott, Mt. Jagd[Closed],and The Tiramban Lake. Internamadia export is torajan clothes made with hand and very little robotic help. Mt.Ebott has VERY Beautiful View from one of the rest area/checkpoint that is available, the Kaiser's sometime visit the mountain to relieve some stress with other high goverment officials, Suprisingly the mountain doesnt have any trash and no pollution at all which makes it very refreshing. Regardless the story of 7 human child missing in the top of the mountain... the goverment detect a deep underground tunnel or domain if you rather from the top of the mountain down into the earth crust, long time ago when the Communist Songyang still exist they would dispose their old technologies into the tunnel on top of the mountain.
History: The Internamadia Imperial Guard(IIG) were first establish in 2098 following multiple failed coup which result in Total destruction of Internamadia largest Church in 2099, the IIG have been weakened by a terrorist group called: lares. Lares is a separatist group which hate the Self Proclaimed King or Tsar Svokzik idea of ruling Internamadia land, the Internamadia Imperial Wing(IIW) have taken action by bombing a few lares camp hiding in Mt.Jag, IIF or Internamadia Imperial Fleet was establish in 2099, Lares was completely wiped out in a single month. Then Tsar Svokzik made 2 special forces:
-The Old Guard
-The Royal Imperial Guard
The Old Guard were used for military parade and last line of defense against protester. The Old Guard were specialised for building barricade from scrap.
The Royal Imperial Guard were used to guard Tsar Svokzik palace and himself. The Royal Imperial Guard were specialised in defending the palace and to extract as soon as possible to save the Tsar.
Their weaponry:
The old guard is using fire axe, garand rifle,a hammer, and a 6-shooter, the reason why they are using old weapon is to minimize protester cassulties
The New Guard is using, fully modified secret assault rifle,a night and thermal vision, the ability to choose a class III armor or a class IV armor. 2 grenades, 1 flashbang, 1 flare gun with 2 ammo, a F57 pistol, a walkie talkie, and a flashlight.
There is also some other special forces that Tsar Svokzik make such as:
- "Visitors" First Defense System
-Pa' duar-duar
-Anomalous Activity Control
-Demonic Activity Control
-The Watcher
-Last Man Standing
-Svokzik Dead Hussar
-The Angel From Above
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 15,000
Aircraft: 1,500
Ships: 66
Missiles: 12
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 02/25/2025 02:12 pm