Nation Bulletin

The Nano Age | Act IV Part 2

(Picture has no relation to the bulletin, just wanna show off)

By Digital Diaries of Eriko Manaka and Iris Kalogeropoulos
04/24/2024 01:27 am
Updated: 04/24/2024 01:36 am

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  “Haruka, I’m going to training, can you handle yourself for the usual time?” Haruka nods slightly.”Alright, I’m leaving now, bye…” I leave, sighing, rubbing the bridge of my nose. Why did Iris leave. Todomaru has stayed in Kaikoma, probably because the radiation isn’t bad here. In other news, I heard that multiple generals have been sacked recently. “Recuit Eriko Manaka, reporting in for duty.” I say to the trainer. “Sup kid?” My new training officer greets me, though I can’t say very professionally. “I’m- uh, here for training for the ACESF thing?” “Yep, we’ve been waiting on you. Usually I’d berate you but I heard what happened so I’ll let it slide this time. Be up on time for the next sessions though.” “Of course, sir,” “Come with me, greenbag.” “Oh- Okay!” I follow him. “Greenbags! At attention!” I get as much at attention as I can, whatever that means. “For you, Manaka. When I say ‘at attention’ I want you to stand straight, breast forward and salute. The call to attention is a fundamental basic in military discipline." Oh, I didn’t know it was that obvious. I straighten my back and stand a bit more to attention. “Yes sir!” “Recruits! This is our newest member! Manaka Eriko. She’s younger than all of you but that doesn’t make her any less of a soldier than any of you. I expect you to treat her like a sister!” The other recruits shout, “Sir yes sir!” “We will begin with lung capacity tests today! Get changed and then meet up at the running track!” I return to my apartment to change, “Hi Haruka, I’m popping in for a second.” I rush to my bedroom and change into the fitness clothing I was give- ooh, I look good. Haruka pops her head through the frame. “Are you going running?” “I have a lung capacity test.” I stretch out my legs and arms, “See you later Haruka!” “Wait!” “Yes?” “I wanna come too! I don’t wanna stay locked up in this room all day.” Haruka pouts. “Lemme come with you!” “Er… wanna come watch?” I ping my drill instructor’s phone to see if it’s okay to bring Haruka. ‘Yeah, sure. Long as she doesn’t make any trouble.’ he replies back. I smile and send a text back, ‘Great! Thank you!’ “Haruka, you can come, as long as you don’t cause trouble!” “You should know me by now, Eriko.” I smile, nodding, “Come on.” I start walking at a brisk but not hurried pace. Haruka is following behind closely in a fur coat. It’s cold outside but the running should negate that. I notice soot falling from the sky, “Huh, Haruka, do you see that? Must be from the firestorms in Siberia” I rub some soot off Haruka’s face as we get to the track. She happily sits down on the concrete seats and watches as we line up before our trainer. “Reporting for the test, sir.” “You change fast.” he remarks. “Nevermind that, as you can see, two of your comrades are already taking the test. You and Saburō over there are next in line.” “Am I allowed to use my cybernetics?” “I don’t see how brain implants would improve physical performance so feel free.” “I could list a few examples, like purging the fatigue chemicals from my brain, though that would probably be dangerous.” I stretch and get ready, “I’ll just do my best.” “I can’t ask any more of you.” As they finish, the two runners cross the 800 metre sprint mark. “Right, that’s time greenbags! Grab a drink and catch a breather before reporting to me for your results! Eriko, Saburō, you’re up!” I start running, trying to remember the 1600 meter runs I used to do. I’m not getting too tired, but it’s just the first lap. Surprisingly, I’m keeping pace with Saburō. That’s either good or bad depending on how you see it. I can faintly hear Haruka cheering me on from the concrete stands.. I smile a little, and keep running, focusing on the track. I realize that Saburō is trying to go really fast, why? Nomura pings me. ‘It’s a race! Beat him!’ oh. Heh, that changes things. I speed up, going faster. I notice Saburō attempting to speed up. I run faster, pushing myself. Hah! I’m about to pa-AH!
