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Zxest kalidonka

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Imdartia das Zxest kalidonka is a nation led by Imder del Zolin Jonathan clemfil on the continent of Europe. Imdartia das Zxest kalidonka's government is a Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Imdartia das Zxest kalidonka favors moderate policies. The official currency of Imdartia das Zxest kalidonka is the Co-Łetro. At 630 days old, Imdartia das Zxest kalidonka is an ancient nation. Imdartia das Zxest kalidonka has a population of 396,652 and a land area of 5,144.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 77.11. Pollution in the nation is a disaster. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


Kalidonka, an island state situated in Western Europe, has a rich and storied history shaped by the reigns of the Clemfil dynasty. From its humble beginnings to its modern era, Kalidonka has thrived under the leadership of its monarchs, navigating through periods of prosperity, conflict, and transformation.

Founding and Early Rule (1295-1602):

  1. Matthew Clemfil (1295-1315): The inaugural ruler of Kalidonka, Matthew laid th   groundwork for the island's governance and development.
  2. Joseph K. Clemfil I (1315-1414): Known for his diplomatic prowess, Joseph I expanded Kalidonka's influence through strategic alliances and trade agreements.
  3. Michael G.J. Clemfil (1414-1504): Under Michael's reign, Kalidonka experienced economic growth and cultural flourishing, establishing itself as a prominent maritime power.
  4. Jonathan Clemfil I (1504-1602): Jonathan's era marked a period of enlightenment and innovation, as Kalidonka became a center for arts, sciences, and exploration.

Expansion and Consolidation (1602-1809): 

5. Joseph J. Clemfil II (1602-1677): Joseph II oversaw territorial expansion and the strengthening of Kalidonka's naval fleet, asserting the island's dominance in regional affairs. 

6. Joseph JJ. Clemfil III (1677-1699): Facing internal unrest and external threats, Joseph III navigated Kalidonka through tumultuous times, preserving its sovereignty. 

7. Jackson J. Clemfil I (1699-1749): Renowned for his strategic vision, Jackson I enhanced Kalidonka's maritime trade routes and fostered economic prosperity. 

8. Henrik J. Clemfil (1749-1760): Henrik's reign focused on internal reforms and infrastructure development, modernizing Kalidonka's administrative systems. 

9. Otto H. Clemfil (1760-1770): Otto implemented administrative reforms aimed at improving governance efficiency and accountability.

 10. Antonio J. Clemfil I (1770-1777): Antonio I's reign saw advancements in education and healthcare, elevating the quality of life for Kalidonkans. 

11. Antonio A. Clemfil II (1777-1790): Continued Antonio I's legacy, prioritizing social welfare programs and cultural preservation initiatives. 

12. Antonio A. Clemfil III (1790-1799): Despite facing challenges, Antonio III's reign witnessed continued progress and economic stability.

 13. George H. Clemfil I (1799-1809): George I's leadership during a period of regional conflict and instability ensured Kalidonka's sovereignty and security.

Modernization and Transition (1809-2023): 

14. Emmanuel Clemfil I (1809-1829): Embraced industrialization and initiated social reforms, propelling Kalidonka into a new era of prosperity. 

15. Albert E. Clemfil (1829-1856): Alberto's rule saw rapid economic growth and technological advancements, positioning Kalidonka as a hub of innovation. 

16. Antoine Clemfil (1856-1860): Though brief, Antoine's reign was marked by efforts to strengthen Kalidonka's international relations and diplomatic standing.

 17. Fernando A. Clemfil (1860-1869): Advocated for constitutional reforms, paving the way for a more democratic governance structure.

 18. Vincent F. Clemfil (1869-1889): A champion of democracy, Vincent F. ushered in an era of political pluralism and civil liberties.

 19. Pierre V. Clemfil II (1889-1910): Navigated Kalidonka through the challenges of the early 20th century, fostering social cohesion and resilience. 

20. George Clemfil II (1910-1940): Led Kalidonka through the turmoil of two world wars, maintaining neutrality and safeguarding the island's independence.

 21. Antoine G. Clemfil II (1940-1970): Oversaw Kalidonka's post-war reconstruction and economic revitalization, laying the foundation for modernization.

 22. Jackson A. Clemfil III (1970-1977): Implemented progressive social policies and environmental conservation efforts during his tenure. 

23. Jonathan A. Clemfil II (1978-2023): Guided Kalidonka through the transition to a constitutional monarchy, promoting democratic values and sustainable development.

Kalidonka's history is a testament to the resilience, innovation, and adaptability of its people, as well as the visionary leadership of its monarchs throughout the ages


The OLD (series c7) 10 Łetro 


The new polymer-based 10 golden Co-Łetro 


The war flag since 196316b59ab224d567acdc966907a6c970854890bfdcx801.pngThe 1910 Greater kalidonka flag proposal 

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Zxest kalidonka
Leader Name: Jonathan clemfil
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Tenones ke 28 februrka del 1214 tempes Italiannes lnark nu kalidonka jgur ledfer kalise kalise tegmen nobilita yt coromiank ist kalise eshtenko flolin ytepran unieta kalise zxest kalise exest yt italiannes yt odras groupas ethnikas
Idzx (imdert del zolin /xolin)
Matthew clemfil 1295- 1315
Joseph k clemfil l 1315-1414
Michael g.j clemfil 1414-1504
Jonathan clemfil l 1504 -1602
Joseph j clemfil ll 1602 - 1677
Joseph jj clemfil lll 1677-1699
Jackson j clemfil l 1699 - 1749
Henrik j clemfil 1749-1760
Otto h clemfil 1760-1770
Antonio j clemfil l 1770-1777
Antonio a clemfil ll 1777-1790
Antonio a clemfil lll 1790-1799
George h clemfil l 1799 -1809
Emmanuel clemfil l 1809-1829
Alberto e clemfil 1829-1856
Antoine clemfil 1856-1860
Fernando a clemfil 1860-1869
Vincent f clemfil 1869- 1899
Pierre v clemfil l 1899-1910
George clemfil ll 1910-1940
Antoines g clemfil 1940-1970
Jackson a clemfil lll 1970-1977
Jonathan a clemfil ll 1978- nie(2023)
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 8,278.44 sq. km
Terrain: Li treniak isk jrond fertolitas jolk odras placeio mondos
Highest Peak: Mount Emmanuel , 17,492 meters
Lowest Valley: Jack valley, -8,932 meters
Climate: Raiy an cloy t mot othe yea frone untgust itas sjnm
People & Society
Population: 396,652 people
Demonym: Kali
Demonym Plural: Kalis
Ethnic Groups: Kalis - 78.0%
Italian - 14.0%
Others - 7.0%
Languages: Kalidonkan - 77.0%
Italian - 14.5%
English - 3.0%
Religions: Christian - 51.0%
Atheists - 39.0%
Zolinism - 10.0%
Life Expectancy: 105 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 2%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: Il Capitunismo è il nostro regime
Average Yearly Income: $113.35
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $539,391,126.00
GDP per Capita: $1,359.86
Gross National Income (GNI): $384,415,080.00
Industries: Carne e patate al carbone di olio di cotone di cocco
History: Le aquile kido sono state la prima radice per l'esercito kalidonka dal 1323 le aquile kido sono un colpo di stato molto Nobel e fino ad ora
Le aquile kido, il colpo di stato kido, i bambini kido, il trattato kido, l'alleanza kido, i kidos o i 777 kidos sono nomi per la radice dell'esercito di zxest kalidonka e quando vanno in guerra pregano dicendo (o zolin sievn nouis) che significa o zolin dacci la vittoria
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 06/10/2024 05:41 pm