Achievement Showcase
Yutokiyan-Ranjayari Union is a nation led by King Darrin Tyler on the continent of South America. Yutokiyan-Ranjayari Union's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Yutokiyan-Ranjayari Union favors moderate policies. The official currency of Yutokiyan-Ranjayari Union is the Dollar. At 1,054 days old, Yutokiyan-Ranjayari Union is an ancient nation. Yutokiyan-Ranjayari Union has a population of 1,825,586 and a land area of 23,547.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 77.53. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
The Union's Anthem
Be Together, Fight Together, Shine Together(our motto)
The Unity of the people of the Yutokiyan-Ranjayari Union is unlike anything else and will never break.
The official languages are English and Yutcodi.
The thing written on the flag is in Yutcodi(new language) and it means 'Union'
#May 28 2078
The Union was totally destroyed by the last 3 combined wars. The glory of the union was lost- Lavendria, Yucanda......Turned into ashes,.Today the Union Has risen up again, be it the glorious capital of Lavendria or other cities (maybe this happened to check the unity of the Yutokiyan-ranjayari people). Absolute monarchy was established in this land of freedom and the flag was changed too -this was done to protect the union from further attacks when it was in its most vulnerable state yet and under economic recession. Whatever may be the reason but today, things will change and The Yutokiyan-Ranjayari Union won't be an absolute monarchy-as its purpose is fulfilled. I hereby declare that the Union will continuously militarize in the coming days and the GNI will decrease as a result(military campaigns will also be launched soon :) ) but it's for preservance and the greater good of the nation. At last, glory will return to the nation which stayed united all this time.
There is currently not enough information available to provide a factbook for this nation.