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New Milky Way

Achievement Showcase


The Galaxy of the New Milky Way is a nation led by Councilor Carycyn on the continent of South America. The Galaxy of the New Milky Way's government is a Banana Republic with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Galaxy of the New Milky Way favors right wing policies. The official currency of The Galaxy of the New Milky Way is the Credits. At 1,540 days old, The Galaxy of the New Milky Way is an ancient nation. The Galaxy of the New Milky Way has a population of 15,560,639 and a land area of 229,150.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 67.91. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

War stats (ctowned), always fighting for Guardian, because, for WHO else?

Hedge vs Delta (WIN): +0.92 b NET, 0.62 b infra destroyed and 266 MM loot taken.

Guns & Roses (WIN): +1.27 b NET, 1.24 b infra destroyed and 534 MM loot taken.

Hollywood vs Bollywood (LOSS): +0.50 b NET, 1.03 b infra destroyed and 98 MM loot taken.

Hollywood vs Blackwater (WIN): +2.36 b NET, 1.82 b infra destroyed and 781 MM loot taken.

The fault in our stars (WIN): +1.76 b NET, 1.02 b infra destroyed and 549 MM loot taken.

Cookie Crumble (LOSS): +0.51 b NET, 2.28 b damage inflicted.

Steamed HOGGs (LOSS): took a break in VM.

Instant Karma (WIN): +0.23 b NET, 0.29 b damage inflicted.

CTOwned (WIN): Carthago just sucked too much to do anything.

Dodge this (LOSS): +1.54 b NET, 3.03 b damage inflicted.

Darkest hour deux (WIN): +0.9 b NET, 1.99 b damage inflicted.

Double Down (LOSS): +2.5 b NET, 5.18 b damage inflicted.

National treaties:

The MDC gang MDP bloc with Kal and Gofast2006


The CHAOS MDP bloc with Deebs, Krath, Gor and Zolgar


There is currently not enough information available to provide a factbook for this nation.