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Sabitou Peoples Republic
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Sabitou Peoples Republic Sabitou Peoples Republic is a nation led by Supreme Chairman Gregorio Manzano on the continent of Asia. Sabitou Peoples Republic Sabitou Peoples Republic's government is a Socialist Republic with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Sabitou Peoples Republic Sabitou Peoples Republic favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Sabitou Peoples Republic Sabitou Peoples Republic is the Sabitou Pesos. At 407 days old, Sabitou Peoples Republic Sabitou Peoples Republic is an ancient nation. Sabitou Peoples Republic Sabitou Peoples Republic has a population of 3,340,965 and a land area of 73,100.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 45.70. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 59.0151%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Sabitou Peoples Republic
Leader Name: Gregorio Manzano
Currency: Currency Image
Sabitou Pesos
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Sabitou before was an island far in southeast asia nearly in pacific they became Former colony of Spanish Philippines and only succeed independent without American Influence.

The peoples of Sabitou comprising of Polynesian, Indo-Malay, and Japanese.

Sabitou before Spanish arrival is a Tribal State Comprising
Four kingdoms:
Luco Kendatuan, Rajahate of Magui, Sultan of Negara and Ibana Confederation. They made various conflict between Tribal State until Japanese Arrival.

Rise of Choku

Aftermath of Genpei War some loyalist of Tiara Clan was evacuate to choshu but some off course to the island they name the island cause how lonely this island was and also their name pick by native islander because they can't pronuonce "shu". They establish a domain then expand their religion Shintonism. They defeat the tribal state by their experience warrior and establish a shogunate in this island without emperor attach.

Spanish Arrival

Spaniard discover this island by accident. In 1590 Their a typhoon at the time a merchant also explorer Amadeo Guevarra was refugee this island temporary and the spanish taught they local japanese so they trade it until realize this area doesn't belong to Japan by remapping this area so returning in Spanish Philippines they request the church to apply religion expand this island that only agree was the jesuit missionaries they begin in 1592.
The tension between two side escalate cause of religion expansionism the Shogunate of Choku order of persecuetion of all catholic but estimate around half of population are catholic but the fight back the rebellion has begun.

Shimada Rebellion

In 1620 a members of catholic organise a rebellion against the shogun orders they fight blade to blade. Without support of Spanish the rebel still weak and inexperience until the nobility classes join the rebellion and buy some guns to spanish merchants they succeed overthrown the shogun and became theocratic state in 1625 but short live cause in 1630 by vote annex Spanish Philippines.

Spanish Era

Sabitou treat different they treat middle class and some colony are the lower class which only hierchy was Peninsualar. Peoples of Sabitou respect by Spaniard until 1800 when Colony in America was Revolt then they decided to split the Sabitou as Gain of Independence.

Republic of Sabitou

The establishing of republic was confirm by Royal Audencia in June 12, 1806 that Sabitou became a nation again but they sided along with spaniard until defeated many conflict but they planned to stop Sabitou Republicism and reconquer again but the citizen refuse about the annexation the Spanish Sabitou war has begun

Spanish-Sabitou War

It begun in June 1866 its 60th anniversary of establishment when the spaniard attack the garrison in Sta. Elena and tried to capture the town of Sta. Elena the Spaniard succeed the attack and attack the port town of Ricardos and capture the port and several ship then towns of Lacerna, Valderama, and Vasques . Meanwhile in Ciudad de Real President Julian Garcia order of mobilization of all Auxialaria Troops (reserve force) to defend the country. They took months defending the capital city until the spaniard get low moral due of raiding and pillage the supply of spaniard and finally breakthrough their defensive position of spaniard and liberate Valderama and Vasques. The Spaniard hold a year in Lacerna which the most strategic position and Sta. Elena they liberated by Sabitou Mountaneer brigade ended conflict in 1871 after the siege in ricardos the treaty happen in the Spanish Transport ship San Telmo.

