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Club Yoshi

Achievement Showcase


Master of the Mushroom Kingdom Club Yoshi is a nation led by Koopa Kommander Papi Yoshi on the continent of Africa. Master of the Mushroom Kingdom Club Yoshi's government is a Noocracy with very anarchist social policies. Economically, Master of the Mushroom Kingdom Club Yoshi favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Master of the Mushroom Kingdom Club Yoshi is the Dino-Bucks. At 1,221 days old, Master of the Mushroom Kingdom Club Yoshi is an ancient nation. Master of the Mushroom Kingdom Club Yoshi has a population of 16,897,204 and a land area of 258,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 65.49. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Follow the Blinding light of our supreme overlord Yoshi! Our spiritual guide Wilford Brimley will lead you down the path of salvation to achieve the blessing of YOSHI.



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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Club Yoshi
Leader Name: Papi Yoshi
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: A nation founded from Canadian exiles.
Continent: Africa
Land Area: 415,209.72 sq. km
Terrain: Flat plains with a large mountain range to the west. The east continues with rolling plains until you come upon the Great Lakes. To the north lies mountains and the Canada Border. The south continues with plains and rolling hills.
Highest Peak: Mt. Frosty, 7,500 meters
Lowest Valley: Valley of Reject Frosties, -500 meters
Climate: Cold. Cold as my ex’s heart! The country is blessed or cursed depending on how you look at it from the winds of the northern Canada!
People & Society
Population: 16,897,204 people
Demonym: Baconator
Demonym Plural: Baconators
Ethnic Groups: Rawrians - 99.9%
Castaways - 0.1%
Languages: Yungarin - 98.5%
CB Radio Lingo - 1.4%
Drunk Slang - 0.1%
Religions: Sierrahism - 100.0%
Life Expectancy: 74 years
Obesity: 2%
Alcohol Users: 67.8%
Tobacco Users: 34.6%
Cannabis Users: 9.8%
Hard Drug Users: 0.9%
Average Yearly Income: $133.38
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $29,421,494,555.00
GDP per Capita: $1,741.20
Gross National Income (GNI): $21,218,845,030.00
Industries: This place be like an amazon wishlist. We got a little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing. If you need it we have it. If you don't need it.... we still have it. Just no one can find where the items are.
History: The Military was formed after a rowdy band of polar bears stumbled upon a Dr. Pepper. After consuming they voted to reject Coca-Cola and instead fight for the honor and glory of Dr. Pepper. We approached said polar bears and offered to train them in return for their pledge of loyalty to our nation.
Soldiers: 645,000
Tanks: 53,750
Aircraft: 3,225
Ships: 215
Missiles: 30
Nuclear Weapons: 10
Last Updated: 08/07/2022 03:49 am