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Cuatro Santos

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El Cuatrirreinato De Los Cuatro Santos is a nation led by Arcangel Miguel Antonio on the continent of Europe. El Cuatrirreinato De Los Cuatro Santos's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, El Cuatrirreinato De Los Cuatro Santos favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of El Cuatrirreinato De Los Cuatro Santos is the Saintes. At 579 days old, El Cuatrirreinato De Los Cuatro Santos is an ancient nation. El Cuatrirreinato De Los Cuatro Santos has a population of 1,291,933 and a land area of 35,750.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 36.14. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.



Gobierno De Los Cuatro Santos 

Governo Dû Ols Cuatro Santos  

Gouvernement Des Quatre Saints

Government Of The Four Saints


The Four Saints aka Quatrirreinato De Los Cuatro Santos, is a country/region located on the outskirts of Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain. The current government has no territory but has a property defended and directed by its Saints (Spanish Holy Protection Territory), known as Garrapinillos or El Huertico. The state supports the Catholic religion but it allows you to practice all religions without any type of impediment. Cuatro Santos has a very varied population due to its constant flow of citizens. The government has four official languages: Spanish, Saintês, French and English named in their order of use from greatest to least. Its capital is the house of Antote where the senate and the quatri-congress are located. Their king is Antote. The name is Saint and the currency is Saintés. ( 1st (↗↙)=1.5eur(€))

Official Flag (3:4):


The country is divided into four regions:

Garrapinillos Forestal (in charge of Santo Diego): Capital Cabaña.


Alto-Garrapinillos (in charge of Santo Ignacio): Capital Pool.


Military Garrapinillos (in charge of Arcángel Miguel): Capital Furancho.


Garrapinillos Administrative (in charge of Archangel David): Capital Casa De Antote.


Moneda Oficial (Saints)



The government is made up of the aforementioned Saints. The function of each one is:

Archangel Michael (Archangel of security and protection) : Minister of Coordination, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Security, Minister of Defense

Archangel David (Archangel of order and stability): Minister of Culture, Minister of Journalism, Minister of Freedom, Minister of Laws

Santo Ignacio (Saint of life and freedom): Minister of the Environment, Minister of Health, Minister of Water

Santo Diego (Saint of Nature and Peace): Minister of Nature, Minister of Peace, Minister of Supply, Minister of Gastronomy


History: The territory of the Four Saints was defined when the Archangel David, in the year 100 a. C., defended, with effort and tears, this small territory from the hands of the devil. Little by little he was building this paradise of calm and tranquility. He made this territory beautiful, pretty and safe. The next founder of this country was Saint Diego, who, after Archangel David was no longer able to defend this territory from the hands of the devil, defended it until his last breath. Saint Diego was considered the first citizen of the Four Saints, being exemplary and humble. After the great sacrifice of Santo Diego, the Archangel Michael appeared, who saved 200 people from the icy waters of the Atlantic, in a shipwreck full of people who were heading to the Four Saints. Thanks to this feat, the Saints proclaimed him President and created the country as it is known today. Archangel Michael defined all aspects of the state such as laws, flag, security, coat of arms, language, and armed and military forces. Finally, the last Saint was Saint Ignatius, who today continues to keep the country beautiful and active, keeping it what it always was and will be, a paradise.


Language: Thecents it is the official dialect of the Four Saints. This is made up of a mixture of Spanish, French, English and Portuguese commonly used in this order from highest to lowest. The bases of the language are Spanish and French and they are with which phrases and verbs are formed. Both can be mixed and it is grammatically correct to make the same sentence once in Spanish and once in French. Then for adverbs, adjectives and nouns English is also included. This language has reserved technical terms related to technology and the use of technical terms of this type in another language will be considered incorrect. Finally, Portuguese is included in adjectives and adverbs.

Grammar rules are those of the language itself when it comes to general spelling and the same applies to accents. In Spanish, all the tildes will have to be written with the symbol “^”, but in French it will be accepted to write with the tildes of their own language and only using “^”, both of which are correct. Another characteristic is the use of the “^” which is used in the U that do not have a silent sound (Ex: Salûdo, Querella). so that thecents is correct, you also have to mix at least two languages ​​in each sentence, being able to freely choose between the four languages ​​if the already mentioned guidelines are followed. As a reminiscence of French, certain demonstrative determiners and prepositions have to be inverted (Ex: El-LE/La-Al/En-Ne…). Finally, as in English, all demonyms or languages ​​have the first letter capitalized.


Spanish Holy Protection Territory:


The TEPS (Spanish Holy Protection Territory) has an approximate extension of 1947.07 m2 and a perimeter of 193.06 m. The TEPS Apart from defending Antote's house, defends the surrounding land, such as the ditch or Lorenzo's house.