Era of Republicism and Rise of Haciendanista

Sabitou was independent again but the economy was suffer after the war they plan yet trade every nation most of trade are iron but still suffering until the hierchy enter the officer the most notable was Don Santiago Ponce owner of Imperial Farm Cooperation. He became president in 1898 his administration its recovering plan to put out the economic recession they succeed until his relection in 1905 he step down the office in 1909 due his illness replace a ambition one 1915 when labour union was created but the haciendanista piss them. And mass labour protest due of harsh condition and low salary income but the haciendanista was planned to take them down.

Santa Monica Massacre

In 1925 the another protest apply they estimate 1500 protestor gather on plantation in Santa Monica when suddenly 100 Armed Bodyguard used 90 are Rifle and 10 Lewis Machine gun then one of haciendanista official order to shoot them. In result 600 protestor die and 550 are wounded and 450 escape the seen. The government get shock and incident they require of investigation then 100,000 gather on presidencial palace about the incident. This case took years but the government gave up and discharge the investigation when the people furious and starting of civil war.

Sabitou Civil War

It begun on October of 1930 15th founding anniversary of Labour Union of Sabitou attacking in garrison at Lacerna stolen more weapon and recruit more militia who support them. Another attack at Sta. Elena by renegades military knowns as the "Junta Facista" them the anti-Haciendanista Group bombing several infrastructure therefor the government loss any power until the Junta take over the palace and exile the government their in 1935 but they still fighting against newly install government. They took 10 years of irregular conflict the junta defeated by anti-government group but they still in war now against the Communist this war took 50 year of irregular conflict the communist won the battle and loss every single cities and expecting facing of collapse the government.

Era of Rebuild

"Under any crisis they facing every nation to resolve the crisis they tried to make peace negotiate action not agression" this the speech of his Supreme Leader and beginning to ruins to economic powerhouse nation.

(Don't take serious about the fact book i just creative on history fact and also I just planned to write a simulation about this "nation" so thank to understand)
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 117,642.75 sq. km
Highest Peak: Mt. Asahi, 400 meters
Lowest Valley: Saavedra Marsh, -176 meters
People & Society
Population: 3,340,965 people
Demonym: Choku
Demonym Plural: Chokan
Ethnic Groups: Malayo-Polynesian - 43.1%
Japanese - 12.8%
Hispanic - 7.1%
Languages: Filipino - 60.8%
Hispanic - 20.2%
Nippongo - 19.0%
Religions: Roman Catholic - 80.4%
Shintonism - 18.6%
Other - 1.0%
Life Expectancy: 69 years
Obesity: 12%
Alcohol Users: 50%
Tobacco Users: 30%
Cannabis Users: 0.1%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: They still adapt the spanish economic system before oil resource discover in this nation.
And limited trade policy applied.
Average Yearly Income: $53.57
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $2,802,764,149.00
GDP per Capita: $838.91
Gross National Income (GNI): $1,565,483,175.00
History: The military force exist on era of Choku Shogunate. They relied the conscripted Low income Classes before the disbanded of Shogunate and relied the forces to Spaniard. The force was limited the year 1640 the establish the Auxilaria Brigada as main forces of Sabitou after annexation.
They comprising Civil and former militiamen of Choku Shogunate but to suprise the Auxilaria Brigada has group in two army category: Auxilaria Marina and Auxilaria Tropas.
Auxilaria Tropas focus on geographic land of Sabitou itself. Auxilaria Marina are the most army and main force of Auxilaria Brigada they comprising around 2/3 of forces on Auxilaria Marina. In Beginning of Sabitou Republicism all Units of Auxilaria Brigada became Republican Armed Force with experience of spaniard precessor. They adapt spanish Training and Military Doctrine they change on Era of Haciendanista they Modernize the Military but the During the Junta era they overpriority than the civil issue they planned disband after the Junta but they rejected cause of communism issue until they defeated by the communist.
They planned balance as could possible and apply mandatory conscription to defend the nation as possible.
Soldiers: 234,735
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 299
Ships: 137
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 02/13/2024 11:29 am