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The Kingdom of Daeltheria is a nation led by King JadenStar10 on the continent of South America. The Kingdom of Daeltheria's government is a Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The Kingdom of Daeltheria favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Kingdom of Daeltheria is the Dollar. At 1,781 days old, The Kingdom of Daeltheria is an ancient nation. The Kingdom of Daeltheria has a population of 6,061,219 and a land area of 116,500.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 52.03. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

King Jae'den of the House Starr, the First of his Name, King of the Daeltherians, and Antrimians, and Midorians, Lord of the 5 Kingdoms and Protector of the Commonwealth.

The Kingdom of Daeltheria was established in 2018 and is a semi-absolute monarchy. 

Ten-Day War

Leaky Faucet War


The NAP War aka The NAPpening

Guns & Roses Awards, 2nd is for 50m+ total damage.

Global War 22 Award

First Nuke Eaten at 2:20 PM EST, August 4th during an Immortals Counter. Nuke was launched by this guy:

Second Nuke Eaten at 12:37 PM EST, October 29th, during the Immortals vs. Arrgh Anti-Piracy Wars. Offensive War. Nuke was launched by this guy: 

Third Nuke Eaten at 4:32 PM EST, November 28th, during Global War 16. Offensive War. Nuke was launched by this guy:

Fourth Nuke Eaten at 3:04 PM EST, November 29th, during Global War 16. Offensive War. Nuke was launched by this guy:


5th nuke eaten at 8:30 am, March 10th, during the NAP War. Defensive War, nuke was launched by this guy:

Protectorate of Apoc
MDAP with The Immortals
MDoAP with ilive4russia
MDoAP with Grandma
MDoAP with Nathan
ODoAP with Ash
ODoAP with Fafuke
ODoAP with Maks
Protector of Rainbow
Protector of Elefante

Immortal in the Immortals AA (4/27/2020 to 01/~~/2021)
Econ Trainee in the Immortals Economic Department (05/30/2020 to 06/29/2020
Econ Auditor in the Immortals Economic Department (06/29/2020 to 07/26/2020
Econ Diety In the Immortals Economic Department (07/26/2020 to 01/19/2021)
IA Diety in the Immortals Internal Affairs Department ( 12/1/2020 to 01/19/2021)

Season 1 OG Badge s1badge.png 

Scratchy Brick image-1-removebg-preview.png 

Scratchy crowbar rsz-2image-3.png


Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold well.



View Nation Factbook | View Nation

National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Daeltheria
Leader Name: JadenStar10
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: This is a nation created by Suyash Adhikari.
Continent: South America
Land Area: 187,488.11 sq. km
Terrain: It is a flat plain.
Highest Peak: Bald Mountain, 351 meters
Lowest Valley: Hudson River in Edgewater, 0 meters
Climate: It is mild and temperate most of the time but can get really cold in the Winter.
People & Society
Population: 6,061,219 people
Demonym: Daeltherian
Demonym Plural: Daeltherians
Ethnic Groups: White Americans - 71.1%
Latino/Hispanic - 13.7%
African Americans - 1.1%
Languages: English - 98.0%
Spanish - 9.1%
Other Indo-European Languages - 20.9%
Religions: Roman Catholicism - 49.6%
Judaism - 33.3%
Presbyterian - 2.5%
Life Expectancy: 80 years
Obesity: 20.8%
Alcohol Users: 80%
Tobacco Users: 14%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: This nation has a capitalist economy with a great wealfare system. It follows the Social Democratic model of Norway.
Average Yearly Income: $50.69
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $6,854,360,514.00
GDP per Capita: $1,130.85
Gross National Income (GNI): $4,124,395,245.00
Industries: Major Industries include Agriculture, and Pirating.
History: The Arms forces were established by the King in 2018.
Soldiers: 450,000
Tanks: 36,500
Aircraft: 2,190
Ships: 420
Missiles: 12
Nuclear Weapons: 5
Last Updated: 04/27/2020 10:23 pm