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The Isles of Pulomas is a nation led by Big Kahuna Andruwu on the continent of South America. The Isles of Pulomas's government is a Banana Republic with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Isles of Pulomas favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Isles of Pulomas is the Canadian Dollar. At 2,227 days old, The Isles of Pulomas is an ancient nation. The Isles of Pulomas has a population of 5,423,796 and a land area of 130,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 41.72. Pollution in the nation is evident. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.
This is a record more so for me to remember but feel free to peruse my nation's history.
(Data provided by thanks Krampus)
View Nation Factbook | View Nation
National Factbook | |
Flag: |
![]() |
Nation Name: | Pulomas |
Leader Name: | Andruwu |
Currency: |
![]() Canadian Dollar |
National Animal: |
![]() Bald eagle |
History: | The nation of Pulomas was founded by the Savers led by Big Kahuna Andruwu. Savers were a people that settled in the continent Africa and was aligned with the Afrikan Korps, a now disbanded alliance that consisted of tanks and anime girls. Global War 14 had befallen Afrikan Korps and Andruwu disappeared. The land of Savers have became lawless, scores of raiders come to take what they need while the valiant soldiers that still cling to the Savers' ideals defend what infra and loot that it had. The guards finally broken down after months of combat without any reinforcements. They had laid down their rifles and surrendered to the raiders. The raiders pillaged and took all that was left of the once 2000 infra nation of Savers. Now it had only 0.01 infra in each city and turned grey with even scavengers not picking on it. On the summer solstice of 2020, hope was again rekindled, and so was the daily login bonus. Andruwu has returned! And he saw that Steel is much more valuable than Aluminium so he decided to pack up the wretched remains of the once proud Savers nation and settled in California to mine iron, coal, and uranium |
Geography | |
Continent: | South America |
Land Area: | 209,214.20 sq. km |
Terrain: | The Isle of Pulomas (meaning golden isles) |
Highest Peak: | Gunung Bapak Merah, 2,317 meters |
Lowest Valley: | Padang Api, -44 meters |
Climate: | The climate is tropical all throughout the main chain of islands. |
People & Society | |
Population: | 5,423,796 people |
Demonym: | Pulomasan |
Demonym Plural: | Pulomasan |
Ethnic Groups: | Pulomasan - 82.4% Afrikani - 6.3% Farkistani - 5.3% |
Languages: | English - 96.2% Indonesian - 57.9% |
Religions: | Bapak Gunung Merah - 70.1% Christianity - 9.6% Buddist - 1.4% |
Health | |
Life Expectancy: | 55 years |
Obesity: | 1.1% |
Alcohol Users: | 0.5% |
Tobacco Users: | 87.5% |
Cannabis Users: | 2.3% |
Hard Drug Users: | 0.1% |
Economy | |
Description: | |
Average Yearly Income: | $89.08 |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): | $2,694,942,286.00 |
GDP per Capita: | $496.87 |
Gross National Income (GNI): | $709,934,490.00 |
Industries: | |
Military | |
History: | The Savers military was ravaged during great war 14. This led to the Pulomas Defence Initiative to be enacted where there will be a standing army, navy, and air force at the ready at all times. These consist of: the Katak Marines with the support of Kijang Guards; Hiu Biru ; and The Savers' Angels. The Kijang Guards is the primary standing army of the Pulomas military and is tasked with carrying out the Pulomas Defence Initiative and to operate the armored tanks and machines of the military. The Katak Marines carry out the will of Andruwu when dealing with foreign threats. Hiu Biru is the navy of the Isles of Pulomas. This consists of many types of fish, mainly whales to intercept enemy transport vehicles trying to supply the opponent. The Savers' Angels consist of pilots and planes from the nation Savers. These planes remained unused during the GW14 and did not sustain any loss of life. |
Soldiers: | 0 |
Tanks: | 0 |
Aircraft: | 0 |
Ships: | 0 |
Missiles: | 3 |
Nuclear Weapons: | 0 |
Last Updated: 09/13/2020 10:02 am |