
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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04/23/2016 - Dynamic Awards

Read all about it here:

A number of awards (such as: Most Infrastructure) have been added, and display on your nation page. They'll shift once a day. For more info, read the forum post above.

Posted by Sheepy 04/23/2016 09:16 pm      

04/18/2016 - Deprecating VIP Forum Benefits

Starting May 1st, Politics and War will no longer offer VIP Benefits (access to the VIP Lounge, new VIP forum pips) to VIP members. All in-game benefits will remain, rest-assured, this is just to reduce my workload in manually processing VIP subscriptions on the forum.

If you have any questions or concerns, please read the full thread here where I've likely addressed them.

Posted by Sheepy 04/18/2016 03:51 pm      

04/13/2016 - More Custom Military Images

Check out your Customize Military page, you now have options for Spies, Missiles, and Nuclear Weapons.

Read the full update here:

Posted by Sheepy 04/13/2016 04:54 am      

04/10/2016 - Blocking Communications from Others

This isn't anything related to gameplay, just a quick announcement that I've removed the "Report" message button (the little red alarm) and replaced it was a "Block" button. You now have the ability to block communications from other players - what this will do is prevent you from seeing any messages from them, and won't let them set an embargo/war declaration message when interacting with you.

This does not prevent you from being attacked by other players or anything like that, this is just a quality of life improvement for players who wish not to communicate with select others.

You can manage your blocked users on the Account page, which got spruced up a little bit and is more convenient to use.

Read more and comment here:

Posted by Sheepy 04/10/2016 09:40 pm      

04/06/2016 - Time Zone Change

We've changed timezones from Mountain Standard Time (GMT-7) to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+0). Read about it here:

Posted by Sheepy 04/06/2016 04:12 am