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The map of Sklandia is a nation led by COMMANDER Armored Command Unit on the continent of South America. The map of Sklandia's government is a Democracy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The map of Sklandia favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The map of Sklandia is the Euro. At 2,233 days old, The map of Sklandia is an ancient nation. The map of Sklandia has a population of 12,031,250 and a land area of 133,270.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 90.28. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


Me when nuked
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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Sklandia
Leader Name: Armored Command Unit
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Bald eagle
History: In the early days of its foundation, the country faced numerous challenges as it embarked on a path of growth and development. King Arnaldo the first, a visionary ruler with a deep appreciation for the land, recognized the potential of the area now known as modern-day Brazil. He saw the fertile lands, abundant natural resources, and strategic location as the perfect foundation for a prosperous nation.

Under King Arnaldo's leadership, the country thrived, particularly due to its advantageous position on a main trade route connecting the southern part of the country to other major nations. This trade route brought a steady flow of goods, ideas, and cultural exchange, allowing the nation to flourish both economically and intellectually. The country became a vibrant hub of commerce and cultural diversity, attracting traders, explorers, and settlers from far and wide.

As word spread about the country's prosperity and opportunities, people from various regions flocked to this promising land. The population soared, reaching thousands within a short span of time. The influx of settlers led to the establishment of towns and cities along the trade route, creating a network of bustling centers for trade and commerce.

With the increasing population and economic growth, the country underwent a resource boom in the early 1800s. Vast reserves of valuable minerals, such as gold, diamonds, and other precious metals, were discovered, prompting a frenzied rush to exploit these resources. The resource boom brought unprecedented wealth and further accelerated the country's development.

The newfound wealth from mining activities fueled the expansion of infrastructure, education, and culture. Magnificent cities emerged, adorned with grand architecture and cultural institutions. Universities were founded to nurture the intellectual prowess of the nation's inhabitants, fostering innovation and enlightenment.

Over time, the country's population continued to grow exponentially, surpassing six million people in recent years. This remarkable growth has been fueled by a combination of factors, including natural population increase, immigration, and urbanization. The nation's diverse demographics, a fusion of indigenous peoples, settlers, and immigrants from various parts of the world, have shaped a vibrant and multicultural society.

Today, the country stands as a shining example of progress and resilience, where a humble beginning led to extraordinary achievements. It is celebrated for its rich cultural heritage, breathtaking natural beauty, and economic prowess. The fictional nation's history illustrates the transformative power of visionary leadership, favorable geography, and the indomitable spirit of its people.
Continent: South America
Land Area: 214,476.74 sq. km
Terrain: To the south of the country, the landscape is characterized by rugged and rocky terrain. Majestic cliffs, towering rock formations, and jagged peaks dominate this region. The rocky landscape creates a picturesque and awe-inspiring environment, attracting adventurers and nature enthusiasts. While challenging to traverse, these southern rocky areas are also known for their hidden caves, precious minerals, and breathtaking vistas.

Moving towards the north, the terrain transforms into vast plains that stretch as far as the eye can see. These expansive grasslands offer fertile soil for agriculture, making it an ideal region for farming and livestock grazing. The gently rolling plains provide ample space for cultivation, and the fertile land supports a thriving agricultural industry, ensuring food security and contributing to the nation's economic prosperity.

To the east lie rolling hills, creating a scenic and undulating landscape. These hills offer both agricultural and environmental benefits. They provide natural drainage systems for rainwater, preventing floods and erosion. Additionally, the hills' varied topography offers opportunities for vineyards, orchards, and other agricultural activities that thrive in such conditions. The picturesque beauty of the eastern hills attracts tourists, who enjoy hiking, nature walks, and experiencing the charm of the countryside.

In the west of the country, a network of rivers meanders through the land, enhancing the region's fertility and economic potential. These rivers serve as lifelines, providing water for irrigation, transportation, and energy generation. The abundance of rivers facilitates trade and commerce, enabling the nation to establish robust waterway infrastructure and connect with other regions. Additionally, the riverbanks host lush vegetation, creating a habitat for diverse flora and fauna.

Overall, the fictional nation's terrain showcases a harmonious blend of rocky landscapes, expansive plains, rolling hills, and a well-distributed river system. This diverse geography provides the foundation for various economic activities, supports a rich biodiversity, and offers breathtaking natural beauty that captivates both locals and visitors alike.
Highest Peak: Mt. hood, 15,000 meters
Lowest Valley: -1300, 678 meters
Climate: Skandia experiences a climate that is characterized by intense heat during the summer months, with temperatures soaring as high as 120°F (49°C). This scorching heat influences various aspects of the nation's climate, lifestyle, and natural environment.