  I watch in anger and fear as Eriko falls on her face and tumbles 10 meters as the Saburō guy trips her. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing!?” I run out on the sprint track and stand right in that guy’s way just before he crosses the finish line. He stops. “What? Just doing my task.” “You tripped Eriko!” “No clue what you’re talking about.” “Something wrong here kiddo?” the trainer guy walks up to me as Eriko makes her way over with a few scratches on her face, “I’m okay.” “That guy made Eriko trip on purpose!” Eriko casually walks past Saburō and the finish line, “I win.” The trainer guy looks at Eriko and the Saburō dude and tells them to follow him, with the Saburō guy giving me a mean look as we go, which earns him Eriko’s death glare and me mocking him, sticking my tongue out and going “Bleh!” Eriko smiles, the wounds on her face already healed. The three walk behind the stands where I sit down again. I can clearly hear what they’re saying. “So, what happened?” “Sir, I-” “Ladies first, Saburō. Mind your manners.” “I was running, close to passing Mr. Saburō here, when he stuck out his leg and tripped me on the track. I have a recording and everything.” “Sir, that’s no-” “Save it, Saburō. I know you. I got great news for you, the Airman’s dorm’s toilets are clogged again and today’s beans day. Need I say more?” Ewwwwwwww. “As for you, Miss Manaka, you’ll need to learn that recruits are ambitious. They’ll do what they can to win. That means, some of them will do something as dumb as sacrifice their comrades for personal gain. If you see that that is about to happen, you hereby have my personal approval to beat the living sh*t out of them.” “Of course, sir. May I continue my endurance test?” “That is the plan. Also, for the little girl up on the stands, keep her off the track, please. I don’t wanna be responsible for someone accidentally breaking her nose.” “If she gets her nose broken, there’d be hell to pay, but yes, sir, I understand.” They make their way back to the front of the stage. “Rest up a little, Eriko. You can run a bit more after these two are done. Speaking off, get to the start, we’ll start soon!” “I did win right? I stepped over the finish line before he did.” “It was a time trial not a race but in standard definition, yes, you won.” Eriko sounded satisfied, “Good, I’ll take a rest and get back on the track.” 
  I sit, watching the others run. Haruka leans on my shoulder,. “What an a**hole…” “I agree.” “How was the run?” “I won by technicality, and now I’m waiting to do 10 consecutive laps.” I smile at Haruka, “I’ll do great.” “Yeesh, sounds exhausting…” “Mind carrying me back afterwards?” I sort of joke. “Ehhhhh? I don’t think I can do that… I don’t do any weight lifting!” “We should get you signed up for a bodybuilding program, Haruka, imagine being a little bean like you are, but able to eat people like Saburō for breakfast.” “But couch comfy…” I nod sadly, “And look at me, I’m training to be a Special Ops soldier.” “Ooh, I can be your nerdy assistant that gives you all the info like in those spy movies!” I giggle and nod, “Except you’d be able to take out whoever threatens you! Oooooh, wait more maybe you could be the Queen of Drones, imagine controlling a hundred eyes in the sky with your implants, having them react with human speed reactions. Raining hell or being helpful watchdogs!”  “I’m gonna take over Japan!” Haruka gives an evil giggle. “Hah, I’d be your right hand woman!” The runners get back, “Manaka, you’re up!” I jump up and start running. This training will surely be interesting.
  I drive along the roadside with the radio tuned on. I had to ditch the APC and instead stole this car. It’s comfy, I can’t complain. The radio is chirping happy tunes while I make my way to Fukuoka. Feels like I’ve been awake for ages. “And the biggest news today, the monster ship ‘Umi no Kaibutsu’ has been sighted in the Ainu port of Otaru. Ajakon bombers have already begun sortieing against the Ainu ship.” The reporter continues, her voice interested, “The Ajakon government has contacted the military, and it seems that both the government and military is extremely concerned about invading the Ainu Kingdom, because of what the Japanese have done to the Ainu in the past.” The news broadcaster switches to a man. “In other news, the provisional government is still in negotiations with local militias such as around Niigata and the Isles of Kyushu. Civilians took up arms in these regions to avoid a collapse into Anarchy while the government finds itself in exile but reintegration is getting harder by the day as the Provisional Government refuses to give concessions demanded by the militias, causing mild standoffs between the people and the military.” The screen cuts to a harried looking Todomaru, “Yes, yes, I understand, no, I can’t summon bread. We have secured a shipment of food from the UoI, we just need to wait.” A bunch of reporters and civilians start shouting at Todomaru, with someone throwing a bucket of rice at her. She smoothly dodges, “Yes, you may be upset, but don’t waste what food you have on me.” She’s escorted back into the building, looking stressed and tired. The screen cuts back to the first reporter, who looks slightly grossed out before putting that reporting mask back on, “Well, that was definately an interesting situation the provisional leader seems to have put herself into, Japanese Commercial Media, watching by.” The news ends and it goes back to music. “Country’s running aground but at least the people remain the same.” I giggle to myself. I shouldn’t have much further to go. I already passed 6 militia and a couple Army of the Ajakon Confederation