
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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05/18/2015 - New P&W Currency Option

I'm excited to announce (after a long delay) that the results of the P&W Currency Competition are in, and a winner has been chosen by you guys (the players)!

With 190 members participating in the poll, our winner is the Orbis Note with 89 votes. You will now see this option available on your Nation Edit page, and displayed proudly by other nations throughout the game. I'd like to congratulate the user, Phiney, for his winning submission. Thank you to everyone who participated in the competition!

Posted by Sheepy 05/18/2015 10:55 pm      

05/17/2015 - Rebalancing

Please read the full announcement here:

The limit of purchasing 2 spies per day has been put back into place as it was before the last update

The added spy range has been expanded beyond the current -25%/+75% war range, it is now -35%/+125%. While still limiting who you can sabotage, it opens it up a lot more than who you can declare war on.

You can no longer buy any military in Vacation mode. This is pretty obvious, and something that was made apparent to me as a result of the last update.

I've cleaned up the formatting on the military purchasing pages, so that errors are now displayed more clearly and uniformly.

I've added a fancy drop down list to the Leaderboards page that I'd encourage everyone to check out. You can now sort the top 10 nations in a variety of categories, including Population, GDP, military units, casualties, and kills. This was a ton of work to add in, so I hope you'll accept it as my apology for the poor change I made earlier today.

Posted by Sheepy 05/17/2015 10:20 pm      

05/17/2015 - Balance Changes

UPDATE: There is now a spy range also. You can only spy on nations -25%/+75% of your score. This is the same as the current war range. This will prevent big nations with lots and lots of spies from picking on small nations without many.

Pretty straightforward, trying to make some changes to balance the game.

Selling infrastructure now only gives you $150 / level, no matter what

You can now buy 2 spies per city per day. This increases your limit from a hard cap of 2 spies to 2 spies for each city in your nation

The Score formula has been updated to reduce the amount of points nuclear weapons add to your score. They used to be worth 50 points each, they're now only worth 15

The formula for how much money you loot from ground battles has been changed so that more money can be looted the new formula is:

Money Looted = MIN(((Attacking Soldiers * RAND(0.5,1)) + (Attacking Tanks * RAND(7,13)) * Victory), Defender's Money * 0.75, Defender's Money - 100,000)

Read the forum announcement here:

Posted by Sheepy 05/17/2015 07:06 pm      

05/01/2015 - Big Credit Changes

This is a pretty big update, and I highly recommend you read the forum post:

The most important thing everyone should know is that there is an autoplay feature for national anthems that can be disabled by going to your "Account" page (link in the sidebar) and unchecking the box. Many people will be annoying by this feature, and that is why I've included the ability to turn it off for the entire site.

The next most important thing is that credit sales are now limited. You can no longer sell as many credits on the market as you'd like, you are limited to 6 (they count toward the nation bonuses you redeem). You can sell/redeem up to 6 credits per month. This is to prevent pay-to-win mechanics.

Posted by Sheepy 05/01/2015 12:07 am      

04/19/2015 - Vacation Mode

I'm happy to announce Vacation Mode! No more need for nation sitting, if you're going to be gone you can simply enable Vacation Mode and your nation will be frozen for a duration of time of your choosing. Vacation Mode is not a "peace mode" and it is not intended to function as one. To use Vacation Mode, you must enter in the length of your absence in days, with a minimum of 14 days to use it.

The Vacation Mode page is available here, or via the Edit Nation page.

Read the full announcement with all of the details on the forum here:

Posted by Sheepy 04/19/2015 05:26 pm