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Chechnya is a nation led by Imam Yulakaev Baysangur on the continent of Asia. Chechnya's government is a Theocratic Democracy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Chechnya favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Chechnya is the Nakhar. At 75 days old, Chechnya is an established nation. Chechnya has a population of 81,329 and a land area of 750.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 108.44. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is seriously lacking with an approval rating of 15.7453%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Chechnya
Leader Name: Yulakaev Baysangur
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: we have been fighting for independence for 2-3 centuries. we finally defeated the enemy and sent him from the land where the she-wolf whooped. We chased them from the mountains, and out of our chechnya!
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 1,207.01 sq. km
Terrain: very mountainous, the south very cold and mountainous, the north, more humid and warm.
Highest Peak: Mt. Shalazhi, 40,000 meters
Lowest Valley: Dudayaev Valley, -8,900 meters
Climate: north and east are warm, south and west are cold.
People & Society
Population: 81,329 people
Demonym: Chechen
Demonym Plural: Chechens
Ethnic Groups: Chechen - 90.0%
Ingush - 9.0%
Avar - 1.0%
Languages: Chechen - 95.0%
Ingush - 4.7%
Avar - 3.3%
Religions: Islam (Sunni) - 100.0%
Life Expectancy: 130 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0.1%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0.9%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: This nation has an economy focused around the people, and military, and the people can take as much as they want as long as it doesn't hinder the government from developing the town/aul.
Average Yearly Income: $47.30
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $47,240,628.00
GDP per Capita: $580.85
Gross National Income (GNI): $21,959,130.00
Industries: Major industries include oil, and historical cites, and tourism to our towers to keep watch from Mongols.
History: The armed forces have existed ever since the chechens were living. a formal force was never made until 1809 though. Our force has also defeated the mongols, pro-russian chechens, pro-russian dagestanis, and russian troops, and armed mujahideen wahhabis.
Soldiers: 7,709
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 11/30/2024 04:32 pm