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Icetica is a nation led by King Ackorrn on the continent of South America. Icetica's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, Icetica favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Icetica is the Ausxian Franc. At 1,398 days old, Icetica is an ancient nation. Icetica has a population of 7,948,539 and a land area of 124,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 64.10. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


Deus vult for the Raccoon Pope!


Previous Board Chair - Solaris Directorate:

[Econ Dep]

Previous Board Chair - Solaris Directorate:

[Foreign Affairs]

Previous Command Pilot - The Cosmonauts:

[Econ Dep]
Previous Direktor - The Cosmonauts

[Tech Dep]

Previous Godfather - Dawn Arises


Previous King - Lost Islands

Previous High Priest - Followers of Hylia

[Econ Dep]

Previous Civilian - The Achaemenid Empire


Previous Dragon Hoarder - Gods of Orbis

[Econ Dep]

Previous Low Gov - Serene Wei


Previous Low Gov - Dawnguards


Previous High Gov - Magister Mortalis 


Current High Gov - The Immortals



  • Bronze Cross of the Holy Sea [Solaris Directorate]
  • Dawnguards VS Black Skies - Mad Cow war [Dawnguards]

View Nation Factbook | View Nation

National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Icetica
Leader Name: Ackorrn
Currency: Currency Image
Ausxian Franc
National Animal: National Animal Image
Raccoon (Albino)
History: Coming soon...
Continent: South America
Land Area: 199,558.16 sq. km
Terrain: Mountainous but has a large areas of level terrain, perfect for large towns and cities.
Highest Peak: Mt. Racoon, 7,598 meters
Lowest Valley: LowBoi Basin, -529 meters
Climate: Icetica’s climate consists of constant snow and cold temperatures outside of summer. During summer Icetica warms and begins to thaw, this lasts until mid autumn.
People & Society
Population: 7,948,539 people
Demonym: Icetician
Demonym Plural: Iceticians
Ethnic Groups: Iceticians - 62.5%
British - 23.0%
Italian - 14.5%
Languages: English - 83.4%
Italian - 11.6%
Raccoon - 5.0%
Religions: Raccoonism - 68.4%
Atheism - 20.0%
Christianity - 11.6%
Life Expectancy: 98 years
Obesity: 17.2%
Alcohol Users: 15.3%
Tobacco Users: 11.6%
Cannabis Users: 9.2%
Hard Drug Users: 2.3%
Description: Icetica is a socialist country and is growing exponentially. It has one of the largest quaternary industries in orbis and has a huge international presence due to its technological advancements. Icetica also exports large quantities of natural resources such as lead and coal as well as manufactured exports such as garlic bread, milkshakes, computer chips and medical purpose robots.

Whilst Icetica has not got much variation in international exports, it has seen massive economic growth for its engineering (specifically in robotics and aviation), web designing and graphic design sectors.
Average Yearly Income: $46.75
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $8,192,991,596.00
GDP per Capita: $1,030.75
Gross National Income (GNI): $4,647,530,035.00
Industries: The major industries in Icetica are garlic bread, technology , tourism, milkshakes and lead.
History: Icetica has one of the best and most elite special forces in the world, although small in size, Icetica’s special forces are praised internationally for its efficiency in combat and performance under pressure.

However Icetica’s best branch is by far its airforce. It’s airforce is second to none. This is mainly due to the nation’s technological advancements in aviation and it’s large aerospace industry. Solaris, the nation’s largest aerospace engineering company, has created outstanding military aircraft which use next level missile guidance systems, missile countermeasures that can stop even the most high tech guidance systems from reaching its target, AR adapted flight helmets that give pilots a 360 degree FOV which means they can look through the plane chassis in order to have better special awareness and more.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 15,000
Aircraft: 2,250
Ships: 0
Missiles: 3
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 08/01/2023 03:17 am