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Solgland is a nation led by President Johann Olsen on the continent of Europe. Solgland's government is a Social Democracy with very anarchist social policies. Economically, Solgland favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Solgland is the Solglish Dollar. At 746 days old, Solgland is an ancient nation. Solgland has a population of 4,315,850 and a land area of 47,750.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 90.38. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Solgland is a nation that prides itself in true equality and equal opportunity for all. We respect individual liberties while empowering communities and supporting each an every Solgland citizen. We share resources and wealth between all our citizens, removing class differences and rewarding each person for their unique contribution to our society. 

"We are the future. We are the hope that true unity is possible. We are life after capitalism." ~ Erida Solger, founder 

Current Roles: MA Advisor for Yorkshire, Reporter for OCN. 

Past Roles:

YORKSHIRE () 21/07/2024 - Present
MA Advisor (21/07 - Present)

WALL STREET (WS) 23/06/2024 - 21/07/2024
Head of FA (23/06 - 21/07)

LEGION OF DAWN (LoD) 06/03/2024 - 23/06/2024
Keeper of the Bastion (FA) (27/04 - 23/06)
Herald of the Bastion (FA) (20/04 - 27/04 )
Herald of the Blade (MA) (06/03 - 23/06)

EVENT HORIZON (EVH) 01/03/2024 - 06/03/2024
Fanatic of FA (01/03 - 06/03)

Orbis Crowned News (OCN) 25/03/2024 - Present
Junior Reporter (25/02 - 13/03)
Reporter (13/03 - Present)

AURORA (AUR) - 09/11/2023 - 01/03/2024
Cadet Officer of FA (09/11 - 01/03)

THE EMERALD INSURGENCY (TEI)  -  28/08/2023 - 09/11/2023
Leader  (25/09- 09/11)
Interim 2ic (28/08 - 25/09)

THE CELTIC EMPIRE (TCE) 28/03/2023 - 28/08/2023
Councillor/Head of FA (01/08 - 28/08)
First Minister/2ic ( - 02/08)
Head of IA ( - )
Policy Advisor (28/03 - )


War History:

New Year Nuke Me (Aurora, Syndisphere) (02/01/2024 - 02/02/2024)

Inflicted: $549m    Net: $304m    Declared: 11

Singularly Hostile (Aurora, Syndisphere) (13/01/2024 - 02/02/2024)
Inflicted: $882m    Net: $1.02b    Declared: 15

Blue Balled (Aurora, WELP etc.) (01/02/2024 - 02/02/2024)
Inflicted: $45.7m     Net: $15.6m     Declared: 5

Total Eclipse of the Heart (LoD, WELP) (16/05/2024 - present)
Inflicted: $1.40bn    Net: $724m      Declared: 14





View Nation Factbook | View Nation

National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Solgland
Leader Name: Johann Olsen
Currency: Currency Image
Solglish Dollar
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Nation History:

Solgland emerged from the aftermath of the Great Blackout, a name given to the dark Nuclear Winter following the nuclear war between previous Superpowers. The island was created as a secure hiding place for high ranking officials of the United Kingdom, France, and other European Superpowers who belonged to the NATO alliance. Following the collapse of these countries, the small group of refugees, consisting of both high ranking officials, scientists and service people, set about establishing an independent nation, under the leadership of Erida Solger.

This group formed the core Uredia ethnic group, which still make up the majority of the nations population. Later, the Trentia population in eastern England fled to Sorgland to escape persecution, and settled in the nation. Sorgland also accepted refugees from all over Europe who brought unique skills and cultures.

Slowly, Soln became the accepted language among most of the population, containing a combination of different dialects represented. Some of the Trentia community still speak the cultural and historic language of Trent, and others speak the more widely known English, a language surviving from the before the Blackout.

The Trentia community also brought there own religion, Trentism, which is still followed by most of their community, and the second largest religion after Stelglism, and adaptation of the old Christian faith which is followed across Europe. In the modern world, new ideas like Modern Athiesm are also beginning to spread, however a large part of the population continue to be unswayed by any religious arguments after witnessing so much suffering and destruction.

For several decades, the diverse people of Solgland have lived together in harmony, as they began to build infastructure, systems and government institutions that would secure the long term future of the nation and support an increasingly growing population.