During the summer season, the country's inhabitants endure sweltering heatwaves and blistering temperatures. The air becomes dry, and the sun shines relentlessly, casting its scalding rays upon the land. The high temperatures often prompt residents to seek refuge in shaded areas, indoor environments with air conditioning, or near bodies of water to find relief from the heat.

The extreme summer heat influences the nation's flora and fauna as well. Plants have adapted to withstand such conditions, featuring drought-resistant characteristics like deep root systems, succulent leaves, or specialized mechanisms to conserve water. Some animals have evolved unique adaptations, such as nocturnal behavior or burrowing habits to avoid the hottest parts of the day.

While the summer heat can be challenging, the nation also experiences other climatic conditions throughout the year. The overall climate of the region may vary, with potential differences in rainfall patterns, humidity levels, and seasonal variations.

Despite the scorching summer temperatures, the nation may have relatively mild and pleasant weather during other seasons. The transition from summer to other times of the year might bring relief, with cooler temperatures and more comfortable conditions for outdoor activities and exploration.

Additionally, the country's diverse geography, including the presence of hills, rivers, and coastal areas, may contribute to microclimates within different regions. These microclimates can exhibit variations in temperature, precipitation, and overall weather patterns, providing opportunities for different ecosystems to thrive and supporting a range of agricultural activities.

The nation's climate, with its hot summers reaching up to 120°F, requires its inhabitants to adapt and adopt various strategies to cope with the extreme heat. It also contributes to the nation's unique character, shaping its cultural practices, lifestyle choices, and economic activities, while offering challenges and opportunities for its residents and visitors alike.
People & Society
Population: 12,031,250 people
Demonym: English
Demonym Plural: Englishmen
Ethnic Groups: White - 78.0%
Native Hawaiian - 22.0%
Languages: English - 65.0%
Spanish - 35.0%
Religions: Catholic - 100.0%
Life Expectancy: 79 years
Obesity: 9.3%
Alcohol Users: 23.6%
Tobacco Users: 61.2%
Cannabis Users: 31.4%
Hard Drug Users: 12.1%
Description: Skandia operates under a capitalist economy, characterized by a market-based system that emphasizes private ownership, entrepreneurship, and the pursuit of profit. Within this economic framework, various sectors and industries contribute to the nation's overall prosperity and development. Here's an overview of the country's capitalist economy:

Private ownership and free market principles form the foundation of the nation's economic system. Individuals and businesses have the right to own property, engage in trade, and make independent decisions regarding the allocation of resources. This promotes competition, innovation, and the efficient allocation of goods and services in response to market demand.

The government plays a crucial role in maintaining a regulatory framework that ensures fair competition, protects consumers, and enforces contracts. It establishes laws and regulations to prevent monopolies, promote market transparency, and safeguard the rights of individuals and businesses. These regulations foster a level playing field, encouraging entrepreneurship and fostering economic growth.

In this capitalist economy, the nation is likely to have a diverse range of industries and sectors. It may possess a robust manufacturing sector, producing goods for domestic consumption and export. Industries such as automotive, electronics, textiles, and machinery could thrive, generating employment opportunities and contributing to economic growth.

Furthermore, the nation's capitalist economy promotes a dynamic services sector, encompassing areas such as finance, tourism, technology, healthcare, and professional services. These industries often flourish due to the country's strategic location, natural resources, and skilled workforce. The presence of well-developed financial institutions and a thriving stock market may attract both domestic and international investors, fostering capital accumulation and facilitating economic expansion.

Entrepreneurship and innovation play a vital role in the nation's capitalist economy. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often emerge as engines of economic growth, bringing new ideas, products, and services to the market. Start-up ecosystems and incubators may flourish, encouraging the development of a vibrant entrepreneurial culture.

Employment opportunities within a capitalist economy can vary across different sectors. The labor market operates based on supply and demand, with wages determined by market forces. The country may prioritize labor laws that protect workers' rights, provide a social safety net, and promote fair labor practices.

International trade is an essential aspect of the nation's capitalist economy. The government may pursue policies that encourage exports, establish favorable trade agreements, and attract foreign direct investment. By engaging in global trade, the country can expand its market reach, access foreign capital and technologies, and diversify its economy.
Average Yearly Income: $163.99
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $15,715,929,322.00
GDP per Capita: $1,306.26
Gross National Income (GNI): $12,305,137,325.00
Industries: The largest industry in Skandia's economy to date is the oil industry, which holds a paramount position as the primary contributor to the country's economic growth and development. With abundant reserves and advanced extraction technologies, the nation has become a significant player in the global oil market.

