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The Communist Kingdom of Meridian is a nation led by Kings Aloy & Avocado on the continent of South America. The Communist Kingdom of Meridian's government is a Communist Monarchy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The Communist Kingdom of Meridian favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The Communist Kingdom of Meridian is the Metal Shard. At 1,100 days old, The Communist Kingdom of Meridian is an ancient nation. The Communist Kingdom of Meridian has a population of 4,521,494 and a land area of 66,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 68.51. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 60.8711%.



Avocado's Political Positions



  • King of The Communist Kingdom of Meridian
  • Ex-Minister of Defense of The Global Alliance and Treaty Organization
  • Ex-Arbiter of The Global Alliance and Treaty Organization
  • Ex-Manager of Military Affairs of Wall Street
  • Head of Military Affairs of Azora Valley




Avocado's Medals



Global War 28 Medal



Minister of Defense Medal



The Radioactive Medal



The Silver Star



The Bronze Star





Meridian's Political Situation



Meridian is a Communist Diarchy.

A Communist Kingdom led by two Kings.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Meridian
Leader Name: Aloy & Avocado
Currency: Currency Image
Metal Shard
National Animal: National Animal Image
Sphynx Cat
History: According to scripture, the history of the Carja began with a man named Araman, who would later become the first Sun-King. Within a ruin, Araman discovered ancient documents (which he would call "the Leaves of the Old Ones"), containing instructions on solar observation and worship. However, Araman's discovery was met with hostility and violence by those he once considered tribesfolk, and he and his followers from driven from their homeland. The Carja were forced to migrate westward in a harsh journey as many families, including Araman's, perished on the wayside. Their journey ended when they discovered the Spire, one of the ancient civilization's transmission towers. Araman followed the shadow cast by the Spire to a mesa, which he declared as their new haven, naming it Meridian in reference to a passage from the Leaves. The proximity to the Fertility River, along with the relative safety atop the mesa, allowed the Carja to expand and develop more quickly than their neighboring tribes.
Continent: South America
Land Area: 106,216.44 sq. km
Highest Peak: The Spire, 7,000 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
People & Society
Population: 4,521,494 people
Demonym: Carja
Demonym Plural: Carja People
Ethnic Groups: Carja - 0.0%
Languages: - 0.0%
Religions: The Sun Faith - 0.0%
Life Expectancy: 0 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: The Carja have an established trading and bartering system, more developed and ranged than many of their neighboring tribes. Specialty merchants can be found in Meridian, and most Carja merchants will have a wide variety of products available for sale.
Anyone can take advantage of the fertile soil near the Fertility River and have their own crop.
Average Yearly Income: $133.38
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $4,835,645,586.00
GDP per Capita: $1,069.48
Gross National Income (GNI): $2,065,507,625.00
History: The Carja mastered the skill to hack and make ancient machines work and fight in their favor.
It's speculated that these destructive machines are the last vestige of ancient civilizations that were erased by some catastrophic event.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 25,628
Aircraft: 1,530
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 03/11/2023 08:31 pm