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Fox Land

Achievement Showcase


The Skulk of Fox Land is a nation led by The Holy Overlord Putmir Vladin on the continent of South America. The Skulk of Fox Land's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The Skulk of Fox Land favors extremely right wing policies. The official currency of The Skulk of Fox Land is the Dollar. At 2,345 days old, The Skulk of Fox Land is an ancient nation. The Skulk of Fox Land has a population of 18,886,733 and a land area of 231,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 81.76. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

3rd in Command of Eclipse

Official Community & API Developer


Government History


The Hanseatic League (Independent):

Former Head of Foreign Affairs for The Hanseatic League

Former Secretary of The Hanseatic League

Acting Prince of The Hanseatic League during NPO's Last Time

RIP The Hansa: 9th December 2018 - 12th November 2019


The Lost Empire:

Former Advisor of The Lost Empire

Former Ocean Master of The Lost Empire

The Commonwealth:

Former Governor of the Hanseatic League

Former Minister of Trade, Development and Resources for The Commonwealth

Former Chief of Staff of The Commonwealth

Former Prime Minister of The Commonwealth



Former Explorer of Technology for Eclipse

Current Specialist of Technology for Eclipse


Conflict History

NPOs Last Time: The Commonwealth / The Hanseatic League


The 10 Day War: The Commonwealth


The Lemon Civil War: The Lost Empire


The Last Ride: The Lost Empire


Error 522: The Lost Empire


Global War 21: Eclipse / Terminus Est


Steamed HOGGs: Eclipse / Terminus Est

Great Leak War: The Commonwealth


The Duckhunt War: The Commonwealth


The KT - Swamp War: The Lost Empire


The TLE - Camelot War: The Lost Empire


Rick's Last Roll: Eclipse / Terminus Est


The Vein has a smol PP war: Eclipse / Terminus Est


Darkest Hour: Eclipse / Terminus Est


Community History

Current Community Manager for Royal Orbis News

Previous Manager / Lead Manager for Royal Orbis News


:BOTS_IN: @zigbig >:(



There is currently not enough information available to provide a factbook for this nation.