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The democratic peoples New-Smithsonia is a nation led by President Ronald Smith the 9th on the continent of Antarctica. The democratic peoples New-Smithsonia's government is a Social Democracy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The democratic peoples New-Smithsonia favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The democratic peoples New-Smithsonia is the Atlan. At 810 days old, The democratic peoples New-Smithsonia is an ancient nation. The democratic peoples New-Smithsonia has a population of 619,915 and a land area of 10,650.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 58.21. Pollution in the nation is a disaster. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

A Great place to ski in the summer or winter and the best Cheese exports due to the cold nature of The new smithsonian Mountains Where monk cheese ,which is worth 250 atlans each slice ,was made.It continues to gain popularity because it is so good. 

Also has the best science/has bioweapon ants/killer rabbits/radioactive worms/a living statue

And in the annexed state of ravi it is green and warm

Also the president has a band called SuperPowers with him as the lead guitarist

and Prince Shining Armor as the keyboard player,Dr crowbar as the drummer.

3 slots are left for the band:

secondary guitarist



Also it has incredible Cheese trade routes For Hunton, Soviet federation, Hemingway, and New Olsztyn Order State

1 atlan = 300 standard orbis units (sou)

16 billion atlans

4.8e+12 sou's

cows imported from rodevs

Giant robotic mech suits Called Jagermeisters are being produced


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: New-Smithsonia
Leader Name: Ronald Smith the 9th
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Blue whale
History: New-Smithsonia was a very peaceful fishing nation residing in america but then moved to europe and then ,for the better ,antarctica.
In december 11 2088, a huge change occurred, In which, The confederate Provinces of New Smithsonia was born, A southern(Centerfold, if looked at from the top) Band of Confederate States Joined Together and Seperated from The Rest Of NS. For Them, This date is confederate day, a holiday for them. The leader of this movement is Southern President Johan Oregano, The Northern president's current lover, They also live together.
Also on December 11th 2088, Shriek basin was renamed to Shrek basin.
Continent: Antarctica
Land Area: 17,139.47 sq. km
Terrain: Icy and powdery with small rocks littered by penguins.
In the annexed Province of ravi it is green and warm.
Highest Peak: Mt.oblivious, 6,384 meters
Lowest Valley: shrek basin, -113 meters
Climate: Cold dry and full of the native Demon penguins.
People & Society
Population: 619,915 people
Demonym: Smithsonian
Demonym Plural: Smithsonians
Ethnic Groups: Human - 33.3%
Androids - 33.3%
Arthropoids - 33.3%
Languages: English - 75.6%
terran - 12.2%
aquan - 12.2%
Religions: Bob rossism - 78.4%
Pastafarianism - 14.5%
will smithstianity - 7.1%
Life Expectancy: 150 years
Obesity: 18.2%
Alcohol Users: 50.9%
Tobacco Users: 0.4%
Cannabis Users: 83.6%
Hard Drug Users: 20.2%
Description: This nation is a fully democratic capital-socialist country with a Great economy of:16 billion atlans or 4.8e+12 sou's. With 1 atlan = 300 standard orbis units (sou's).
Average Yearly Income: $69.57
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $795,294,378.00
GDP per Capita: $1,282.91
Gross National Income (GNI): $515,754,490.00
Industries: Major industries include technology, weaponry, cannabis, giant robots, bioweaponry, and Cheese.
Cheese being the most loved with routes of
We give :Hunton, Soviet federation, The Holy Nirvani, Hemingway, and New Olsztyn Order State;{Cheese}

We receive: Borneo Batik: A Vibrant and Culturally Significant Fabric, From The Holy Nirvani
History: The armed forces were accidentally created 1 year after the creation of the country after a joke between two baked buddies deciding that the ground units were named walkers,the air force named fliers,etc.
A while later there was the first great democratic war.
Then there was the Great uniland war.

In 2088, A major spike in Laze Has made the armed forces weak and indurable
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 5
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 12/05/2023 01:12 pm