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Republic of South America

The Republic of South America is a nation led by President Brandon S on the continent of South America. The Republic of South America's government is a Constitutional Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Republic of South America favors extremely right wing policies. The official currency of The Republic of South America is the Dollar. At 1,168 days old, The Republic of South America is an ancient nation. The Republic of South America has a population of 1,191,343 and a land area of 32,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 37.23. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The nation is built upon the premise that our rights come from God, not from government. We also support economic freedom of limitless proportions to encourage growth, prosperity, and innovation. We are a nation that promotes capitalism and despises all other forms of economic organization, although citizens are allowed to hold these views since we hold the premise that everyone is entitled to freedom of speech.

It is also the firm belief of this government that war not be waged without cause, but only in cases of threats to national security which include, but not limited to, declaration of war on the nation or its allies, espionage operations, and conspiring to attack the nation or its allies. 

***Nuclear Capable Since December 22nd, 2022***

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Show rows starting at

Selling Nation Buying Nation Date Offered Offer Return Status
1)Republic of South America
Brandon S
Grumpy Old Bastards
04:32 am
Bauxite 8,996Sell 32,385,600
(3,600 ea)
Accepted Accepted
06:36 am
2)Republic of South America
Brandon S
Hristo the First
Event Horizon
04:32 am
Bauxite 4Sell 14,400
(3,600 ea)
Accepted Accepted
06:13 am
3)Kins town
Republic of South America
Brandon S
02:17 am
Uranium 70Sell 176,750
(2,525 ea)
Accepted Accepted
04:32 am
4)Draginian Empire
Event Horizon
Republic of South America
Brandon S
03:36 am
Food 5,000Sell 1,970,000
(394 ea)
Accepted Accepted
04:32 am

Showing 0-15 of 4 Offers