
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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11/29/2016 - Resource Max Limits

Nation resource caps (limits) are now 9,999,999.99 for all resources.

Posted by Alex 11/29/2016 03:53 am      

11/06/2016 - Alliance Treasure Bonus Change Postponement

The alliance treasure bonus change mentioned in the last update will be further postponed until December 20, 2016, 45 days from now at the time of this writing. You can read more about this change here:

Posted by Alex 11/06/2016 08:42 pm      

11/06/2016 - Alliance Treasure Bonus Change

In 10 days, on November 16, 2016, the formula for Alliance Treasure Bonus will be changed from (Treasures * 2) to sqrt(Treasures * 4). This change is to reduce the sheer power of hording significant amounts of treasures.

You can read more about this change here:

Posted by Alex 11/06/2016 12:27 am      

10/31/2016 - November Donations

Hey all! It's the first of the month again, that means that your Credit redemption caps have been reset. Redemption values and limits are the same as last month, which means you can redeem up to 10 Credits for your nation for gameplay bonuses, that's things like: 1 Credit/$2,500,000; 4 Credits/Reset City/Project Timer; 1 Credit/500 Manufactured Resources, 1 Credit/50 Infrastructure.

You can spend as many Credits as you want on cosmetic things like flags, VIP subscriptions, player advertisements, and more that don't affect your gameplay ability.

Remember, purchasing Credits is what allows Politics & War to exist and thrive as a free to play game. We limit Credit redemption to prevent the game from becoming pay-to-win, but encourage you to donate to support the game and keep development active.

For more information about donations and Credits, check out the Donate page which is available in the sidebar under Account.

Posted by Alex 10/31/2016 11:54 pm      

10/01/2016 - October Donations

Donations have been reset for the month of October. You can now redeem another 10 Credits for pay-to-win benefits.

Posted by Alex 10/01/2016 12:58 am