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Pacific Islands

Achievement Showcase


Federation Kingdom of Pacific Islands is a nation led by Queen Of Islands Clown Piece on the continent of North America. Federation Kingdom of Pacific Islands's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Federation Kingdom of Pacific Islands favors moderate policies. The official currency of Federation Kingdom of Pacific Islands is the Pacific Dollar. At 1,101 days old, Federation Kingdom of Pacific Islands is an ancient nation. Federation Kingdom of Pacific Islands has a population of 5,024,343 and a land area of 54,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 93.04. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 43.6697%.

This Nation is Federation of Many Islands in Pacific Ocean.
Federation accept many Regional Languages and use English to communicate each other
Both regional and English are used

Federation is divided into 3 Regions and 2 territories
Region Has 6 Members in Senate each,  Territory Has 2 members in Senate each (22 Members Total)

RegionMajor CitiesImportant Industry
Micronesia RegionPala, Mashar, Microne, KiribaMine (Coal)
Melanesia RegionSolomon, Vanuat, Fi, Naur,BougainvilSteel Mill, Mine
Polinesia RegionTuval, Samo, TongMine (Iron)
North West TerritoryOha, KauAgriculture
North East TerritoryGum,SamoAgriculture

Most Important cities end in -U at the end. But cities end in -Si /-A is also big cities


[Map of Pacific Islands]


View Bank Activity | View Nation

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)05/23/2024 01:43 am Pacific IslandsPokimans BankPacific Islands$0.00100,,,000.0010,000.0012,000.000.00
2)05/20/2024 12:25 am Pacific IslandsPokimans BankPacific Islands$100,000,
3)05/13/2024 12:37 am Pacific IslandsPokimans BankPacific Islands$100,000,
4)05/04/2024 03:28 am Pacific IslandsPokimans BankPacific Islands$100,000,,000.000.00
5)04/26/2024 03:04 am Pacific IslandsPokimans BankPacific Islands$100,000,
6)04/21/2024 12:54 pm Pacific IslandsPokimans BankPacific Islands$400,000,
7)04/20/2024 05:31 am Crimson Corp BankPacific IslandsThe Holy Roman Empire$580,000,
8)04/18/2024 07:25 pm Pacific IslandsSFR Yugoslavia BankPacific Islands$50,000,,000.000.00
9)04/18/2024 03:20 pm SFR Yugoslavia BankPacific IslandsFirst Light$50,000,,000.000.00
10)04/18/2024 01:11 pm Pacific IslandsSFR Yugoslavia BankPacific Islands$,000.000.00
11)04/18/2024 09:37 am Pacific IslandsSFR Yugoslavia BankPacific Islands$50,000,
12)04/15/2024 05:31 am Crimson Corp BankPacific IslandsThe Holy Roman Empire$170,000,
13)04/15/2024 04:42 am Pacific IslandsSFR Yugoslavia BankPacific Islands$0.00300,
14)04/14/2024 11:06 am Pacific IslandsSFR Yugoslavia BankPacific Islands$30,000,
15)04/11/2024 02:45 am Crimson Corp BankPacific IslandsThe Holy Roman Empire$60,000,

Showing 0-15 of 154 Records