The discovery of vast oil reserves within the nation's borders marked a turning point in its economic trajectory. Recognizing the immense potential of this natural resource, the government and private enterprises shifted their focus from previous industries to fully harness the benefits of the oil sector. Extensive exploration efforts and investment in advanced drilling techniques enabled the country to tap into previously untapped oil reserves.

The oil industry has become the cornerstone of the nation's economic landscape, generating substantial revenue and employment opportunities. The extraction, refining, and distribution of oil have led to the development of a robust supply chain, attracting both domestic and international investors to participate in this lucrative sector.

The country's significant oil production allows it to meet domestic energy demands, reducing reliance on imports and enhancing energy security. The availability of a reliable and abundant oil supply also serves as a catalyst for industrial growth and diversification. The petrochemical industry, for instance, benefits from the presence of oil as a raw material, fostering the production of various chemical products used in manufacturing, agriculture, and other sectors.

Furthermore, the oil industry has contributed to the development of infrastructure and technological advancements within the country. Pipelines, refineries, storage facilities, and transportation networks have been established to support the efficient extraction, processing, and distribution of oil. Investments in research and development have led to innovations in drilling techniques, environmental sustainability, and improved safety measures.

However, it's important to note that the nation's economic history has not solely revolved around the oil industry. Prior to the oil boom, the country's focus was primarily on food production, leveraging its fertile lands and favorable climate. Agriculture played a vital role in providing sustenance for the growing population and supporting rural livelihoods. Additionally, the country's resource sector experienced fluctuations, with periods of mining for minerals and metals contributing to economic activity.

While the oil industry has taken precedence in recent times, efforts to diversify the economy beyond oil have gained momentum. The government has implemented strategies to promote non-oil sectors, such as tourism, manufacturing, technology, and renewable energy. These diversification efforts aim to reduce reliance on oil revenues, mitigate the volatility associated with the oil market, and foster sustainable economic growth in the long term.

In summary, the oil industry stands as the largest industry in this nation's economy, driving economic growth, generating revenue, and providing employment opportunities. However, the country has a history rooted in food production and has explored other resource sectors before fully focusing on oil. With a growing emphasis on diversification, the nation aims to build a resilient and sustainable economy that extends beyond oil dependence.
History: In response to the increasing threats posed by neighboring nations and the imperative to maintain peace and order, the nation's king took a pivotal decision in 1467 to establish the first army corps, marking a significant milestone in the nation's military history. This army corps, considered the country's first formal military force of its kind, was created with the primary objective of defending the nation's sovereignty and ensuring the safety of its citizens.

With a clear vision of the need for a professional armed forces, the king undertook the task of organizing and equipping this inaugural army corps. The recruitment process began, attracting individuals who displayed courage, discipline, and a strong commitment to protect their homeland. Careful selection ensured that the army comprised capable and dedicated soldiers who could uphold the nation's values and interests.

Initially, the army corps consisted of approximately 400 soldiers who were provided with the necessary provisions and accommodations. Barracks and training facilities were established to house and train the soldiers, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to defend the nation effectively. As the first of its kind in the country, this army corps laid the foundation for future military endeavors and set the standard for professionalism and discipline within the armed forces.

Over time, the armed forces evolved and expanded, adapting to the changing nature of warfare and the geopolitical landscape. With each passing era, advancements in technology, weaponry, and tactics influenced the structure and capabilities of the armed forces. The military's growth and modernization became a priority, allowing the nation to respond to emerging threats and fulfill its defense obligations more effectively.

The armed forces played a pivotal role not only in defense but also in promoting stability, contributing to regional peacekeeping efforts, and assisting in disaster relief operations. As the military developed, specialized branches were established, including the army, navy, and air force, each with their distinct roles and responsibilities.

Training academies and educational institutions were founded to ensure the professional development of military personnel. These institutions fostered a culture of continuous learning, equipping soldiers with the necessary expertise and leadership skills to face the challenges of modern warfare.

Throughout its history, the armed forces have stood as a symbol of national pride and resilience. They have been called upon to protect the nation's sovereignty, uphold peace, and safeguard the interests of its citizens. The dedication and sacrifices of the men and women in uniform have forged a strong bond between the armed forces and the nation, instilling a sense of unity and patriotism.

In summary, the armed forces were established in response to the neighboring nations' threats to peace and order. The creation of the first army corps in 1467 marked a significant milestone, serving as the country's initial formal military force. Over time, the armed forces evolved, expanded, and modernized, adapting to new challenges and technologies. The armed forces have played a crucial role in defense, stability, and peacekeeping efforts, becoming a source of national pride and a symbol of unity.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 16,500
Aircraft: 2,475
Ships: 0
Missiles: 6
Nuclear Weapons: 7
Last Updated: 06/02/2023 06:03 am