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Republic of Polmerica is a nation led by BooRanG Dozy on the continent of Europe. Republic of Polmerica's government is a Democracy with very liberal social policies. Economically, Republic of Polmerica favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Republic of Polmerica is the Zloty. At 1,032 days old, Republic of Polmerica is an ancient nation. Republic of Polmerica has a population of 7,624,462 and a land area of 50,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 152.49. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is seriously lacking with an approval rating of 1.8563%.

Estabilished back in the 1672, with low military power. Over the years this lead into losing many ways and losing independence. But we never really lost, in fact each lost war made us stronger and stronger. We took big amounts of occupants military and used it against them gaining more land and resources.

We were always a democratic country that wanted the best for its people. Now we're a great military power. Whoever attacks us will never truly win, because even if we lost the battle, we will win the war.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Polmerica
Leader Name: Dozy
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 80,467.00 sq. km
Highest Peak: , 0 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
People & Society
Population: 7,624,462 people
Demonym Plural:
Ethnic Groups: - 0.0%
Languages: Polish - 100.0%
English - 100.0%
Religions: - 0.0%
Life Expectancy: 95 years
Obesity: 10%
Alcohol Users: 2%
Tobacco Users: 3%
Cannabis Users: 1%
Hard Drug Users: 1%
Average Yearly Income: $138.55
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $8,365,134,727.00
GDP per Capita: $1,097.14
Gross National Income (GNI): $5,995,673,230.00
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 13,750
Aircraft: 1,860
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 05/05/2022 11:16 am