Now, a few generations after it's creation, Solgland has been recognised by the international community, and, under the leadership of Samuel Dockree, grandson of the well known scientist Frenga Dockree, looks forward to a bright and hopeful future.


Political History:

Solgland has a mostly stable political history, and has been a social democracy since 2067. Erida Solger ruled the country as an unchallenged autocrat for 14 years after it's creation, although he is widely reported to have been a fair and just ruler despite his apparent lack of accountability. In fact, he even held a non-binding referendum on the government system and an overwhelming majority (87%) supported his continued rule.

On the 5th March 2065, Erida Solder died of a heart attack at the age of 85 after dedicating his life to the country. During his rule, Erida had created and then continually supported a complex succession plan that included a public referendum on the future democratic system, followed either by democratic elections or the selection from a group of candidates by a select panel of workers, intellectuals and leaders from many parts of society. However, just before he died, the plans were mysteriously changed to name his son, Threda Solger, as the sole heir to the leadership. Some people believed this was a last ditch change of heart or some panicked attempt to secure his legacy, but most analysts now agree that Threda most likely encouraged, manipulated or even forced his father into making the change as his health deteriorated.

Threda came to power just days after his fathers death, but the public, along with key leaders in society, were not happy with his succession. After over a year of new suppressive policies and a gradual shift towards dictatorship, a group of revolutionaries formed the Solglish Militia to remove him from power. After a month of conflict, Threda Solger was killed in the fighting as he attempted to flee his home.

An interim panel was set up to oversee the holding of democratic elections, and succeeded by Solgland's first elected leader, Thauvin Erther, leader of the revolutionaries. He set about creating the current democratic system, introducing a parliament and encouraging the formation of new political parties. The first parliamentary election was held two years later in 2069, before Erther was re-elected for another 4 year spell in the '71 elections, now as part of the centrist Liberty Party (LP).

After failing to deliver on some key campaign promises, Erther lost the following election in '75, defeated comprehensively by a young socialist Grend Yung of the USP (United Socialist Party), who promised new progressive policies, and a continued but more effective push towards socialism. Yung was in power for 2 incredibly successful terms, and was re-elected twice with an increasingly comprehensive majority. Unfortunately, following his successful campaign in '83, two tragedies struck Grend in his personal life with the death of his young daughter in hospital, soon followed by his wife in an unrelated car accident.

Citing these personal incidents, Grend handed in his resignation in September '84 and served a two months notice until a new president was sworn in following October elections. Close co-worker and vice-president Samuel Dockree won this election, promising a continuation to Yung's policies, in addition to new international relations, an update to the economic system, and international recognition of Solgland as an independent state, which he achieved under a year later (Febuary 3rd 2085).


Past Leaders:

Erida Solger (2051-2065) (Died)
Threda Solger (2065-2067) (Forcibly removed from power)
Thauvin Erther (2067-2075) (Not re-elected for 3rd spell)
Grend Yung (2075-2084) (Resigned 1 year into 3rd spell)
Samuel Dockree (2084-present)

Next Parliamentary Elections: September 8th 2090
Next Leadership Election: October 23rd 2088

Key Achievements:
- Joined TCE (2085)
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 76,845.99 sq. km
Terrain: Solgland was created artificially, but tectonic activities beneath the surface have drastically altered the landscape, creating a complex environment despite the small size of the country.

One of the islands most notable features is Mount Greta, named after the wife of the nations founder, Eric Solger, which was initially created to hide the military bunkers beneath it. However, tremors from the nuclear explosions around the world cause the mountain to rise far higher than initially intended, raising it to a spectacular six and a half thousand metres in height.

Next to the mountain, a deep valley was created where the ground creased upwards. This basin, now called the Dregna Basin, drops down as far as one thousand metres in depth, but is mostly flat at the bottom, allowing the construction of the countries biggest industrial base, and second biggest city. This eponymous city is located in the southern part of the basin, under the watchful gaze of Mount Trenga (4,678m), the second biggest mountain on the island, to the south of it's bigger cousin.

The rest of the country mostly consists of smaller mountains and hills of 500 - 1,500 metres in height, with the land height about 1,000 metres above sea level. Other valleys like the Denba Gorge drop as low as sea level, with many rivers crisscrossing the country as they descend from the tall mountains around.

