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The United Democratic Kingdom of Semajia is a nation led by Monarch of Monarch of Semajia on the continent of South America. The United Democratic Kingdom of Semajia's government is a Parliamentary Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The United Democratic Kingdom of Semajia favors right wing policies. The official currency of The United Democratic Kingdom of Semajia is the Dollar. At 650 days old, The United Democratic Kingdom of Semajia is an ancient nation. The United Democratic Kingdom of Semajia has a population of 1,373,985 and a land area of 72,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 18.95. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


Died In Office - *

Assassinated or Murdered in Office - **

Resigned or Retired - ***

Removed from Office Democratically - ****

Removed from Office Undemocratically - *****


Current Nation

National State

Monarch - King William I Gancaster


List of Monarchs

House of Gancaster

  1. William I (August 28th, 2087-present)


National Government

Current House of the Commons (100 open-list proportional, 224 constituency)

Union Party - Geoff Inwood - 232/324

Liberal Party - Mark Antonucci - 87/324

Independents - N/A - 5/324


List of Prime Ministers

Union Party

  1. Geoffrey A. Inwood (November 11th, 2087-present) (Nov. 2087, Nov. 2092, Nov. 2097)


Legislative History

Federal House of the Commons

  • Semajia Abroad Act (Nov. 10th, 2087) - Permitted King William I to officially enter the Immortals alliance group when he so chooses.
  • Equality in Unity Act (Nov. 28th, 2087) - Allowed the military to conduct activities to secure Semajian unity, including forceful suppression, interrogation of suspected terrorists, etc.
  • Anti-Terrorism Resolution Act (Dec. 6th, 2087) - Certified the Yaji Freedom Corps, Southern Independence and Liberation League, Anhairb Freedom Fighters, and other pro-Yaji independence groups as terrorist organizations.
  • United People's Act (Oct. 14th, 2093) - Mandated military service for 18-35 year olds for at least 10 months.
  • Immediate Authorization of Response (September 21st, 2096) - Permitted military action against Ihese, Mordheim, and their allies for their alleged attempted terrorism.


Conflict History

Unnamed Conflict (March 22nd, 2100 - present)

Seven Day War (Sep. 22nd - Sep. 29th, 2096)


  • Semajia


  • Ihese
  • Mordheim



  • Ihese and Mordheim sue for peace just 1 week after the war's begin.
  • Semajia declares victory.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Semajia
Leader Name: Monarch of Semajia
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The Kingdoms of Stratin and Yaj were once incredibly divided, with Yaj being home to predominantly Arabic and Spanish Muslims, and Strating being home to mostly Christians.
Continent: South America
Land Area: 116,677.15 sq. km
Highest Peak: Mt. Inwood, 7 meters
Lowest Valley: Robbinsworth Basin, -517 meters
People & Society
Population: 1,373,985 people
Demonym: Semajian
Demonym Plural: Semajians
Ethnic Groups: Semajian - 59.9%
Yaji - 32.6%
Asuban - 1.1%
Languages: English - 73.0%
Spanish - 10.4%
Arabic - 8.7%
Religions: Christianity - 40.3%
Islam - 12.4%
Judaism - 0.7%
Life Expectancy: 80 years
Obesity: 10.3%
Alcohol Users: 51.4%
Tobacco Users: 52.6%
Cannabis Users: 7.6%
Hard Drug Users: 1.3%
Description: Capitalist
Average Yearly Income: $138.42
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $3,116,017,954.00
GDP per Capita: $2,267.87
Gross National Income (GNI): $984,891,545.00
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 10/21/2023 07:07 pm