View Alliance
Heung Shing Corporation


For any inquiries such as application, diplomacy, etc., please join the Discord server and contact the Government, NOT the Speaker of the House NOR the King.

Kind message to applicants

According to Act 8 of Heung Shing Corporation, you are required to join the Discord server of Heung Shing Corporation and conduct an interview before you can become one of the Super-nationals. 

Weird counter policy

Heung Shing Corporation protects all Super-nationals when any one of them is under attack. We also reserve the right to counter those who attacked our applicants.

We may counter the attacker's allies if the attacker is unable to counter.
We may counter later if we find that you're beige when you attack our Super-nationals.


His Majesty William Wilson II 



The House of Commons

The Speaker of The House of Commons

His Majesty William Wilson II 

Member of Parliament

The Right Honourable Chris Wong MP

The Right Honourable Chuen Kwokyanman MP

The Right Honourable SebKam MP

 Dadoubleny MP

God Pig MP

Kafeadou MP

 SongTaizu MP




Prime Minister

The Right Honourable Chris Wong MP

Minister of Home Affairs

The Right Honourable Chuen Kwokyanman MP

Minister of Finance

The Right Honourable SebKam MP

Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Right Honourable Chris Wong MP

Minister of Military Affairs

The Right Honourable Chuen Kwokyanman MP


Non-cabinet member

Secretary of Education

The Right Honourable Chris Wong MP

Secretary of Membership Service

Iupi Milovic


Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status
Federated States of Orbis04/12/202249purple4,219.06206,733.78Active
Empire of the Romans01/26/202456purple4,644.28260,079.84Active