One section of flat plains can be found to the north of Mount Greta, stretching as far as the coast. Here, the capital city is found, along with many of the nations key institutions and much of its trade and government. This section was flattened by the islands original creators to ensure farming could take place, and protected from the changing landscape by a natural band of hard rock separating it from the foothills of Mount Greta.
Highest Peak: Mt Greta, 6,756 meters
Lowest Valley: Dregna Basin, -1,146 meters
Climate: Solgland is a small, artificial island nation that experiences a highly varied climate due to its complex terrain. The northern plains, where the capital city is located, have a subtropical climate, with hot, humid summers and mild winters. Precipitation is moderate to high, with regular rainfall throughout the year.

The Dregna Basin, located to the south of Mount Greta and home to the country's largest industrial base and second-largest city, has a slightly cooler and drier climate than the northern plains, due to its higher elevation and inland location. However, the flat, basin-like shape of the region makes it susceptible to temperature inversions, with cool air becoming trapped in the valley and leading to temperature extremes. Precipitation is moderate, with a mix of rain and snow in the winter.

In the mountainous regions of Solgland, temperatures and precipitation are highly variable depending on the altitude and specific location. At higher elevations, temperatures are cooler and precipitation higher, with snowfall possible year-round. In the valleys and lower elevations, temperatures may be milder, but precipitation may still be high, with frequent rain and occasional snow.

Mount Greta, the highest peak in Solgland, experiences extremely cold temperatures and heavy snowfall at its peak, with freezing temperatures possible year-round. Mount Trenga, the second-highest peak in the country, experiences similar conditions.

Overall, Solgland's complex terrain creates a highly diverse and unique climate that is dependent on specific geographic features. The country's inhabitants experience a wide range of temperature and precipitation patterns depending on their location, from tropical plains to high mountain peaks.
People & Society
Population: 4,315,850 people
Demonym: Solglish
Demonym Plural: Solgs
Ethnic Groups: Uredia - 65.4%
Trentia - 20.3%
European - 14.1%
Languages: Soln - 85.4%
Trent - 8.5%
English - 6.1%
Religions: Stelglism - 56.3%
Trentism - 19.4%
Modern Atheism - 6.4%
Life Expectancy: 81 years
Obesity: 12.4%
Alcohol Users: 68.7%
Tobacco Users: 3.1%
Cannabis Users: 21.2%
Hard Drug Users: 5.5%
Description: Solgland believes in a modern, effective form of socialism which maintains the undoubted efficiency of capitalist systems while keeping the power in the hands of the workers and sharing the wealth.

Taxation is limited to the richer citizens, and redistributed in a universal basic income, both allowing the economy to prosper and individuals to be empowered, while also making necessary funds for the state and population readily available.

The welfare system is comprehensive and free to all citizens, providing a safety net for everyone who may need it. By removing the class system and stigma of welfare systems, our population are empowered to work when they can, leading to low unemployment rates, but supported when they can't, maintaining basic dignity and human rights, and tackling poverty.

Solgland's welfare systems and public services are entirely within state control to prevent the misuse or exploitation of citizens and maintain a high standard. However, delegation is continually used to ensure an effective and well structured system on every level. Branches are designed to communicate with each other effectively to enhance the holistic effect, and funding is distributed fairly across different sectors according to need, protecting hidden safety nets like social work and the care system, along with care homes and specialised health units.

Solgland promotes a system of partial nationalisation of industry to ensure the maintaining of appropriate standards for workers and hold companies accountable within it's borders. However the policy allows companies almost complete autonomy within the regulations provided, keeping the positive aspects of capitalist competition and creativity, and reducing pressure on the state and increasing equality and income. This mixed system insures high standard while maintaining a strong economy and local and international esteem.

Overall, Solgland embodies the core socialist ideal of equality and removes class systems, preventing exploitation and manipulation on account of wealth. By incorporating this into a liberal and free society which protects individuals rights to religion, free speech, personal choices and political disposition (amongst other things), and promotes individual empowerment and democracy, Solgland creates a truly modern and adaptable form of socialism that is practical, accessible and morally just. Add in a small element of remaining capitalist efficiency, which doesn't compromise the overall values, and you get and effective and holistic system that is a utopia rebuilt from the ashes of civilisation. We call it: Solgism.
Average Yearly Income: $44.99
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,330,356,198.00
GDP per Capita: $308.25
Gross National Income (GNI): $-286,256,360.00
Industries: Solgland's economy is driven by a mix of public and private sectors, under the guidance of a modern socialist system known as Solgism. The government has partial ownership of certain key industries, ensuring accountability and fair treatment of workers, while still allowing for innovation and competition.