Roads of the Four Saints:


ADN 1/ Arcángel David Nacional 1 (Red): This road goes from the main road (N-232) to the Los Cuatro Santos garage

AMN 2/ Arcángel Miguel Nacional 2 (Blue): This road goes from the ADN 1 junction to Alcampo. This road can be accessed from the rear exit of Garrapinillos Militar

SNN 3/ San Diego Nacional 3 (Green): This road takes us to all the different areas of southern Garrapinillos. This starts at the fork and ends at the end of Garrapinillos.

SIN 4,5,6,7/ St. Ignatius National 4,5,6,7 (Yellow):

Nº4: Garden area of ​​theorchard

Nº5: On the way to Lorenzo's house

Nº6: Ditch. This goes from the southernmost point to the northernmost

Nº7: Path of the sunset



Cuatro Santos Diplomatic Relations:



The Passport is not recognized by any country recognized by the UN, but it can be used to pass without impediment to Huertico or move around the provinces:





Cuatro Santos also has a double embassy in Aragon, due to its good relations.With This province shares a variety of things, such as the armed forces and security, health and economy.


Monastery of the Four Saints: The Four Saints have a collaboration with a small convent of nuns ½ km from the unofficial territory.


Official page of the government of Los Cuatro Santos:Four Saints Gov 




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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Cuatro Santos
Leader Name: Miguel Antonio
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Lobo Iberico
History: The territory of the Four Saints was defined when the Archangel David, in the year 100 B.C., defended, with effort and tears, this small territory from the hands of the devil. Little by little he built this paradise of calm and tranquillity. He made this territory beautiful, beautiful and safe. The next founder of this country was Santo Diego, who, after the Archangel David was no longer able to defend this territory from the hands of the devil, defended it until his last breath. Santo Diego was considered the first citizen of the Four Saints, being exemplary and humble. After the great sacrifice of Saint Diego, the Archangel Michael appeared and saved 200 people from the icy waters of the Atlantic, in a shipwrecked boat full of people who were heading to the Four Saints. Because of this feat the Saints proclaimed him President and he created the country as it is known today. The Archangel Michael defined all aspects of the state such as laws, flag, security, coat of arms, language, military and armed forces. Finally the last Saint was Saint Ignatius, who today continues to keep the country beautiful and active in keeping it what it always was and will be, a paradise.

El territorio de los Cuatros Santos fue definido cuando el Arcángel David, en el año 100 a. C., defendió, con esfuerzo y lágrimas, este pequeño territorio de las manos del demonio. Poco a poco fue construyendo este paraíso de calma y tranquilidad. Él hizo que este territorio fuese bello, bonito y seguro. El siguiente fundador de este país fue el Santo Diego, el cual, después de que el Arcángel David ya no fuese capaz de defender este territorio de las manos del demonio, lo defendió hasta su último aliento. El Santo Diego fue considerado el primer ciudadano de los Cuatro Santos, siendo ejemplar y humilde. Después del gran sacrificio del Santo Diego, apareció el Arcángel Miguel, el cual, salvó a 200 personas de las aguas gélidas del Atlántico, en un náufrago lleno de personas que se dirigían a los Cuatro Santos. Gracias a esta hazaña los Santos le proclamaron Presidente y creó el país como es conocido hoy en día. El Arcángel Miguel definió todos los aspectos del estado como leyes, bandera, seguridad, escudo de armas, idioma y fuerzas armadas y militares. Finalmente el último Santo fue el Santo Ignacio, el cual hoy en día sigue manteniendo el país bello y activo manteniéndolo para que sea lo que siempre fue y será, un paraíso.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 57,533.91 sq. km
Highest Peak: Sant'alaia, 324 meters
Lowest Valley: Fosa dû Lago, -3 meters
People & Society
Population: 1,291,933 people
Demonym: Santo
Demonym Plural: Santos
Ethnic Groups: Aragonese (Spanish) - 97.0%
Galician (Spanish) - 2.7%
English - 0.3%
Languages: Saintés - 12.7%
Spanish - 99.8%
English - 78.5%
Religions: Catholic Christianism ✝️ - 82.9%
Lutheran Christianism ☦ - 12.1%
Atheism ⚛ - 5.0%
Life Expectancy: 85 years
Obesity: 0.2%
Alcohol Users: 75.2%
Tobacco Users: 1.5%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Average Yearly Income: $46.18
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $936,906,537.00
GDP per Capita: $725.20
Gross National Income (GNI): $315,602,360.00
History: This is the largest governmental organisation of all the Four Saints being composed of the four Saints. The army's main objective is to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of thieves, fires or battles. It is important to mention that it does not have the same function as the police, which is to maintain order and stability within the country, while the army deals with external attacks or aggressions. Apart from dealing with external aggression, the day-to-day work of the Holy Army is to do territory exploration, mapping and training. The army is composed of :

The Leader: Archangel Michael. His responsibility is to constantly watch over the farm by land, sea and air.