checkpoints. They basically set up their own police state down here. I heard Fukuoka is still itself though. Might be worth a shot to sell and install cybernetics again. ‘If you’re good at something you should make it your profession’ right? Come on, another checkpoint? Let’s see… Yeah, Militia. That should go by fast. I drive until I hit a line of vehicles waiting to enter. “For all the sh*t they allow, they are really slow at getting people through.” I think aloud. I see tanks driving up. They’re headed towards a military checkpoint just a few kilometres down from here. Wonder if they’re actually looking to start something or if it’s just a scare tactic. One of the tanks stops near the militia checkpoint and its command shouts out of a airhorn, “We’re checking if the militia checkpoints have enough resources to keep running.” The militia commander warily replied, “We could use water.” “Understood, we have a water tanker coming. In the meantime, keep doing what you do, it’s helpful.” The tanks start driving, continuing to the checkpoint they were assigned to. I laugh to myself. “They would be helpful if you gave them access to your data-bases~. Though I guess making them look occupied and not shooting them is a plus for morale on both ends.” The militia waves me through. “Shouldn’t be much longer until I reach the city of lost hopes and dreams.” Before I can even finish that thought the neon lights of the city disturb my optical module. [Ow, Iris, be careful what you look at.] “This thing is not built for bright lights.” [I can feel that, it hurts my circuits. Not to mention the massive signal I’m getting from the north.] “Just tune it out. You’re robotic, you can turn specific wavelengths off.” [It’s across almost all the wavelengths, it’s like another AI.] “You’re smart. Figure it out.” I pull over to the side and take my things. Time to ditch another car. But, I’m at my goal at last. I can walk the rest. Fukuoka. The city of broken dreams. [This city is made just for us, Iris.] “First time in twelve months I actually agree with you.” A TV nearby has a guy on screen, “This just in, ‘Prime Minister of Tomfoolery’ Akimoto is returning to Japan in 5 days. GiC Todomaru has announced this to the nation 20 minutes ago.” I walk for what feels like ages. I’m happy I found this coat. Walking around in a lab coat would arouse a lot of suspicion. I’m making my way through alleyways, walking past some shady figures and stumbling upon a few junkies before suddenly in a mostly abandoned street someone bumps into me. “Ah, sorry, trying to get to my apartment.” “Unlucky for you.” I pull a knife out. I have no money and no food. I really need it. “Money, now.” The other woman froze for a couple seconds. [She’s gonna fight back, move to the left, she favours her right hand.] The woman throws a punch, just like my ‘buddy’ said, and I easily dodge. I take her into a chokehold with my cybernetic arm, locking it into place. “You dense or something?” “No, I have a f**king gun.” “Good for you. I have a robo arm. I can break your neck before you can even pull it out.” The woman bites my arm, somehow biting one of the wires, and yelps “Ow-” “Feeling comfortable or why did you feel the need to break my arm into place? You wanna stay in a chokehold forever?” The woman pulls something on her keychain as a loud ringing happens, “That was stupid of me.” “Correct. Are you done playing clown now or do I have to stab you for the money?” She elbows me in the stomach, causing my arm to hit her neck, causing her to choke a little. “Locked in place. No matter how much you struggle, you’re trapped. Now, for the love of god, hand over the money before I actually hurt you.” “Ooh what does this button do!” “Used to activate self defense but you bit the wires. I’m getting tired of this.” I feel around for a wallet or something like it. Eventually I find one in the left back pocket. “Girl, don’t, I don’t know who the hell you are, don’t steal my sh*t!” “Yeah, well, tough luck. I’m not starving today.” “Then just let me buy you some f**king food, it’s not that hard to ask for help.” “It is actually. The last guy who asked got shot in between the eyes. Did you forget where you live for a second?” The other woman sighs, “god, I miss Niigata, There’s 400 Yen in the side pocket of the wallet. Please don’t take anything else.” Hm. I take 50 Yen and put the wallet back where it was. “Sorry ‘bout this.” I choke her a little until she starts passing out before I forcibly release my arm’s lock and run off, leaving her coughing on the ground. I may not starve today but god I feel awful about it. “Hey, girl, I know a guy that looks a little like you, I covered a story about a guy on a sub that nearly died from a heart attack.” “If you wanna get out of this without brain damage you’ll forget you ever saw me.” I finally run off into an alley to fix my arm up. Strong jaw that girl. Luckily I know a thing or two about robotics…

Part III