One of the country's largest industries is manufacturing, with the Dregna Basin serving as a hub for heavy industry and factories producing everything from automobiles to consumer electronics. The country's highly skilled workforce and modern infrastructure make it an attractive location for international companies to set up production facilities, and many global brands have established operations in the country.

The country's other largest industries are centered around renewable energy, with a focus on wind and hydroelectric power due to the abundance of natural resources in the mountainous terrain. Solgland has become a leader in sustainable energy production, exporting excess energy to neighboring countries and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels.

Another major industry in Solgland is healthcare, with a comprehensive public healthcare system that is free for all citizens. The system is supported by a strong network of care homes, social workers, and specialized health units, which are all funded through the Solgism taxation system. The healthcare industry provides many well-paying jobs for Solglanders, and the country's emphasis on preventative care has resulted in a healthy and productive population.

In addition, Solgland has a thriving agricultural sector, with a focus on sustainable and organic farming practices. The government provides subsidies and incentives for farmers who use eco-friendly methods, ensuring that the country's food supply is both healthy and environmentally responsible.

Tourism is a growing industry in Solgland, with the country's beautiful natural scenery, including its high mountain peaks and deep valleys, attracting visitors from around the world. The capital city, with its rich history and modern amenities, is also a popular destination for tourists.

Solgland is also a hub for research and development, with many universities and research institutions located throughout the country. The country has made significant advances in fields such as renewable energy, biotechnology, and aerospace, and is home to many cutting-edge companies in these industries.

Finally, Solgland has a small but growing technology industry, with a focus on innovative solutions that promote social and environmental responsibility. Companies in this sector are encouraged to prioritize the well-being of their workers and the planet over profit, in keeping with Solgism's values of equality and sustainability.

Overall, Solgland's economy is based on a strong foundation of social responsibility and sustainable practices, with a mix of public and private ownership that balances innovation and competition with accountability and fair treatment of workers.
History: Solgland initially existed as an independent and isolated state with no need for a military. However, as the post-Blackout world was established, it became clear that an organised forced was required to deal with both internal and external threats.

Solgland's first military force was the rebel militia formed to remove Threda Solger from power in 2066-7. This rebellion remains the only internal violence in Solgland's past, as the people fought for democracy and socialism. The former was achieved immediately with subsequent elections leading to Thauvin Erther's 8 year leadership spell, and the later slowly introduced, as finalised by recent the international recognition of the Solgish state under Samuel Dockree. The conflict, now called the "Threda Revolt" lasted just over 1 month, from 15th December 2066 to 21st January 2067, and casualties were very low, with only 25 rebels killed along 250 of Solger's personal guards and the leader himself. After the revolt, the militia was disbanded in a sign of confidence in the population and acknowledgment of the forces purpose.

This was the end of Solgland's military for another 15 years, until Samuel Dockree authorised the reforming of the forces under the command of Senior General Phoenix, who later became leader of the ground forces (The SDA). This was done as a symbol of their international status and to defend the country in case of external threats, as well as giving them international leverage. The reformation of the army began with the building of barracks in the capital city, Sold, and has since been extended to include the rest of the country. This was soon reinforced with the building of hangars and drydocks to facilitate the expansion of other branches of the armed forces.

The Sorglish Defence Army (SDA), lead by Senior General Phoenix, currently consists of 105,000 soldiers located throughout it's major cities, in addition to 3500 tanks. The Sorglish Air Force (SAF), lead by Commander-In-Chief Raven, consists of 525 high quality aircraft spread across the country. The Sorglish Navy Patrol (SNP), lead by Chief Admiral Steele, consists of 70 warships. Solgland has an active and efficient underground spy network. Solgland has a functioning and stocked missile system. Sorgland is a proud member of TCE (The Celtic Alliance) and stands with it and it's protectorate in all military matters.

Solglands conflict history mostly includes a series of successful inactive raids with minimal casualties. Solgland was also involved in the Serpentis-Celtic conflicts, which was ended after just days with the signing of a peace treaty between sides.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 695
Ships: 0
Missiles: 7
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 05/27/2023 03:06 pm