Holy Armed Forces Intelligence Centre (CIFAS): This part of the army is in charge of the control and protection of the technological information circulating through the Four Holy Ones. Under the leadership of Archangel David.

Joint Command of Holy Cyberspace (JCCES): The purpose of this command is to encrypt and protect sensitive government information. Created by Archangel David to specifically strengthen government security so that it is not affected by cyber-attacks.

Chief of Health: In charge of all health-related matters including supply, location and quality. Under the leadership of Saint Ignatius.

Holy Operations Command (MOS): This branch serves to organise and coordinate all types of operations from the military base at Cuatro Santos. Under the leadership of Archangel Michael.

Directorate General of Holy Economic Affairs (DGAES): Controls army spending, tests and approves weapons and manages the supply of military equipment. Under the leadership of Saint Diego.

Army: Commander David. This branch of the army is especially in charge of land actions such as mining or exploration. Composed of 4 Saints: Ignatius, Michael, David and Diego. Their armament is : Walkie-Talkie, Tools in general (workshop), wineskin, Torch, Bicycles.

This branch of the army also has an exploration division:

Air and Space Army : Commander Diego. This branch of the army is especially in charge of air actions such as mapping and aircraft detection. Composed of 4 Saints: Ignacio, Miguel, David and Diego. Their armament is : Map, Binoculars, Walkie-talkies, Notebook.

Water Army: Commander Ignacio. This branch of the army is especially in charge of water actions such as diving and control of the irrigation ditches. Composed of 4 Saints: Ignacio, Miguel, David and Diego. Their armament is : Swimming trunks, Goggles, Swimming pool, Ditch.

Special Intervention Unit, Santa Unitas Du Supêroes (S.U.S): Formed by the four Saints, this unit was formed for instant intervention in situations of social instability (It is part of the police).

Esta es la organización gubernamental más grande de todos los Cuatro Santos estando compuesta por los cuatro Santos. El ejército tiene como mayor objetivo reducir o eliminar la aparición de ladrones, incendios o batallas. Es importante mencionar que no cumple la misma función que la policía, la cual es mantener el orden y estabilidad dentro del país, mientras que el ejército se ocupa de ataques o agresiones exteriores. Aparte de ocuparse de agresiones exteriores, el día a día del ejército santo es hacer exploraciones del territorio, cartografía y entrenamientos. El ejército está compuesto de :

El Líder: Arcángel Miguel. Su responsabilidad es vigilar constantemente la finca por tierra mar y aire

Centro de Inteligencia Fuerzas Armadas Santas (CIFAS): Esta parte del ejército se ocupa del control y protección de la información tecnológica que circula por los Cuatro Santos. Bajo el liderazgo del Arcángel David.

Mando Conjunto del Ciberespacio Santo (MCCES): El objetivo de este mando es encriptar y proteger información confidencial del gobierno. Creada por el Arcángel David para reforzar específicamente la seguridad del gobierno y que no sea afectada por ciberataques.

Jefatura de Sanidad: Se encarga de todo lo relacionado con la sanidad incluyendo abastecimiento, lugar y calidad. Bajo el liderazgo del Santo Ignacio.

Mando de Operaciones Santas (MOS): Esta rama sirve para organizar y coordinar todo tipo de operaciones desde la base militar en Cuatro Santos. Bajo el liderazgo del Arcángel Miguel.

Dirección General de Asuntos Económicos Santos (DGAES): Controla los gastos del ejército, prueba y aprueba armas y gestiona el abastecimiento de equipamiento militar. Bajo el liderazgo del Santo Diego.

Ejército de Tierra: Comandante David. Esta rama del ejército se encarga especialmente de las acciones de tierra como la minería o exploración. Compuesta por 4 Santos: Ignacio, Miguel, David y Diego. Su armamento es : Walkie-Talkie, Herramientas en general (taller), Bota de Vino, Antorcha, Bicicletas.

Este rama del ejército también cuenta con la división de exploración :

Ejército del Aire y Espacio: Comandante Diego. Esta rama del ejército se encarga especialmente de las acciones de aire como la cartografía y la detección de aviones. Compuesta por 4 Santos: Ignacio, Miguel, David y Diego. Su armamento es : Mapa, Prismáticos, Walkie-talkies, Cuaderno.

Ejército del Agua: Comandante Ignacio. Esta rama del ejército se encarga especialmente de las acciones de agua como el submarinismo y el control de las acequias. Compuesta por 4 Santos: Ignacio, Miguel, David y Diego. Su armamento es : Bañadores, Gafas, Piscina, Acequia.

Unidad de Intervención Especial, Santa Unitas Du Supêroes (S.U.S): Formada por los cuatro Santos, esta unidad fue formada para la intervención instantánea de situaciones de inestabilidad social (Forma parte de la policía).
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 6
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 07/18/2024 01:35 pm