
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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12/02/2017 - Server Outage

Hey all, just a heads up for those who weren't around, one of the P&W servers went down due to some sort of hardware failure or file corruption. P&W was offline for ~6 hours so a few turns were missed, but we were able to restore the game from a recent backup so little/no data was lost and we're back online now. If you're wondering why you missed 5 turns of revenue and MAPs, that is why.

The good news is that we also upgraded the servers while we brought them back online, so you should notice improved performance throughout the site.

Posted by Alex 12/02/2017 11:11 pm      

12/01/2017 - December Donations

December is upon us!

You will notice our winter themed logo and snow. If you want to disable the snow effects, there is a setting on your Account page.

It's also time for Donations to reset. You can now redeem up to 10 Credits for pay-to-win bonuses, like infrastructure, resources, money, and resetting City/Project timers.

One additional note, I have removed the 1 Credit cost to creating new alliances going forward. However, I did increase the 100 score prerequisite to 300 score.

If you're participating in the test server tournament you'll also notice we're testing out a new Bounty system there as well.

Happy December!

Posted by Alex 12/01/2017 12:35 am      

11/25/2017 - Donation Changes & New Test Server Tournamnet

*The Monthly Subscription price has been increased from the promotional rate to the regular rate of $39.95 / mo. You still get free VIP & $1 million in-game per month with the subscription. Existing subscriptions are unaffected and locked in at the lower $34.99 price indefinitely.

*The Donation for Infrastructure reward has been increased from 50 infrastructure to 100 infrastructure.

*The Donation for Resources reward has been increased from 500 resources to 2,000 resources

*We are testing some new war changes on the Test Server. These war changes are the introduction of War Types of which there are three, Ordinary, Attrition, and Raid. Depending on your War Type, the amount of damage/loot you do is changed. You can read more about that on the Test Server changelog. We will be testing these new war changes with a Test Server Tournament, starting at 12AM server time November 30, 2017. The Tournament will run for 20 days and end at 12AM server time December 20, 2017. The top 3 nations in the tournament will receive free VIP for 6 months in the real server and a special nation award. Shortly prior to the tournament start all nations and alliances will be wiped from the Test Server and registration will be disabled until the tournament start..

*If you are unfamiliar with the Test Server, the test server link is: Your test server account is separate from your real server account. Multis on the test server are NOT allowed. The test server does NOT send emails, and you do not need to verify your account with an email to play there. Trading and Banking are disabled on the Test Server. Any cheating or rule breaking on the Test Server will result in a permanent Test Server ban, for this and all future tournaments.

*If you have any questions about anything, I encourage you to jump on Discord and ask your questions there. There is also a dedicated #the-test-server chat channel for test server discussion. <-- Discord Link

Posted by Alex 11/25/2017 07:12 pm      

11/04/2017 - Game Rules Change

Hello everyone,

This is a heads up that the Game Rules have been updated. You can read the updated rules here:

Specifically, this change is about players trading real-world money/goods for in-game money/resources. Such actions were not explicitly prohibited in the Game Rules before; they are now.

The point of this rule change is to prevent the game from being "Pay-to-win." I have always kept the ability to "buy" your way ahead in the game limited, and some players have avoided that by skipping Credits and just buying money directly from other players. It just came to my attention yesterday that this was an active issue, and going forward, anyone caught doing this will be first completely reset, and if caught again, banned.

Posted by Alex 11/04/2017 05:06 pm      

10/31/2017 - November Donations

It's that time again, donations have been reset for the month of November. If you're unfamiliar with donations or how they work, give this video a quick watch:

Posted by Alex 10/31/2017 11:59 pm