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The Combine


The Combine is a immense and powerful inter-dimensional empire that has Set out to conquer parallel universes and to achieve its goal of conquering and assimilating the entire multiverse.

What We Offer:

⚔️ Protection & Support – Grow safely with experienced allies.
💰 Resources & Trade – Get the supplies you need to build fast.
🎯 War & Strategy – Fight alongside skilled warriors in coordinated battles.
📜 Knowledge & Training – Learn from top players and rise to power!
🤝 Active Community – Friendly members and leadership always ready to help.

Join Our Ranks:

Civil Protection: The police are responsible for the law enforcement of the Combine empire. 

Combine Solider: The basic Soldiers of the Combine and the backbone of their military force. 

Combine Elite: The highest ranking soldier and are ready to take on any potential threat to the Combine. 

Administrator: The Second in command of the Combine and oversees the empire on behalf of the Combines leaders. 

Combine Advisor: The leaders of the Combine and make sure this empire always achieve’s victory for the empire they have created. 

What We Expect:

Be Active – Contribute and engage with the team.
Work Together – Cooperation is key to victory.
Respect & Loyalty – A strong alliance stands united.

Join The Combine today and become part of something greater. Together, we will conquer Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger! 💪





Basic Information
Alliance Name: The Combine (TCE)
Combine Advisor : King Jeremy
Administrator : VaderR
Combine Soldier: Jack Grimmson
Founded: 03/08/2025 (0 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Aqua Antarctica
Members: 3
Alliance Rank: #164 of 480 (34.17%)
Score: 5,521.75
Avg Score: 1,840.58
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 0 (0%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 26
Total Infrastructure: 45,693.86
Total Land: 49,300.00
Total GDP: $5,246,131,159
Total GNI: $3,892,543
Total Soldiers: 390,000
Total Tanks: 30,648
Total Aircraft: 1,674
Total Ships: 315
Total Spies: 146
Total Missiles: 10
Total Nuclear Weapons: 0
Wars Won: 375
Wars Lost: 10
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Type Alliance Text
ODoAP European Coal And Steel CoalitionN/A