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Roy & Vanguard Associates

Achievement Showcase


The State of Roy & Vanguard Associates is a nation led by Senior Partner Jonah Hill on the continent of Asia. The State of Roy & Vanguard Associates's government is a Social Democracy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The State of Roy & Vanguard Associates favors right wing policies. The official currency of The State of Roy & Vanguard Associates is the Gold Standard. At 1,203 days old, The State of Roy & Vanguard Associates is an ancient nation. The State of Roy & Vanguard Associates has a population of 9,963,769 and a land area of 86,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 115.86. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Roy & Vanguard Associates
Leader Name: Jonah Hill
Currency: Currency Image
Gold Standard
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: gained its sovereignty from India in 1970 after mass protests from the people.
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 138,403.24 sq. km
Terrain: The northern part of the country is very mountainous and the country is 23 percent Forrest it has very rich land for agriculture.
Highest Peak: Mahendragiri, 1,500 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
Climate: The temperature is very humid and hot.
People & Society
Population: 9,963,769 people
Demonym Plural:
Ethnic Groups: Telugu people - 83.5%
Urdu people - 8.6%
Tamil people - 3.0%
Languages: Telugu - 97.0%
English - 90.0%
Urdu - 3.0%
Religions: Hindu - 88.4%
Islam - 9.6%
Christianity - 1.5%
Life Expectancy: 68 years
Obesity: 10%
Alcohol Users: 15%
Tobacco Users: 20%
Cannabis Users: 3%
Hard Drug Users: 1.3%
Description: This nation has a capitalist economy.
Average Yearly Income: $332.67
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $14,178,211,759.00
GDP per Capita: $1,422.98
Gross National Income (GNI): $8,921,330,000.00
Industries: Major industries include manufacturing of steel, iron mining.
History: The armed forces was founded in 1990 following the rise of terror attacks in the country. The country is also allied and very close with India.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 21,000
Aircraft: 2,100
Ships: 140
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 07/22/2022 02:22 am