View Alliance
The Professional defense corp


8524b191c1a04df3e420c950d89926dde9a32d8ex53.pngWe Specialize in military assistance of many kinds including security, financial aid, intelligence and MUCH more. This alliance is only for those dedicated to bettering themselves and their brothers within the alliance and allies outside. We are a P.M.C alliance offering services based on certain criteria. 

Motto: secure success 

            bonuses for joining 

1, optional military training to improve knowledge in the field.

2, optional grants for building.

3, optional project funding.

4, many opportunities for advancement 

5, a community prepared to fight for you in the face of adversity.


7, military based rank system.

8, the opportunity to make money through military contracts.


1, DISCORD*(we can't fight properly if we can't communicate properly)

2, be willing to learn as well as teach.

3, be willing to fight wars.

4, be willing to fulfill all duties when called upon.

5, be willing to take contracts to provide services.

6, remain active daily.

7, follow all build requirements 


1, keep contracts and those who hire you secret at all costs. (Breaking this rule will result in dismissal without warning) 

2, actively participate in contracted wars or raids.

3, be prepared for retaliation at all times.

4, follow the chain of command.

5, remain respectful and uphold the reputation we hope to build even in the face of enemies. 

6, remain active in discord.

If you wish to hire someone within the corp please contact the leader.

If you wish to contract the entire alliance please contact the leader and second in command.

Contracts vary in price based on the job. 

Low low prices for spy contracts are currently available. 

Do you think you have what it takes? Then join us

Wanna learn to raid? Then join us

Wanna fight for those in need? Then join us 

Wanna be independent? Then JOIN US!!

                  Medals and awards 

Medal of Honor: 


Silver Star:


Commendation medal:


Distinguished service medal:


Combat readiness ribbon:



Basic Information
Alliance Name: The Professional defense corp (P.D.C.)
Command Sergeant-Major: Marlboro man
Sergeant-Major : Tecumseh
Founded: 03/07/2025 (2 Days Old)
Color Trade Bloc: Pirate Black
Members: 9
Alliance Rank: #156 of 481 (32.43%)
Score: 6,234.69
Avg Score: 692.74
Accepting Members: Yes!
Vacation Mode Members: 0 (0%)
Beige Nations: 2 (22.22%)
Gray Nations: 0 (0%)
Alliance Treasures: 0
Alliance Treasure Bonus: Help 0.00%
Total Cities: 47
Total Infrastructure: 52,511.71
Total Land: 53,572.00
Total GDP: $5,778,786,296
Total GNI: $9,349,722
Total Soldiers: 423,387
Total Tanks: 16,638
Total Aircraft: 882
Total Ships: 42
Total Spies: 62
Total Missiles: 0
Total Nuclear Weapons: 0
Wars Won: 55
Wars Lost: 9
No Applicants
Alliance Score Over Time
Member City Distribution
Type Alliance Text

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