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North German Federation

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North German Federation is a nation led by Konig Albert von Preussen on the continent of Europe. North German Federation's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, North German Federation favors right wing policies. The official currency of North German Federation is the Prussian Mark. At 928 days old, North German Federation is an ancient nation. North German Federation has a population of 16,105,198 and a land area of 128,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 125.82. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

On the fateful date of 9 May 2101, all 5 German states which are Prussia, Saxony, Anhalt, Hesse and the Thuringian states have united to form the North German Federation Deutsch: Norddeutscher bund. People rejoiced in the streets to celebrate the unification of the states into Germany as the German division is closening once more since the dissolution of the German Federation 10 years prior.

Later in the 10th year anniversary since the lost of these provinces away, Duchy of Danzig, Polish corridor, Outer Prussia and Posen is soon to be reintergrated into the North German Federation as Duchy of Danzig, Posen and Outer Prussia intergrated into East Prussia as Prussia. Mecklenburg would also join as the 13th state of the North German Federation. 

North German Federation map
The North German Federation – Google My Maps

Other info is shown in the factbook (outdated)

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: North German Federation
Leader Name: Albert von Preussen
Currency: Currency Image
Prussian Mark
National Animal: National Animal Image
Preussen Reichsadler
History: The Germans migrated to this area as an outpost to the east after the Teutonic Knights took over the area. When the soviets arrived, the native Germans were expelled until the fall of the Russian Federation in ww3 which also saw the destruction of alot of major european cities. A Kaliningrad republic was established as a result of this war. People from Islamic countries moved there as an outpost to Europe while some other left the region for their home country. The name Kaliningrad was renamed to its original name, Konigsberg as there are no aggressors to not do so, and to remove their communistic past. The name change encouraged the Germans in Germany and Siberia to move there. Most of them stayed and some who stayed converted to Islam. The ever growing islamic expansion in europe made Islam to be the official religion of the country for some time untill more lands were intergrated into Prussia as a result of treaties and land purchases. The country prospered with cultural tolerance of both Germans, Turks, Poles and Russians which is cursed obviously. The Influx of Germans changed the Demographics of Prussia from the Unification with Brandenburg . Tyrant Overlord Hatebi of The Overthere detonated a nuclear weapon upon your nation of Preussens. The attack destroyed the city of Koenigsberg and the city of Berlin which is the largest Prussian cities in July 2084. Luckily Global Alliance Treaty Organisation helped to rebuild parts of the Destroyed Prussian Cities. Prussia undergo a new census in 2087 after undergo more Germanisation. with this a lot of germanised poles in rural areas are unqualified as Germans and revert their ethnicity to Polish. After several more treaties such as the admission of Prussia into the German Federation caused Prussia to expand in size and population thus putting it up into the world stage.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 205,995.52 sq. km
Terrain: Prussia is a big country consists of terriroties such as Prussia, Pomerania, Rhineland, Wesphalia, Brandenburg, Magdeburg and Silesia.

The country mostly consists of flat lands and swamps
Highest Peak: Brandberg Mountain, 2,000 meters
Lowest Valley: A random Swamp in the Masurian lakes, -4 meters
Climate: this country had a middle cold climate and not a windy country. the good side is that this country is warm enough to have ports to use all year.
People & Society
Population: 16,105,198 people
Demonym: Prussian
Demonym Plural: Prussians
Ethnic Groups: German - 80.0%
Polish - 11.0%
Other groups (Russians, Ukranians etc.) - 7.0%
Languages: English - 99.0%
German - 65.0%
Polish - 10.0%
Religions: Islam - 31.0%
Christianity - 42.0%
Others (Buddhists ,Shia , etc.) - 30.0%
Life Expectancy: 70 years
Obesity: 12%
Alcohol Users: 39.3%
Tobacco Users: 25%
Cannabis Users: 2.7%
Hard Drug Users: 0.1%
Description: This nation is a free market country. Prussia is in a stratergic place for trading. This country produces enough food for itself and produced steels, gasoline and munitions for manufacturing. The manufactured resources are used to make cars, tanks and to improve infrastructure. Poland also was offered free acces to German ports getting low taxation rates unlike other nations comming to the port. The Drugs used in this country are only for medical purposes and the percentage used are the number of average people who used medical drugs. But after the attack by tyrant Hatebi, the country scrapped down its Munitions manufacturing as it is too expensive to mantain and were replaced by steel manufacturing and agriculture which are supported by the government. The munition and arms manufacutring were also given out to the public or sold to private investors where we later mined Iron and manufactured Steel for production. Farming is also still common outside urban areas
Average Yearly Income: $417.20
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $22,538,577,631.00
GDP per Capita: $1,399.46
Gross National Income (GNI): $14,750,185,455.00
Industries: Major industries of the countries are car manufacturing, munitions manufacturing, natural resources extractions and farming industry. Other industries are like tourism. But after the nucear attack by tyrant Hatebi, the country scrapped down its weapons and munitions industries in favor of agriculture and steel manufacturing. However, private industries are still running other form of manufacturing which are collected in form of money. The country currently has a thriving coal, iron mining and steel refining industry
History: The armed forces (currently called the Prussian Reichswehr after legislation passed by the Parliament) are established by Kaiser Oof himself consists of mainly Germans with joints of other ethnic minorities in the military. They are trained by Ex-Bundeswehr Generals, Russian Generals and others which used to help the military. Tanks were manufactured thanks to car industry and the creation of PAW (Preussens Auto Wagen). Preussens Kriegsmarine were established to secure water borders from threats and (intentionally) trained for war. Preussens Luftwaffe is also created to secure air dominance.
Soldiers: 480,000
Tanks: 40,000
Aircraft: 2,400
Ships: 160
Missiles: 1
Nuclear Weapons: 1
Last Updated: 01/19/2024 01:10 pm