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Tia Relias

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Empire of Tia Relias Tia Relias is a nation led by Emperor of Reliams Robin on the continent of Europe. Empire of Tia Relias Tia Relias's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Empire of Tia Relias Tia Relias favors moderate policies. The official currency of Empire of Tia Relias Tia Relias is the Sestorii. At 496 days old, Empire of Tia Relias Tia Relias is an ancient nation. Empire of Tia Relias Tia Relias has a population of 5,978,802 and a land area of 44,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 135.88. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.




The Empire of Tia Relias is a fictional nation, it was founded in 2023. The Emperor is, me, Polymath2008. I entered into the first and current alliance a few weeks after joining; this alliance is Panem. I strongly suggest joining Panem, it's a chill faction for hanging out and playing the game. The nation is based on more than just two real and historical empires or nations, however the main inspiration is Rome & the Byzantine Empire. I am still working on the nation to this day, and I likely will be forever. 



In the future, I hope to eventually take over most of Europe for my nation, I don't know even know if the game would still be alive by then. One of the main priorities is to increase city and military numbers, which has been going steadily for a while now. Another wish is to get more projects done, which is easy enough to do. I also hope to help increase the ranks amongst Panem, so if you wish to join, friend me over discord. 



Panem is based upon the hunger games nation, also called Panem, however its not a big RP like you may imagine, it's rather chilled out and has good grants, loans, and instructors for the game. If you're an older player, it's also a cool place to hang around. For newer players, you will receive protection from any attacking nation. Join Panem Today!

(Permanent Server Invite)



View Nation Factbook | View Nation

National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Tia Relias
Leader Name: Robin
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 70,810.96 sq. km
Highest Peak: , 0 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
People & Society
Population: 5,978,802 people
Demonym: Relian
Demonym Plural: Relians
Ethnic Groups: Relians - 57.6%
Provincial Residents - 40.0%
Gamers - 2.4%
Languages: Reliasian Latin - 73.0%
English - 27.0%
Religions: Christianity - 98.0%
Atheist/Other - 0.9%
The Cat Cult - 0.1%
Life Expectancy: 87 years
Obesity: 7.1%
Alcohol Users: 48.9%
Tobacco Users: 33%
Cannabis Users: 7.2%
Hard Drug Users: 1.8%
Description: This nation has a capitalistic economy that creates a lot of money.
Average Yearly Income: $259.60
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $5,344,263,242.00
GDP per Capita: $893.87
Gross National Income (GNI): $2,600,245,765.00
Industries: The Tia Relian Empire has many industries, some of them include: Books, Munitions, Olive Oil, Wood, and Technology. These are few among other industries in their own specific province.

A few other Tia Relian mining industries may include: Coal mining, Lead mining, and Iron mining. These are to help produce a few of the other mentioned items.
History: The Tia Relian Empire has a complex military organization structure, which is listed here.
1 Legion = 15,000 Men
1Corp = 8000 Men
1 Command = 600 Planes
1 Fleet = 20 Ships

SPECIALIZED LEGIONS: 1st Royal Guard Legion, 2nd National Guard Legion, 3rd Militarized Police Legion

INFANTRY LEGIONS: 1st Infantry Legion, 2nd Infantry Legion, 3rd Marine Legion, 4th Arctic Infantry Legion, 5th Infantry Legion, 6th Mountain Infantry Legion, 7th Infantry Legion, 8th Marine Legion, 9th Infantry Legion, 10th Marine Legion, 11th Infantry Legion, 12th Infantry Legion, 13th Marine Legion, 14th Jungle Infantry Legion, 15th Foreign Legion, 16th Foreign Legion, 17th Marine Legion, 18th Infantry Legion, 19th Medical Legion Detachments, 20th Engineering Legion Detachments, 21st Medical Legion Detachments

MECHANIZED LEGIONS: 1st Mechanized Legion, 2nd Mechanized Legion, 3rd Mechanized Legion, 4th Mechanized Legion, 5th Mechanized Legion, 6th Mechanized Legion

AIR-FORCE COMMANDS: 1st Fighter Command, 2nd Fighter Command, 3rd Transport Command, 4th Bomber Command

NAVAL FLEETS: 1st Atlantic Fleet, 2nd Atlantic Fleet, 3rd Pacific Fleet, 4th Mediterranean Fleet, 5th Mediterranean Fleet, 6th Arctic Fleet, 7th Royal Guard Fleet, 8th Patrol Fleet, 9th Indian ocean Fleet, 10th Atlantic Fleet, 11th Coast Guard Fleet, 12th Patrol Fleet, 13th Pacific Fleet

MISSILE UNITS: Defensive Artillery Corp, Offensive Artillery Corp, Nuclear Artillery Corp
SPY UNITS: 1st Interior Frummentarii Corp, 2nd Exterior Frummentarii Corp
SOCOM UNITS: 1st Ranger Corp, 2nd Para-Rescue Corp, 3rd Cyber Corp
POLICE: 1st Legion-Police Corp, 2nd Legion-Police Corp, 3rd Military Lawyer Corp, 4th Military Prosecutor Corp
Soldiers: 330,000
Tanks: 27,500
Aircraft: 1,650
Ships: 330
Missiles: 2
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 03/12/2025 08:25 pm